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10/27/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

10/27/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. Choe Son Hui recently underwent three months forced labor

2. Vice FM calls alliance with U.S. 'foundation' of S. Korea's diplomacy, security during election team meeting

3. Moon's special adviser urges N.K. to resume inter-Korean talks before new U.S. president takes office

4. China went up against a K-pop giant - and lost

5. N. Korea showing little sign of easing border control: unification ministry

6. Seoul’s defense minister hints at the possibility of reduction of USFK

7. North Korea's 'October surprise' highlights the importance of U.S. homeland missile defense

8. S. Korea's economy returns to growth in Q3 as pandemic-caused trade slump eases

9. Suga adopts Abe's hard line toward South Korea

10. Seoul may again distance itself from UN resolution condemning Pyongyang

11. North Korea punishes unauthorized mask makers hoping to profit from COVID-19 demand

12. Kim Jong Un's science policy improved industries, North Korea university says

13. USFK requires flu shots for all members, stresses vaccine safety

14. US flies surveillance aircraft near Korean Peninsula: aviation tracker

15. Samsung Ddsplay gets U.S. licenses to supply some panels to Huawei: source

16. N. Korea and China agree to resume train service in late November

17. Xi accused by Seoul of distorting history in his Korean War speech

18. Elections, nukes, and the future of the South Korea - U.S. alliance

19. [US elections and Korea] US presidential election to bring changes, challenges for Seoul

20. N.K. leader's increased public activities suggest he has better control over coronavirus: expert

21. EU backs Nigerian candidate over Korean for WTO leadership


1. Choe Son Hui recently underwent three months forced labor

Daily NK · Jang Seul Gi · October 27, 2020

No one is immune to punishment (except Kim Jong-Un himself).

Note the reasons for her punishment: disagreement over US policy.

To borrow the old line from Cool Hand Luke… I wonder if they "got her mind right."


2. Vice FM calls alliance with U.S. 'foundation' of S. Korea's diplomacy, security during election team meeting

Yonhap News Agency · sshluck@yna.co.kr · October 27, 2020

So now we know the new Vice Foreign Minister's mission. I hope he gets ROK/US alliance issues sorted out after the election! :-)


3. Moon's special adviser urges N.K. to resume inter-Korean talks before new U.S. president takes office

Yonhap News Agency · julesyi@yna.co.kr · October 27, 2020

I guess Moon Chung-In thinks he has picked the winner of the US election (though I suppose it is the headline editor's fault as Moon said "new administration" and not "new president" - obviously if President Trump is reelected his will still be a new administration).

We should not forget the June 30, 2017 Joint Statement from Presidents Trump and Moon in which they said they would focus on denuclearizing the North, they would use maximum pressure to bring the North to the negotiating table, and South Korea would take the lead for setting the conditions for peaceful unification. For all our criticism of North-South engagement and the push by South Korea on a number of issues from end of war declaration to cross border projects and engagement, an argument can be made they are in keeping with the agreement between the two Presidents three years ago.


4. China went up against a K-pop giant - and lost

Washington Post · Arthur Tam · October 26, 2020

I think everyone needs to calm about this conflict and stop touting the "winning," because it is likely to come back and haunt them. We know how badly China hates to be humiliated. On the other hand, there are lessons to be learned from this.


5. N. Korea showing little sign of easing border control: unification ministry

Yonhap News Agency · kokobj@yna.co.kr · October 26, 2020

The regime is exploiting COVID to further repress the Korean population and isolate itself. It is taking full advantage of COVID to implement and sustain its draconian population and resources control measures. I am sure Kim believes this strengthens the regime. But it only illustrates how his policy decisions continue to cause the suffering of the Korean people living in the North.


6. Seoul’s defense minister hints at the possibility of reduction of USFK

Dong-A Ilbo · Kyu-Jin Shin · October 27, 2020

This is unhelpful, Minister Suh. There does not need to be a reduction in US forces in Korea if the alliance can adopt an effective policy of strategic flexibility. Just as the OPCON transition is a necessary and positive evolution of the ROK/US Alliance, strategic flexibility is a necessary and positive step forward as well. It is time for the alliance to mature.


7. North Korea's 'October surprise' highlights the importance of U.S. homeland missile defense

Washington Times · Patty-Jane Geller · October 26, 2020

Yes, there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that we must improve homeland defense against these threats.


8. S. Korea's economy returns to growth in Q3 as pandemic-caused trade slump eases

Yonhap News Agency · Kim Deok-hyun · October 27, 2020

A lot we could have learned from our ally, South Korea. Execute the public health fundamentals, with everybody on board, without locking the economy.


9. Suga adopts Abe’s hard line toward South Korea

Korea Joong Ang Daily · Shim Kyu-Seok · October 26, 2020

So, no change. Japan places historical issues above national security and national prosperity. Not a good sign for Northeast Asia security.


10. Seoul may again distance itself from UN resolution condemning Pyongyang

Korea Joong Ang Daily · Shim Kyu-Seok · October 26, 2020

Please do not do this. Do not sacrifice your principles and the human rights of the Korean people living in the North - your brothers and sisters. "Distancing" from this resolution will do absolutely nothing for North-South relations. Kim Jong-Un just puts another notch in his belt, marking the continued success of his political warfare strategy. It is better to stand by your principles and the Korean people living in the North rather than try to coddle the regime by such "distancing."


11. North Korea punishes unauthorized mask makers hoping to profit from COVID-19 demand

Radio Free Asia · Hyemin Son, Leejin Jun, & Eugene Whong · October 26, 2020

But the Korean people in the North are demonstrating their resilience and creativity and the market principles that are becoming part of their "new DNA."


12. Kim Jong Un's science policy improved industries, North Korea university says

UPI · Elizabeth Shim · October 26, 2020

A lot of academic freedom in North Korea. All universities and research institutions are free to heap praise on the regime and free to make all research projects result in the outcomes the regime wants.  Everyone is free to demonstrate personal loyalty to the regime at all times.


13. USFK requires flu shots for all members, stresses vaccine safety

Yonhap News Agency · graceoh@yna.co.kr · October 27, 2020

It is always required for all military personnel. It is not unique to COVID. You never want to be on the bad shot list in your unit.


14. US flies surveillance aircraft near Korean Peninsula: aviation tracker

Korea Herald · Yonhap · October 27, 2020

My RFI is have we seen the fielding of the new modernized military equipment displayed at the October 10th military parade? Is the NKPA being modernized or was that purely for show?


15. Samsung display gets U.S. licenses to supply some panels to Huawei: source

Reuters · Heekyong Yang & Kim Coghill · October 26, 2020


16. N. Korea and China agree to resume train service in late November

Daily NK · Mun Dong Hui · October 27, 2020

Tourism equals funds for the regime and its royal court economy. Or perhaps I should say "forced tourism" - you will vacation in North Korea, you will spend money there, and you will have a good time.

China remains complicit in sanctions evasion.


17. Xi accused by Seoul of distorting history in his Korean War speech

Straits Times · Bloomberg · October 27, 2020

I am glad to see this is getting some press. The South Korea government should be pressing this issue hard.


18. Elections, nukes, and the future of the South Korea - U.S. alliance

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace · Toby Dalton & Ain Han · October 26, 2020

I am very concerned about the future of the alliance. I fear we are approaching the proverbial "perfect storm" and the conditions feeding into that storm come from both sides of the Pacific.

The 11 page report can be found here.


19. [US elections and Korea] US presidential election to bring changes, challenges for Seoul

Korea Herald · Choi He-Suk · October 27, 2020

Regardless of who wins, there will be changes. Buckle up. It could be a rough ride.


20. N.K. leader's increased public activities suggest he has better control over coronavirus: expert

Yonhap News Agency · julesyi@yna.co.kr · October 27, 2020

Perhaps. But it may also be necessary for exerting and ensuring his power.


21. EU backs Nigerian candidate over Korean for WTO leadership

Korea Times · Reuters · October 27, 2020


"Friends are like walls. Sometimes you lean on them, and sometimes it's good just knowing they are there."

- Author Unknown

"I believe with all my heart that our first priority must be world peace, and that use of force is always and only a last resort, when everything else has failed, and then only with regard to our national security."

- Ronald Reagan

“Even if you strive diligently on your chosen path day after day, if your heart is not in accord with it, then even if you think you are on a good path, from the point of view of the straight and true, this is not a genuine path. If you do not pursue a genuine path to its consummation, then a little bit of crookedness in the mind will later turn into a major warp. Reflect on this.”

― Musashi Miyomoto, A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy

dwmiv Tue, 10/27/2020 - 1:34pm

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