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10/20/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

10/20/2020 News & Commentary - Korea

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Duncan Moore.

1. North Korea’s new ICBM: why the “monster missile” matters

2. Only Star Wars can beat North Korea's nukes

3. North Korea cybercriminals threaten Russian entities, report says

4. Kim Jong Un rescued after SUV rolled into ditch, state media says

5.  S. Korean defense chief, U.S. commander vow strong cooperation for N.K. denuclearization

6.  N.K. fast narrowing missile technology with S. Korea: defense development agency chief

7. N.K. media slams S. Korea over recent defense talks with U.S.

8.  Seoul to get U.S. drone intelligence system

9. Deployment of Global Hawk carried out behind closed doors

10. N. Korea's new ICBM can't hit two or more targets at same time

11. Post typhoon repairs: progress on Chongjin Bridge

12. South Korea's April 2020 elections rigged? The answer is a clear no.

13. North Korea thinks America started ebola

14. Cheong Wa Dae mired in corruption

15. One of China's largest logistics companies stops delivering BTS goods

16. South Korea eases coronavirus restrictions, touts 'exceptional' success

17. Coronavirus outbreak? North Korea school opening delayed: report

18. New contingent of "Storm Corps" sent to Sino-N. Korean border

19. Experts look for solutions to Korea-Japan conundrum

20. What my North Korean friend taught me about home


1. North Korea’s New ICBM: Why the “Monster Missile” Matters

National Interest · Markus V. Garlauskas · October 19, 2020

From the former NIO for Korea: “I would add one other important point. This is a critical system for exploitation in negotiations. I think Kim could use this as a future concession. Something to give up in return for sanctions relief. Kim believes he will be able to convince us to push for the elimination of the ‘Hwasong 16’ based on the excellent expert analysis below. We don't want Kim to have such a system.”


2. Only Star Wars can beat North Korea’s nukes

Washington Times · Brandon J. Weichert · October 19, 2020

Clickbait title perhaps but the author's key message is here. And, of course, this is a bigger issue than North Korea.


3. North Korea cybercriminals threaten Russian entities, report says

UPI · Elizabeth Shim · October 19, 2020

An interesting development. But North Korea has no friends, only interests, and, of course, it is interested in penetrating the defense firms of any country, to include Russia.


4. Kim Jong Un rescued after SUV rolled into ditch, state media says

UPI · Elizabeth Shim · October 19, 2020

Safety first, gentlemen. I am sure the rescuers will forever be heroes of the regime (the story will be a legend, as noted) and those responsible for the mishap will be in the gulag.

But how many times have we seen Jeeps and HMMWVS slip off rice paddy dikes in South Korea? We have all seen it happen. I recall a major recovery operation one late winter in the DMZ just as the thaw was occurring. The paddies had not been flooded, yet but the melted snow made them bogs. We had a HMMWV so stuck that it took three other vehicles to pull it out of the mire.


5. S. Korean defense chief, U.S. commander vow strong cooperation for N.K. denuclearization

Yonhap News Agency · graceoh@yna.co.kr · October 20, 2020

I understand the title and the focus, but there is much more to the alliance than just North Korea denuclearization. Readiness is not just to support denuclearization.


6. N.K. fast narrowing missile technology with S. Korea: defense development agency chief

Yonhap News Agency · scaaet@yna.co.kr · October 20, 2020

We have not seen the testing to confirm this. But we should remember that North Korea has surprised us many times with their advances.

I am not as concerned with competition between North and South as to "matching" ballistic missile capabilities. My concern is with South Korean missile defense. Can it defeat North Korean ballistic missiles?


7. N.K. media slams S. Korea over recent defense talks with U.S.

Yonhap News Agency · julesyi@yna.co.kr · October 20, 2020

A key part of the regime's strategy is to undermine, weaken, and eventually break the alliance. Divide to conquer… divide the alliance to be able to conquer the ROK. We must never forget that when dealing with North Korea and when we make decisions that could impact the alliance (e.g., troop reductions or withdrawal).


8. Seoul to get U.S. drone intelligence system

Korea Joong Ang Daily · Shim Kyu-Seok · October 20, 2020

Good. An important capability.


9. Deployment of Global Hawk carried out behind closed doors

Dong-A Ilbo · Kyu-Jin Shin · October 20, 2020

Maybe not every military or intelligence action should be made public right away or as it happens.


10. N. Korea's new ICBM can't hit two or more targets at same time

Daily NK · Jang Seul Gi · October 20, 2020

Daily NK would seem to be a little out of its lane here, though it is not the one making this analysis. This comes from a Daily NK source in North Korea.


11. Post typhoon repairs: progress on Chongjin Bridge

38 North · Martyn Williams · October 19, 2020


12. South Korea's April 2020 elections rigged? The answer is a clear no.

National Interest · Mitchell Blatt · October 19, 2020

Anti-China Hawks?  I think not.

But it seems Mr. Blatt is carrying the water of both the Moon administration and China.


13. North Korea thinks America started ebola

National Interest · Stephen Silver · October 19, 2020

Actually, we should "believe" much of the regime's propaganda. It often tells us what the regime is going to do and explains policy direction. But, actually, it is not "believing" it that is important. It is analyzing and understanding the messages the regime is sending.


14. Cheong Wa Dae mired in corruption

Dong-A Ilbo · October 20, 2020

This is key. Where are the checks and balances?


15. One of China's largest logistics companies stops delivering BTS goods

All K Pop · AKP Staff · October 19, 2020

The soft power fight and Chinese economic warfare.


16. South Korea eases coronavirus restrictions, touts 'exceptional' success

NPR · Se Eun Gong · October 19, 2020


17. Coronavirus outbreak? North Korea school opening delayed: report

National Interest

Out of an abundance of caution or a possible indicator?


18. New contingent of "Storm Corps" sent to Sino-N. Korean border

Daily NK · Ha Yoon Ah · October 20, 2020

"Hunting weapons?" Shoot to kill orders remain in effect. I do like the "net guns" for defending against animals trying to penetrate into North Korea. This is another indication of the regime's need to defend its border, both from COVIID but also from external influence (economic and information) and from Koreans, who not only want to conduct cross border commerce but also want to escape.


19. Experts look for solutions to Korea-Japan conundrum

Korea Joong Ang Daily · Lee Yu-Jung & Sarah Kim · October 20, 2020

Solutions? I think the word they are looking for is a miracle.


20. What my North Korean friend taught me about home

Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage · Rachel J. Lee · October 19, 2020

This fact is important for us to understand. Despite the hardship and suffering as well as the freedom they experience, there are many escapees (defectors) who still long for their homeland. This truth is important for those working on information and influence activities. Messages cannot vilify the North Korean territory and people and culture. They can and should undermine the regime and expose the regime's wrongdoing as well as educate those in the North about their inalienable human rights. But we should respect the fact that many do want to return and that should be factored into the South's unification plans (it is also helpful to ensure a "stay put" policy when the regime is no longer in power and the unification process begins in earnest). The best way to prevent refugee flows is to incentivize people to remain in their homes. How do you do that? Land ownership is one way.


"Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune; but great minds rise above it."

- Washington Irvine

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."

- Winston Churchill

"This is not a contest between persons. The humblest citizen in all the land, when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of error. I come to you in defense of a cause as holy as the cause of liberty - the cause of humanity."

- William Jennings Bryan

dwmiv Tue, 10/20/2020 - 12:20pm

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