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09/18/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

09/18/2020 News & Commentary – National Security

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. Top U.S. diplomat for East Asia calls China 'lawless bully'

2. US envoy to United Nations meets with Taiwan official in NY

3. Offensive Strike in Asia: A New Era?

4. Trump to increase weapons sales to 'Fortress Taiwan,' report says

5. Indo-Pacific Command leader underscores need for stronger missile defense on Guam

6. Report on potential genetic engineering of COVID-19 is met with criticism

7. Global COVID-19 pandemic cases reach 30 million

8. Trump's former spy chief is calling on Congress to create an election oversight commission

9. Moscow's Mercenary Wars: The Expansion of Russian Private Military Companies

10. Incirlik: Time for the U.S. Military to Leave

11. Conspiracy theories are the pathology of science

12. Black Lives Matter co-founder is leading an initiative funded by a pro-Chinese Communist Party

13. Russia announces troop build-up in Far East

14. U.S. hopes to name Qatar as major non-NATO ally, official says

15. When It Comes To Military Launches, SpaceX May No Longer Be The Low-Cost Provider

16. An "Alliance of Democracies": Is There Any There There?

17. Combat vet fights separation board in case that traces back to the Bin Laden raid

18. Special Ops Plan to Buy New Light-Attack Fleet May Get Pushed Back

19. USAF Special Ops wants VTOL aircraft with 'jet speed' to replace CV-22

20. The Future Role of the U.S. Armed Forces in Counterterrorism


1. Top U.S. diplomat for East Asia calls China 'lawless bully'

Reuters · by David Brunnstrom and Patricia Zengerle · September 17, 2020

Maybe lawless is not completely accurate as one of the three warfares is legal warfare or LAWFARE.  China believes in rule by law - exploiting the law for its own interests.  It does not believe in the rule of law.  This is one of the fundamental ideological differences between the community of democracies and the authoritarian regimes of the revisionist and rogue powers.


2. US envoy to United Nations meets with Taiwan official in NY

ABCNews.com · by ABC News


3. Offensive Strike in Asia: A New Era?

warontherocks.com · by David Santoro · September 18, 2020

This will be one of the most important capabilities in a future major theater war.  Will our allies support development and deployment of these capabilities?


4. Trump to increase weapons sales to 'Fortress Taiwan,' report says

washingtontimes.com· by Guy Taylor· September 18, 2020


5. Indo-Pacific Command leader underscores need for stronger missile defense on Guam

Stars and Stripes· by Seth Robson· September 18, 2020

And Japan. And Korea.


6. Report on potential genetic engineering of COVID-19 is met with criticism

donga.com · September 18, 2020

I think Bannon's propaganda attempt backfired.  Science over propaganda?  Unfortunately I think propaganda wins in two out of three falls.


7. Global COVID-19 pandemic cases reach 30 million

donga.com· September 18, 2020


8.  Trump's former spy chief is calling on Congress to create an election oversight commission

CNN · by Devan Cole

The number one priority for all elected officials and civil servants (and party officials) should be ensure the integrity of the election.  Anyone who undermines the integrity of the election process or falls to protect the election process should no longer hold office, whether elected or appointed.


9. Moscow's Mercenary Wars: The Expansion of Russian Private Military Companies

russianpmcs.csis.org· by Brian Katz, Seth G. Jones, Catrina Doxsee, Nicholas Harrington


10. Incirlik: Time for the U.S. Military to Leave

The National Interest · by Michael Rubin · September 17, 2020

I am not well versed in security operations in this region of the world but my knee jerk reaction to such calls is why give up the high ground?  We need to multiple overseas basing capabilities if we are going to base our national security on the ability to project power.  That said I can understand the issues around Turkey and its reliability.  Just recall the 4th Infantry Division's inability to deploy to Iraq through Turkey in 2003.


11. Conspiracy theories are the pathology of science

SCMP · by Alex Lo · September 18, 2020

Conspiracy theories are another pandemic that are contributing to deaths.  We should all be thinking critically and identifying and quashing these idiotic but dangerous conspiracy theories. 


12. Black Lives Matter co-founder is leading an initiative funded by a pro-Chinese Communist Party

dailymail.co.uk· by Frances Mulraney

If true this should not tarnish all of those who support Black Lives Matters who are working for real change.  Of course, if this is propaganda that is exactly the intent- to brand all supporters of Black Lives Matter with the broad brush that makes them out to be enemies of the state.


13. Russia announces troop build-up in Far East

Reuters · by Alexander Marrow · September 17, 2020


14. U.S. hopes to name Qatar as major non-NATO ally, official says

Reuters · by Daphne Psaledakis and Arshad Mohammed  · September 17, 2020


15. When It Comes To Military Launches, SpaceX May No Longer Be The Low-Cost Provider

Forbes · by Loren Thompson · September 17, 2020


16. An "Alliance of Democracies": Is There Any There There?

cc.pacforum.org· by Ralph A. Cossa

I like the idea of a community of democracies.  But it has to be values based: embrace and support of liberal democracy, freedom and individual liberty, free market economy, rule OF law, and human rights.  To be a member of the community you must embrace, support, and protect these values and those who believe in them.  It cannot simply be some kind of grouping to counter China.  This is ideological competition because China seeks to export its authoritarian political system around the world in order to dominate regions, co-opt or coerce international organizations, create economic conditions favorable to China alone, and displace democratic institutions


17. Combat vet fights separation board in case that traces back to the Bin Laden raid

armytimes.com · by Kyle Rempfer · September 17, 2020

Wow.  With all the people releasing classified information to include those at the very highest levels of our government it is difficult to see the value of making this sergeant a scapegoat.  There must be more to the story.


18. Special Ops Plan to Buy New Light-Attack Fleet May Get Pushed Back

military.com · by Matthew Cox · September 17, 2020


19. USAF Special Ops wants VTOL aircraft with 'jet speed' to replace CV-22

flightglobal.com· by Garrett Reim · September 17, 2020


20. The Future Role of the U.S. Armed Forces in Counterterrorism

ctc.usma.edu ·by Brian Michael Jenkins · September 17, 2020



"A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury."

- John Stuart Mill


"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value." 

- Albert Einstein


"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."
- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

DanielRiggs Fri, 09/18/2020 - 11:09am

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