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09/02/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

09/02/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Riley Murray.


1. DOD Releases 2020 Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China

2.  China moves toward new 'intelligentized' approach to warfare, says Pentagon

3.  Chad Sbragia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China Press Briefing on the 2020 China Military Power Report

4. US-China conflict to unite Taiwan

5.  US seeks formal alliance similar to NATO with India, Japan and Australia, State Department official says

6. Voice of America Journalists: New CEO Endangers Reporters, Harms U.S. Aims

7. The United States, Taiwan, and the World: Partners for Peace and Prosperity

8. Russian Darkweb shares personal data of nearly every voter in Michigan, plus a million more voters in four other states - Meduza

9. Facebook takes down a Russian operation that recruited U.S. journalists amid rising concerns regarding election misinformation

10. Fear of a Black General?

11. Where are the Black officers? US Army shows diversity in its ranks but few promotions to the top

12. Indian special forces soldier killed in skirmish with Chinese troops

13. Are Special Forces still special?

14. British Special Forces and RAF heroes leading obliteration of ISIS bases in Iraqi caves

15. If Trump refuses to accept defeat in November, the republic will survive intact, as it has 5 out of 6 times in the past

16. Fort Hood commander loses post after incidents at Army base

17. Keep Military Heath Care Integration on Track

18. Taiwan to change passport, fed up with confusion with China

19. Here's What All Those Black Helicopters Were Doing Zipping Around Los Angeles Last Night

20. Entire world starting to unite against China's unfair practices, says Mike Pompeo

21. China seeks to set up military logistic facilities in a dozen countries: Pentagon


1. DOD Releases 2020 Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China


The 200 page report can be downloaded here.  https://media.defense.gov/2020/Sep/01/2002488689/-1/-1/1/2020-DOD-CHINA-MILITARY-POWER-REPORT-FINAL.PDF

I am still waiting for the north Korea report. I was on the red team review committee in 2018 and it still has not been published (it was a very good report at the time) but the political leadership in DOD has continued to hold up its release.


2. China moves toward new 'intelligentized' approach to warfare, says Pentagon

Defense News · by Mark Pomerleau · September 1, 2020


3. Chad Sbragia, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China Press Briefing on the 2020 China Military Power Report



4. US-China conflict to unite Taiwan

By James Lee - Sat, Aug 29, 2020 page 8



5. US seeks formal alliance similar to Nato with India, Japan and Australia, State Department official says

https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3099642/us-seeks-formal-alliance-similar-nato-india-japan-and-australia-state - by Robert Delaney – 1 September 2020

A journalist queried me on this today.  Here is my response:

I explained the background on the Quad and that the concept has long been discussed well before this current era of Great Power Competition.  It is based on like-minded countries who share interests and values.  I also explained the history of past US attempts to establish NATO like alliances: e.g., NEATO, SEATO, CENTO and that we have to be careful because one size fits all and I reminded him that Steve Biegun's remarks were cautious on this point.  I also explained that this does take on new import in terms of China in that this Great Power Competition is an ideological "war" and nations and people have to decide what ideology is best for them - the authoritarian system and surveillance state with the state control of the economy or the free and open democracies with free market economy, rule of law, and human rights.  The Quad consists of like-minded countries and as an example for other countries who wish to remain democratic. I also touched on some of the political complexities to include Japan's pacifist constitution and India's great pride in remaining non-aligned.


6. Voice of America Journalists: New CEO Endangers Reporters, Harms U.S. Aims

NPR · by David Folkenflik · August 31, 2020

The letter can be view at this link: https://www.npr.org/2020/08/31/907764105/voice-of-america-journalists-new-ceo-endangers-reporters-harms-u-s-aims

Here is the twitter response from USAGM.  The question is will USAGM and VOA address the issues in the letter or are they only going to address a "process foul"?


7. The United States, Taiwan, and the World: Partners for Peace and Prosperity

state.gov · by David R. Stilwell, Assistant SecretaryBureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs

Prepared remarks of David R. Stilwell, Assistant Secretary Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs


8. Russian Darkweb shares personal data of nearly every voter in Michigan, plus a million more voters in four other states - Meduza



9. Facebook takes down a Russian operation that recruited U.S. journalists amid rising concerns regarding election misinformation

The Washington Post – by Elizabeth Dwoskin and Craig Timberg - September 1, 2020

What efforts have not been discovered? And I think it will get worse in the next 2 months unless we are all vigilant.


10. Fear of a Black General?

defenseone.com · by James Joyner


11. Where are the Black officers? US Army shows diversity in its ranks but few promotions to the top

USA Today · by Tom Vanden Brook


12.  Indian special forces soldier killed in skirmish with Chinese troops

The Guardian · by AFP in New Delhi · September 1, 2020


13. Are Special Forces still special?

thearticle.com · August 31, 2020

This is a UK view of the SAS.


14.  British Special Forces and RAF heroes leading obliteration of ISIS bases in Iraqi caves

Express · by Marco Giannangeli · August 30, 2020


15. If Trump refuses to accept defeat in November, the republic will survive intact, as it has 5 out of 6 times in the past

theconversation.com · by Alexander Cohen

I do not offer this as any kind of partisan statement (I belong to neither party).  Given all the breathless discussion of whether the candidates will accept the outcome of the election this provides a calm dispassionate analysis. It is an excellent history lesson as well as a study of our political process.


16. Fort Hood commander loses post after incidents at Army base

NBC News · September 1, 2020


17. Keep Military Heath Care Integration on Track

realcleardefense.com · by Thomas Spoehr


18. Taiwan to change passport, fed up with confusion with China

Reuters · by Ann Wang and Ben Blanchard · September 2, 2020

Surely this will surely stir the ire of the PRC.


19. Here's What All Those Black Helicopters Were Doing Zipping Around Los Angeles Last Night

thedrive.com · by Tyler Rogoway · September 2, 2020


20. Entire world starting to unite against China's unfair practices, says Mike Pompeo

theprint.in · September 2, 2020


21. China seeks to set up military logistic facilities in a dozen countries: Pentagon




"The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission."

- John F. Kennedy


"Don't forget what I discovered that over ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939 were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets."

- Voltaire

Riley.C.Murray Wed, 09/02/2020 - 8:55am

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