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06/04/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

06/04/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Ahyoung Shin.

1. North Korea lashes out at U.S., Saying China is eclipsing It

2. North Korea eases coronavirus lockdown because even totalitarian states need trade

3. North Korea warns South Korea to stop defectors from scattering anti-North leaflets: KCNA

4. Cheong Wa Dae vows 'stern' response to anti-North leaflet campaigns posing threat to security

5. S. Korea to legislate ban on anti-Pyongyang leaflet campaign after N.K. threats

6. North Korea threatens to halt Military Agreement with South over anti-Pyongyang leaflets flown over Border

7. North Korea cracks down on SARCASM (great idea!)

8. Greater Seoul under threat of further spread, high alert over 'silent' virus spreaders

9. South Korea approves antiviral drug to treat COVID-19

10. North Korea is importing construction materials from China

11. Korea threatens to let Intel-Sharing Pact with Japan lapse

12. U.S. accepts S. Korea's proposal to pay local USFK base workers

13. USFK raps local daily for false report, vows commitment to conditions-based OPCON transfer

14. 'Korea's response to COVID-19 serves as model for the world': Jared Diamond


1. North Korea lashes out at U.S., Saying China is eclipsing It

The New York Times · by Choe Sang-Hun · June 4, 2020

The North is embarking on a new propaganda campaign. The regime senses an opportunity with the upheaval in the US and the challenge the US is facing around the world.

What is troubling in South Korea's reaction to it. The South is playing right into the North's strategy.

2. North Korea eases coronavirus lockdown because even totalitarian states need trade

The Washington Post · by Simon Denyer and Min Joo Kim · June 2, 2020

Again, perhaps the regime's draconian population and resources control measures have been successful in preventing or containing the coronavirus. Yes, as the title says the regime needs trade.  

But I wonder if what we are seeing is the beginning of an execution of a new campaign to influence the ROK and US. The regime is conducting blackmail diplomacy (and it already appears the South has succumbed to it). But what effect does the regime expect to achieve if it is embarking on a new campaign?

3. North Korea warns South Korea to stop defectors from scattering anti-North leaflets: KCNA

Reuters · by Sangmi Cha · June 4, 2020

This should be an indicator that information and influence activities work and are a threat to the regime. Now should be the time to not only double down but to implement a sophisticated and holistic information and influence activities campaign and fully support these escapee organizations. These organizations are operating on shoestring budget and relatively primitive technology and equipment with no support from the ROK government and yet are punching well above their weight and achieving demonstrable effects.

4. Cheong Wa Dae vows 'stern' response to anti-North leaflet campaigns posing threat to security

en.yna.co.kr · by 박보람 · June 4, 2020

Oh no. This is so wrong. This is succumbing to the Kim family regime's blackmail diplomacy (to conduct provocations and raise tensions to get political and economic concessions). The regime is threatened by information and is not forcing the South to protect the regime. This is so disappointing but not unexpected. I think I know what will happen in the future. Based on the South's response the regime will be making even more demands. The regime sees the response as an indication that its blackmail diplomacy is working. So, we will see more of it.

5. S. Korea to legislate ban on anti-Pyongyang leaflet campaign after N.K. threats

en.yna.co.kr · by 고병준 · June 4, 2020

We should remember what the 2014 Commission of Inquiry on human rights in North Korea said. One of the human rights abuses by the regime is not allowing the people to have access to information. Nearly every human rights report says that nations should work to get information into the North to the people. Passing this proposed law is a statement the ROKG sides with the Kim family regime. This is such a terrible decision. The irony is that the South will not benefit from this in any way. There will be no reciprocity from the North. The North will not accept South engagement proposals (unless a very large amount of funds is transferred directly to the regime) and the north will not return to nuclear negotiations because of this action. This action will only beget more demands from the regime.

6. North Korea threatens to halt Military Agreement with South over anti-Pyongyang leaflets flown over Border

TIME · by Kim Tong-Hyung · June 3, 2020

The Moon administration touts the September 19th Comprehensive Military Agreement as a great success and wants to protect it. Yet it has not paid off. The North has not shown any reciprocity in confidence or trust building measures. Again, this the North's blackmail diplomacy. And it knows what to threaten to push the Moon administration's buttons. And no one should be afraid of this rhetoric from Kim Yo-jong.

If the South gives in to these threats (which it appears they will do) it should expect more threats like this.

7. North Korea cracks down on SARCASM (great idea!)

Daily Mail · by Chris Jewers For Mailonline · June 3, 2020

This is one of the reasons for Kim Yo-jong's push against escapees in the South to stop sending information into the North. One of the things they are sending in on thumb drives and other media is the South Korean K-drama, "Crash Landing on You". As we assessed this would have useful propaganda value in the north on a number of levels. The fact that this sarcastic phrase appears to be in widespread use is an indicator of the reach of this K-drama and should reinforce our calls for a sophisticated information and influence activities campaign.

8. Greater Seoul under threat of further spread, high alert over 'silent' virus spreaders

en.yna.co.kr · by 강윤승 · June 4, 2020

The numbers remain relatively low and while Koreans are rightly concerned, they seem to be managing this better than most.

9. South Korea approves antiviral drug to treat COVID-19

arynews.tv · by Reuters · June 3, 2020

10. North Korea is importing construction materials from China

dailynk.com · by Mun Dong Hui · June 3, 2020

Sanctions violation. China is complicit. Also note the discussion on smuggling.

11. Korea threatens to let Intel-Sharing Pact with Japan lapse

english.chosun.com · by Kim Jin-myung · June 3, 2020

We should have expected this. But this does nothing to help South Korean (or US or Japanese) national security. I am reminded of the gunman holding himself hostage with a gun to his own head who says - "don't come any closer or I will shoot."

12. U.S. accepts S. Korea's proposal to pay local USFK base workers

donga.com · June 4, 2020

I am not sure how this decision leads to a more fair equitable burden sharing as long as the US continues to demand $4 billion.

13. USFK raps local daily for false report, vows commitment to conditions-based OPCON transfer

en.yna.co.kr · by 오석민 · June 4, 2020

This is the work of a faction in the South who wants to eliminate the UN Command and who believe the US wants the UN Command to be the "higher headquarters" after the OPCON transition happens with a new ROK General commanding the ROK/US Combined Forces Command. (This is a patently false accusation). This is also the work of people in South Korea who want to split the ROK/US alliance (which of course is also a major objective of north Korea. (Think about that - the north's supporting strategy is "divide to conquer" - divide the ROK/US alliance to conquer the ROK).

14. 'Korea's response to COVID-19 serves as model for the world': Jared Diamond

koreaherald.com · by Ock Hyun-ju · June 4, 2020

High praise from Mr. Diamond.  



"In this sad world of ours sorrow comes to all and it often comes with bitter agony. Perfect relief is not possible except with time. You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it will make you less miserable now. I have had enough experience to make this statement." 

 - Abraham Lincoln


The history that lies inert in unread books does no work in the world.
If you want a new idea, read an old book.
`Tis the good reader that makes the good book.
A book is like a mirror. If an ass looks in, no prophet can peer out.

- The "maxims" quoted come from Clark Becker, Lord Lytton, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Georg Lichtenberg quoted in Jay Luuvas' "Military History: Is It Still Practicable? " 

"Education should implant a will and a facility for learning; it should produce not learned but learning people.  In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." 

- Eric Hoffer



ahyoungshin Thu, 06/04/2020 - 10:26am

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