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Новости за 28.01.2020

The Seattle Times 

Sanders’ Social Security ‘adjustments’ undercut Biden attack

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — As a congressman in the 1990s, Bernie Sanders expressed an openness to making “adjustments” to the tax and benefit structure of Social Security. He also praised an overhaul of the social safety net program signed into law by President Ronald Reagan that reduced benefits and increased taxes on working families. […]

The Seattle Times 

AP Interview: Lalovic says wrestling strong heading to Tokyo

With the Olympics six months away, the president of wrestling’s international governing body says the sport is on a solid foundation and positioned for growth. Nenad Lalovic took over leadership of United World Wrestling seven years ago, shortly after the sport was targeted for elimination from the Olympics in 2020. Lalovic led the campaign to […]

The Seattle Times 

Chiefs embracing loose locker room culture on Super Bowl run

MIAMI (AP) — If you’re planning to walk through the middle of the Kansas City Chiefs locker room between lunch and their usual afternoon practice, you might want to grab someone’s shoulder pads and helmet and brace for impact. There’s a good chance you’ll find yourself in the middle of a pickup basketball game involving […]

The Seattle Times 

AP Exclusive: Feds backtrack on transfer of Epstein warden

NEW YORK (AP) — The Bureau of Prisons is holding off on transferring the warden who was in charge of the New York City jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. The agency said Tuesday it would defer the transfer of Lamine N’Diaye to a leadership role at FCI Fort Dix, a low-security prison in Burlington […]

The Seattle Times 

Barr says there will be ‘zero tolerance’ on anti-Semitism

NEW YORK (AP) — Attorney General William Barr ordered federal prosecutors across the U.S. to step up their efforts to combat anti-Semitic hate crimes as he met with Jewish leaders in Brooklyn, New York, on Tuesday. Barr said he has been “extremely distressed by the upsurge in violence” in Jewish communities, including in New York […]

The Seattle Times 

Magnitude 7.7 earthquake hits between Cuba and Jamaica

HAVANA (AP) — A powerful magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck in the Caribbean Sea between Jamaica and eastern Cuba on Tuesday. Witnesses reported strong shaking but there was no immediate word of casualties or heavy damage. The quake was centered 139 kilometers (86 miles) northwest of Montego Bay, Jamaica, and 140 kilometers (87 miles) west-southwest of […]

The Seattle Times 

$165,000 at stake: Wyoming-Idaho sled dog race begins Friday

JACKSON, Wyo. (AP) — An annual sled dog race through Wyoming and Idaho begins Friday. The first day of the 25th annual Pedigree Stage Stop Sled Dog Race is for show. Teams will run through downtown Jackson and finish at a park on the south side of town. From there, racers go to Alpine, Pinedale, […]

The Seattle Times 

Fresh anti-Semitic writings appear in Italian cities, towns

MILAN (AP) — Fresh anti-Semitic writings appeared in Italian cities and towns as the country marked the 7 5 th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, officials said Tuesday. The incidents included a racist placard tacked onto a Democratic Party bulletin board near Vicenza, a swastika in a Rome high […]

The Seattle Times 

Moira’s Book Club goes to the movies: Our second event will be “Brokeback Mountain”

In the glorious ongoing experiment that is Moira’s Book Club, we have ventured into something new: a mini film series, focused on adaptation. Our first event last Sunday at the Beacon Cinema, where we watched the 1993 Merchant-Ivory film “The Remains of the Day” after reading the Kazuo Ishiguro novel on which it was based, […]

The Seattle Times 

Shiffrin to skip World Cup races at Sochi Olympics course

World Cup leader Mikaela Shiffrin is skipping this weekend’s races in Russia in order to get some rest. The U.S. ski team said Tuesday on Twitter that Shiffrin “is taking the week off to rest and get a solid training block in.” It’s the second straight year that Shiffrin has opted to skip a return […]

The Seattle Times 

Lawyer: Fotis Dulos, accused of killing wife, is dead

FARMINGTON, Conn. (AP) — The Connecticut man charged with murdering his estranged and missing wife has died, his attorney said Tuesday. A dispatcher from the Farmington police said officers had responded to Fotis Dulos’ home but could not give any other information. Dulos’ attorney, Norm Pattis, confirmed his death to the Hartford Courant. Dulos had […]

The Seattle Times 

Indiana woman appealing conviction in fatal school bus crash

ROCHESTER, Ind. (AP) — An Indiana woman convicted in a crash that killed three children who were crossing a highway to board a school bus is appealing her conviction, contending that the tragedy was “just an accident and not a crime,” her attorney said Tuesday. A notice of appeal was filed Jan. 17 with the […]

The Seattle Times 

Harvard professor charged with hiding China ties

BOSTON (AP) — A Harvard University professor has been charged with lying to officials about his involvement with a Chinese government-run recruitment program and his affiliation with a Chinese university, prosecutors said Tuesday. Charles Lieber, chair of the department of chemistry and chemical biology, was arrested at his office at the prestigious university Tuesday morning […]

The Seattle Times 

No. 17 Maryland women get on a roll as ‘player-driven’ team

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (AP) — Riding a five-game winning streak and closing in on its customary perch atop the Big Ten standings, the 17th-ranked Maryland women’s basketball team turned around its season with a minimum of assistance from fiery coach Brenda Frese. After a 66-61 loss at Iowa on Jan. 9 dropped the Terrapins to […]

The Seattle Times 

Ryan Zimmerman, Nationals finalize $2M, 1-year contract

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ryan Zimmerman and the World Series champion Washington Nationals finalized a $2 million, one-year contract on Wednesday. The 35-year-old first baseman, who has spent his entire 15-year big league career with the Nationals, can earn $3 million in performance bonuses. He can earn $1.5 million based on games: $250,000 each for 65, […]

The Seattle Times 

Yiyun Li and Leslie Jamison among PEN award nominees

NEW YORK (AP) — Fiction by Yiyun Li and essays by Leslie Jamison and Eve Babitz are among the finalists for honors presented by PEN, the literary and human rights organization. On Tuesday, PEN announced nominees in categories ranging from science and poetry to translation and debut novel. Winners will be announced March 2, at […]

The Seattle Times 

Post-It notes maker 3M cutting about 1,500 jobs

A profound slump in manufacturing and a trade war that has slowed economic growth in China has led to a second round of layoffs at 3M, the Minnesota company that, in addition to Post-it notes, makes industrial coatings and ceramics. The 1,500 job cuts come less than a year after the company announced 2,000 layoffs. […]

The Seattle Times 

Dream allowing Angel McCoughtry to test WNBA free agency

ATLANTA (AP) — Atlanta Dream two-time WNBA scoring champion Angel McCoughtry is testing free agency for the first time in her career. McCoughtry missed last season with a knee injury. She has reached an agreement with the Dream, which will not use its core designation to retain exclusive negotiating rights with the 33-year-old veteran. McCoughtry […]

The Seattle Times 

What’s next for the Keystone XL pipeline in South Dakota

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — Plans for construction of the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline inched forward last week with several approvals at both the federal and state levels, but opponents in South Dakota say they haven’t given up on preventing, or at least slowing, the pipeline’s construction. Plans for the $8 billion project have been […]

The Seattle Times 

Germany rejigs reconnaissance system plan, drops US drones

BERLIN (AP) — Germany said Tuesday it is abandoning plans to install a new airborne reconnaissance system on U.S.-made drones and will instead install it on manned aircraft. The defense ministry said it concluded that the existing plan wouldn’t allow it to get the system up and running by 2025, as called for by NATO, […]

The Seattle Times 

Kobe Bryant leaves lasting impact on women’s basketball

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Kobe Bryant always had an interest in women’s basketball, one that he shared with many in the sport even before his daughter Gianna started excelling at the game. Whether it was mentoring players like Diana Taurasi, Jewell Loyd and Sabrina Ionescu or working out with Gabby Williams and Katie Lou Samuelson, […]

The Seattle Times 

1-year-old Chicago toddler shot in parents’ gun struggle

A 1-year-old boy whose father claimed had been shot in the head by a gunman in the street was actually struck by a bullet as his parents struggled over a gun inside their Chicago home, police said Tuesday. The shooting happened Monday night. The bullet did not penetrate the child’s skull and he is listed […]

The Seattle Times 

Swedish health care workers begin three-day strike

The strike is set to last three days, according to the Service Employees International Union Healthcare 1199NW, which represents the workers. The union said the strike of 7,800 registered nurses, caregivers and staff would be the largest for heath-care workers in recent history.

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Экология в России и мире

Маршруты для прогулок в мегаполисе: 7 экотроп Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Глава МИД КНР Ван И заявил, что Пекин ценит позицию Москвы по Тайваню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Наташа Королева даст концерт в Пятигорске


"Резкого изменения внешнего политического курса мы не увидим". Эксперты о судьбе Ирана после гибели Раиси

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