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Новости за 12.11.2019

The Seattle Times 

Pacers’ move shows Oladipo ready to take next step in rehab

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The Indiana Pacers have temporarily assigned guard Victor Oladipo to their G League affiliate in Fort Wayne. It’s largely a procedural move that gives the two-time All-Star an opportunity to get extra practice time. The Pacers played at Orlando on Sunday and did not hold a shootaround before Tuesday’s game against Oklahoma […]

The Seattle Times 

Boeing orders, deliveries continue to sag with Max grounding

Orders and deliveries of new Boeing planes remain depressed eight months into the grounding of the company’s 737 Max. Boeing said Tuesday that an aircraft-leasing company replaced an order for 15 Max jets with an order of five 787s, a larger plane used mostly on international routes. Another customer dropped an order for three Max […]

The Seattle Times 

Google’s health care ambitions now involve patient data

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google is working with large health care system Ascension, the latest foray into the health industry by the tech giant. The partnership is intended to use artificial intelligence to find patterns that could help doctors, but some are concerned about privacy and protecting patients’ sensitive health information. Google has been pushing […]

The Seattle Times 

Number of homeless veterans declines across United States

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — The departments of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs say the number of homeless veterans nationwide has declined slightly. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson told reporters Tuesday in New Hampshire that the number of veterans who are homeless fell by 2% between 2018 and 2019. That follows a […]

The Seattle Times 

Wake loses Sunday Okeke for season with torn Achilles tendon

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — Wake Forest says forward Sunday Okeke will miss the rest of the season after tearing his Achilles tendon. Team spokesman Steve Kirkland said Tuesday that Okeke hurt the tendon in his right foot during a victory over Columbia on Sunday and had surgery the following day. Okeke is the second Wake […]

The Seattle Times 

No. 11 Florida looks for different outcome against Missouri

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Florida linebacker David Reese insists things will be different against Missouri this week. He believes his team’s preparation, focus, effort and intensity will change — along with the outcome. It’s imperative if the Gators are going to make it to a New Year’s Six bowl. No. 11 Florida (8-2, 5-2 Southeastern […]

The Seattle Times 

Palin says she learned of divorce plans from attorney

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says she learned her husband was seeking a divorce in an email from his attorney. The revelation came in an interview released Tuesday with James Dobson, founder of the Family Talk Christian ministry. He said the interview had been conducted previously. Palin says she received an […]

The Seattle Times 

3 Indiana judges suspended for fight that led to shooting

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The Indiana Supreme Court has temporarily suspended three judges who were involved in a fight in downtown Indianapolis during which two of them were shot. The order Tuesday says the justices imposed the suspensions after finding that Clark County judges Andrew Adams and Bradley Jacobs and Crawford County Judge Sabrina Bell engaged […]

The Seattle Times 

Court: Clark Atlanta student strangled by roommate’s beau

ATLANTA (AP) — Court documents say the Clark Atlanta University student who was reported missing and later found dead was strangled, placed in a plastic bin and dumped at a park. News outlets report Fulton County Superior Court released more details on the death of 21-year-old Alexis Crawford on Tuesday. Documents say Crawford and her […]

The Seattle Times 

Lawsuit: Security lacking at California festival shooting

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A lawsuit alleges that negligent security measures allowed a gunman to sneak in and fatally shoot three people and wound 13 others at a popular Northern California food festival last summer. Five of the wounded who filed the lawsuit say the Gilroy Garlic Festival Association failed to follow federal guidelines for […]

The Seattle Times 

Virginia commission offers no recommendations on gun laws

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A Republican-led legislative commission in Virginia tasked with offering solutions for curbing gun violence says it has no recommendations to make. The Virginia Crime Commission issued a short report Tuesday saying that staff found “inconclusive evidence” was available to develop recommendations. Republicans tasked the commission earlier this year to come up […]

The Seattle Times 

Florida, Arizona State schedule football series for ’28, ’31

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Florida and Arizona State have agreed to play a home-and-home series beginning in 2028. The school announced the deal Tuesday. The Gators will make the trip to Tempe, Arizona, in 2028, and the Sun Devils will travel to Gainesville three years later. It’s the latest step in both schools’ quest to […]

The Seattle Times 

Bucs waive CB Vernon Hargreaves from struggling secondary

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have waived cornerback Vernon Hargreaves, the 11th overall pick in the 2016 draft and the most experienced starter in the team’s struggling secondary. The team announced the move Tuesday, two days after the fourth-year pro was benched during the second half of a 30-27 victory over Arizona […]

The Seattle Times 

Egypt won’t prosecute girl who killed her alleged rapist

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s top prosecutor says there are no grounds to prosecute a 15-year-old girl who killed a bus driver after he allegedly tried to rape her. Tuesday’s statement by General Prosecutor Hamada el-Sawy said the teenager acted in self-defense. Her case reignited debate over the treatment of women in Egypt’s legal system, particularly […]

The Seattle Times 

Senate Democrats assail Trump’s $16B bailout for farmers

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — President Donald Trump’s $16 billion bailout package for farmers hurt by the trade war with China unfairly benefits the South at the expense of the North and wealthy producers over smaller farms, Democratic senators concluded in a report released Tuesday. The report, one of the sharpest congressional critiques yet of the Market […]

The Seattle Times 

Man shot by Renton police after officers say he pointed gun at customers in business

A Renton police officer shot a naked male who was pointing a gun at customers in a business and then raised the gun at the officer Tuesday morning, according to the department. The person who was shot was in serious but stable condition, according to police. The shooting had shut down NE 44th Street at […]

The Seattle Times 

Nearly 300 wild horses captured in central Idaho

CHALLIS, Idaho (AP) — Nearly 300 wild horses have been captured in central Idaho as part of a plan by federal land managers to reduce the number of wild horses roaming the area to about 185. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management says that 295 wild horses were rounded up over seven days ending Monday […]

The Seattle Times 

Sorry, wrong number: Statistical benchmark comes under fire

NEW YORK (AP) — Earlier this fall Dr. Scott Solomon presented the results of a huge heart drug study to an audience of fellow cardiologists in Paris. The results Solomon was describing looked promising: Patients who took the medication had a lower rate of hospitalization and death than patients on a different drug. Then he […]

The Seattle Times 

FANTASY PLAYS: Players to add include Foles, Kyle Allen

Now that we’re fully entrenched in the double-digit weeks of the fantasy football season, owners can officially consider this the stretch run. Teams are doing whatever they can to make it work, pushing through the bye weeks with the hopes of a playoff berth. It’s as difficult as ever. Players keep getting hurt and, not […]

The Seattle Times 

Sanford suspends GOP primary challenge to Trump

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Republican Mark Sanford says he is ending his longshot 2020 presidential bid. The former South Carolina governor and congressman centered his Republican primary challenge to President Donald Trump on warnings about the national debt. But he has struggled to gain traction since announcing his run in September. The longshot effort become […]

The Seattle Times 

A look at Israel’s targeted killings of militant leaders

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel killed a senior Islamic Jihad commander in an airstrike on Tuesday, resuming a contentious policy of targeted killings of militant leaders. While once frequent, Israel has resorted to the strategy only occasionally in recent years. Tuesday’s strike on the Gaza City home of Bahaa Abu el-Atta was the first such attack […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump to claim credit for economy, jobs in New York speech

NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump is claiming credit for nation’s strong economic performance under his leadership at a speech Tuesday. According to excerpt of his address at the Economic Club of New York and released by the White House, Trump will say he’s proud to report “that we have DELIVERED on our promises […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о достижениях национальных целей по экологии

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о качественном росте отечественного автомобилестроения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Найк Борзов

Чем заняться в Москве на неделе: Найк Борзов, арт-прогулка по Патрикам и еще 12 событий


Афганец, напавший с ножом на студентку в Москве, лечился в психбольнице

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