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Новости за 17.06.2019

The Seattle Times 

Couple want officers fired who pointed guns over shoplifting

PHOENIX (AP) — A man and his pregnant fiancée said Monday that they want Phoenix to fire the officers who pointed guns and yelled profanities at them after their 4-year-old daughter took a doll from a store. Dravon Ames and Iesha Harper, who are both black, said at a news conference that they don’t accept […]

The Seattle Times 

N.C. hospital halts complex heart surgeries after spike in children’s deaths

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — Complex pediatric heart surgeries will not be performed at North Carolina Children’s Hospital because of an increase in patient deaths. The News & Observer of Raleigh quotes hospital officials as saying heart surgeons won’t do complicated procedures until an outside group can review its practices. The North Carolina Department of […]

The Seattle Times 

Ex-Arizona lawmaker sentenced in fatal Alaska shooting

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A former Arizona lawmaker convicted in the shooting death of a man at a remote cabin site in Alaska is 2016 has been sentenced to 65 years in prison, with 20 years suspended. Mark Desimone showed little expression as he was sentenced Monday. He was convicted last year of first-degree murder […]

The Seattle Times 

Australia and Sam Kerr quiet the haters at the World Cup

Australia’s path to the Women’s World Cup was turbulent even before its upset loss in the opening round. That loss to Italy in stoppage time was a terrible start for a team that some consider one of the tournament favorites. The Matildas feature Sam Kerr, their back-flipping global superstar captain, and the forward has urged […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Bodies of mother, son found in area known to suspect

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — Authorities say the bodies of an Oregon mother and her 3-year-old son were located in an area that is known to the suspect charged in their deaths. Yamhill County District Attorney Brad Berry said Monday that “really good detective work” led authorities to find the bodies of Karissa and Billy Fretwell […]

The Seattle Times 

Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine says he has throat cancer

NEW YORK (AP) — Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine says he has been diagnosed with throat cancer. The singer and guitarist of the heavy metal band announced the news on social media Monday, writing that he’s “working closely with my doctors, and we’ve mapped out a treatment plan which they feel has a 90% success rate. Treatment […]

The Seattle Times 

Konta makes seamless transition from clay to grass

BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) — Johanna Konta made a seamless transition from clay to grass on Monday, beating Anett Kontaveit 6-4, 6-2 at the Nature Valley Classic in her first match since the French Open semifinals. Konta is only ranked two places higher than No. 20 Kontaveit, but played at a high level throughout and wrapped […]

The Seattle Times 

US restores some aid but vows no more without migrant action

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is easing previously announced cuts in hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Central American nations of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. But it says it won’t provide new assistance until they reduce the number of migrants coming to U.S. borders. The State Department says it will […]

The Seattle Times 

Explosion levels New Jersey home; 1 injured

RIDGEFIELD, N.J. (AP) — An explosion leveled a home in northern New Jersey on Monday, injuring the lone person inside who was pulled from the burning rubble by an off-duty police officer. Heavy flames and a large plume of smoke were visible as the two-story home quickly crumbled to the ground after the morning explosion […]

The Seattle Times 

The last thing man said to son on Father’s Day: ‘You shot me’

MIAMI – A Miami man was taken into custody Monday morning after witnesses told police he argued with his father, then shot and killed him as the two wrestled on the ground on Father’s Day. Marcus Sakers, 32, who state records show has been arrested on battery charges at least eight times over the past […]

The Seattle Times 

Idaho’s Lisa Johnson hired as Nebraska women’s golf coach

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Nebraska has hired Lisa Johnson away from Idaho to be the Cornhuskers’ new women’s golf coach. Athletic director Bill Moos announced Monday that Johnson would take over for Robin Krapfl, who resigned last month after 32 seasons. Johnson was head coach at Idaho from 2007-19 and will be only the fourth […]

The Seattle Times 

White House: Israelis not invited to Mideast peace workshop

WASHINGTON (AP) — A White House official says that Israeli representatives have not been invited to the Trump administration’s Israeli-Palestinian peace conference in Bahrain next week. The official said Monday that the meeting is to focus on the administration’s “economic vision” for the Palestinians and will not focus on “political issues.” The administration official was […]

The Seattle Times 

Inmate fatally stabbed at state prison in south Alabama

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — One prison inmate was stabbed to death by another over the weekend, state officials said Monday in Alabama, where high rates of prison violence have recently been criticized by the U.S. Justice Department. Alabama Department of Corrections spokesman Bob Horton said in a news release that 29-year-old Jeremy Reshad Bailey was […]

The Seattle Times 

Spain and China advance with scoreless draw

LE HAVRE, France (AP) — Spain and China played to a scoreless draw Monday that advanced both squads to the round of 16 at the Women’s World Cup. Spain finished second in Group B behind Germany. Spain advanced to the knockout stage for the first time and will face the winner of Group F on […]

The Seattle Times 

QB Josh McCown retires after 16 NFL seasons

NEW YORK (AP) — Josh McCown was sometimes the starting quarterback, often the backup— and always among the most-respected and well-liked players in whatever locker room he was in. And there were many. McCown, who turns 40 on July 4, wrote in a piece for The Players’ Tribune posted Monday that he is retiring from […]

The Seattle Times 

Weather Service confirms 9 tornadoes in central Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — The National Weather Service says at least nine tornadoes struck Indiana, damaging a school and other buildings and downing trees. It says three EF2 tornadoes with winds up to 130 mph (210 kph) struck Greene, Monroe and Rush counties during Saturday’s outbreak and an EF-1 tornado with winds reaching 100 mph (160 […]

The Seattle Times 

All 7 of Oregon’s public universities will raise tuition

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — All seven of Oregon’s public universities will raise tuition for the 2019-2020 school year, with officials citing increased costs and less money than expected from legislators. The hikes range from 2.33% at Western Oregon University in Monmouth to 9.9% at Ashland’s Southern Oregon University. Gov. Kate Brown had made education a […]

The Seattle Times 

Pelicans primed to draft Zion — and another top 5 prospect

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Now that six-time All-Star Anthony Davis’ trade request has been honored, it’s time for the New Orleans Pelicans to start a new era by drafting the next face of the franchise. Duke star Zion Williamson is widely seen as the top pro prospect to enter any NBA draft since Davis in […]

The Seattle Times 

Car bomb targets Indian army vehicle in Kashmir, 8 injured

SRINAGAR, India (AP) — Officials say a car bombing has targeted an armored vehicle belonging to the Indian army in disputed Kashmir, wounding at least six soldiers and two civilians. The Indian army said the attack Monday evening was a “failed attempt” to target an army patrol in the southern Pulwama area. None of the […]

The Seattle Times 

France vows to help Ukraine peace efforts

PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron vowed to help Ukraine’s new president in his efforts to bring peace in the east of the country and in talking to Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said during a visit to Paris on Monday that the only way to solve the conflict is the diplomatic way and […]

The Seattle Times 

Analysis: Woodland gets his game-winning shot at US Open

PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (AP) — The stage was among the best in the land. Thousands were watching him. Victory was in his grasp. Gary Woodland didn’t just dream of such a moment, he genuinely expected it would happen. Just not like this. Woodland always imagined being at Allen Fieldhouse, not Pebble Beach. He had a […]

The Seattle Times 

Shell fined for explosions, gas leak at Dutch chemical plant

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — A Dutch court has fined oil giant Shell 2.5 million euros ($2.8 million) for breaching Dutch labor and environmental laws in a case linked to two explosions and a gas leak at a chemical plant south of Rotterdam. The East Brabant court ruled Monday that Shell did not take sufficient […]

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Экология в России и мире

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Путин в России и мире

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает В.В. Путину улучшить либо вообще отменить налоги в обществе.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Лоза заявил, что Джикия является настоящим капитаном


Пригородные поезда перевезли более 4,4 млн нижегородцев за 4 месяца 2024 года

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