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Новости за 09.04.2019

The Seattle Times 

Defense: Man accused of killing Chinese scholar denied care

CHICAGO (AP) — Lawyers for a former University of Illinois student accused of killing Chinese scholar Yingying Zhang say university counselors didn’t offer him adequate care when he sought help for suicidal and homicidal thoughts three months before the 26-year-old Zhang went missing. Brendt Christensen, now 29, walked into a campus counseling center on March […]

The Seattle Times 

Liverpool builds 2-0 lead over Porto in Champions League

LIVERPOOL, England (AP) — Different round, same comfortable win. Porto must be sick of the sight of Liverpool in the Champions League. Liverpool built a 2-0 lead over Porto heading into the second leg of their quarterfinal thanks to first-half goals by Naby Keita and Roberto Firmino at Anfield on Tuesday. A year after beating […]

The Seattle Times 

NCAA title game, tournament see increases over last year

An average of 19.6 million people watched as Virginia beat Texas Tech in the NCAA Tournament championship game, an increase of 23% over last year. The audience peaked at 23.5 million during overtime Monday night, according to Nielsen and CBS. Last year’s championship game between Villanova and Michigan averaged 16.5 million on TBS, TNT and […]

The Seattle Times 

Burfict gone, rest of Bengals intact in Taylor’s 1st day

CINCINNATI (AP) — Zac Taylor got up early Tuesday and headed to Paul Brown Stadium for his first meeting with his new team, one that was watching closely to see how the 35-year-old coach would handle himself. At precisely 8 a.m., he stepped into the meeting room, which had been full of chatter but quickly […]

The Seattle Times 

Hawaii lawmakers consider taxing vacation rentals

HONOLULU — Hawaii lawmakers are considering legislation that would require websites like Airbnb to collect and pay taxes on behalf of short-term rental hosts. The lawmakers are eager to gather tax revenue from the state’s flourishing but mostly unpermitted vacation rental sector. Attempts to enact similar measures have failed in past years, but lawmakers believe […]

The Seattle Times 

Earthquake, aftershocks hit rural southwestern Montana

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — An earthquake and aftershocks have struck near the Idaho-Montana border. No damage was immediately reported. U.S. Geological Survey research geophysicist William Yeck says the quake struck just after noon Tuesday 4 miles (7 kilometers) northeast of Lima, Montana, and had a preliminary magnitude of 4.4. Yeck says an earthquake that size […]

The Seattle Times 

Panel to consider legal fees in same-sex parent rights case

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The Idaho Constitutional Defense Council will meet next week to decide whether to comply with a federal court order directing it to pay legal fees stemming from a lawsuit over the rights of same-sex parents. The council oversees a fund of money created in 1995 to finance Idaho’s legal confrontations with […]

The Seattle Times 

Top-seeded Bencic loses in Samsung Open 1st round

LUGANO, Switzerland (AP) — Top-seeded Belinda Bencic of Switzerland lost to 182nd-ranked Antonia Lottner in the first round of the Samsung Open in front of her home crowd Tuesday. Bencic faltered after forcing the first break of serve, and the 6-foot-1 (1.85-meter) German qualifier took advantage to win 7-5, 6-2. The 20th-ranked Bencic was trying […]

The Seattle Times 

Dodging draft talk, Cardinals players show support for Rosen

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Arizona Cardinals players are trying to ignore all the talk surrounding who the team will choose with the No. 1 overall pick in the upcoming NFL draft. They’re also praising the leadership of current quarterback Josh Rosen. The Cardinals could select 2018 Heisman Trophy winner Kyler Murray, who according to several […]

The Seattle Times 

Game in Hawaii highlights NFL preseason schedule

NEW YORK (AP) — The first NFL exhibition game in Hawaii in 43 years highlights the league’s preseason schedule announced Tuesday. Dallas will play the Los Angeles Rams at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu on Aug. 17. The last preseason match there featured the 49ers and Chargers in 1976. The Raiders, who are set to move […]

The Seattle Times 

Nimes keeps European hopes alive with 3-1 win over Rennes

PARIS (AP) — Nimes posted a second straight win to get back in the race for a European finish with a 3-1 win over Rennes in a rescheduled French league match on Tuesday. With seven games left to play, Nimes leapfrogged its Brittany rival into 10th place, just five points behind fifth-place Marseille. The match […]

The Seattle Times 

Fellow fishermen, let’s step up for the orcas’ survival

Although I’m an ardent king salmon angler, I must salute the National Marine Fisheries Service for considering the adoption of immediate, multi-year, draconian king-fisheries limits to increase king salmon availability for starving southern resident orcas. Limiting chinook quotas could settle multiple orca lawsuits while giving these ineffably majestic creatures the fish they favor and a […]

The Seattle Times 

Olympia’s inexcusable indifference to community colleges

Re: “Give all students the tools they need for college or training”: Our state’s community and technical colleges are sinking due to lack of funding and support. The Washington state American Federation of Teachers, and other unions and college administrators, have promoted House Bill 1300. This bill would increase funding over two years for the […]

The Seattle Times 

NHL suspends Voynov for 2019-20 season for domestic violence

The NHL has suspended defenseman Slava Voynov for the 2019-20 season and 2020 playoffs after determining he committed acts of domestic violence. Commissioner Gary Bettman suspended Voynov on Tuesday for what the league called unacceptable off-ice conduct. The 29-year-old Russian could have his eligibility restored on July 1, 2020, based on good behavior. Voynov was […]

The Seattle Times 

British bank agrees to pay $1.1 billion in fines

WASHINGTON (AP) — British financial services giant Standard Chartered Bank will pay $1.1 billion in fines to settle allegations by U.S. and British authorities that it attempted to evade U.S. sanctions imposed on Iran, Cuba, Burma and other nations. The settlement Tuesday was announced by the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve and other bank regulators […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge: Militant’s statements may be used in Benghazi trial

NEW YORK (AP) — The interrogation of a Libyan militant accused of playing an instrumental role in the 2012 Benghazi attacks was conducted lawfully and may be admitted at his trial next month, a federal judge has ruled. U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper on Monday rejected defense attorneys’ claims that the militant, Mustafa al-Imam, had […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge refuses bond for man accused of IS-inspired attack

GREENBELT, Md. (AP) — The defense attorney for a Maryland man accused of planning an Islamic State-inspired attack at a shopping and entertainment complex near Washington, D.C., has asked a judge to be skeptical of authorities’ claims. Michael CitaraManis said Tuesday that the government “is trying to fit certain facts into their narrative” that 28-year-old […]

The Seattle Times 

Cavaliers’ arena renamed Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse

CLEVELAND (AP) — The Cavaliers have changed dramatically and so has their downtown home. Quickens Loans Arena is no more. The team will no longer play at “The Q,” but inside Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse, which is undergoing a $185 million renovation funded by the city and team. The Cavaliers, who have had a difficult first […]

The Seattle Times 

Federal probe, Virginia’s reign top 2019-20 storylines

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Virginia’s redemption is complete. The Cavaliers won the program’s first national championship by beating Texas Tech in overtime on Monday night. That sends the Cavaliers into the offseason and the 2019-20 season as a champion trying to stay on top — much more desirable than its position last year, recovering from the […]

The Seattle Times 

FAI has funding withdrawn amid fallout over Delaney loan

DUBLIN (AP) — The Football Association of Ireland had funding of 1.35 million euros ($1.5 million) withdrawn Tuesday amid the fallout arising from a loan by one of its top executives. Sport Ireland, the body that distributes money to sporting organizations in the country, said it is suspending funding to the FAI — a day […]

The Seattle Times 

Trading places: NHL deadline deals’ effect on playoff teams

Excuse Derick Brassard for having a little difficulty finding his bearings after the veteran center took an unorthodox cross-country route in reaching the NHL playoffs. Starting the season with Pittsburgh, Brassard was traded to Florida and spent 10 games with the Panthers before landing in Colorado in time to help the Avalanche’s late-season surge to […]

The Seattle Times 

UN refugee chief sees more anti-migrant ‘poison’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. refugee chief says he has never seen “such toxicity, such poison” in politics, the media, social media and everyday conversation focused on refugees, migrants and foreigners. U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said Tuesday that the March 15 attack on a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, that killed […]

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Экология в России и мире

Российский рынок одноразовой биоразлагаемой посуды: итоги 2023 г., прогноз до 2027 г.

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о качественном росте отечественного автомобилестроения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Полина Гагарина

Актриса Самбурская заступилась за сыгравшую в «Красных линиях» певицу Гагарину


Свыше 350 дефектов в содержании территорий устранили в Подмосковье в мае

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