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Новости за 22.03.2019

The Seattle Times 

Islamic State group claims Kabul attack on Shiite shrine

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for a string of bombings near a Shiite shrine and cemetery in the Afghan capital the day before that killed six people and wounded 20. The Sunni militant group, which has repeatedly targeted Afghanistan’s minority Shiites, said in a statement posted on an IS-affiliated […]

The Seattle Times 

AP Photos: Editor selections from the past week in Asia

New Zealanders mourned this week after a gunman killed 50 people and wounded others in an attack on two mosques in Christchurch. In other images from the Asia-Pacific region this week, Japanese Olympic Committee head Tsunekazu Takeda announced he would stand down when his term ends amid a bribery scandal that investigators suspect helped Tokyo […]

The Seattle Times 

Cyclone Idai deaths could exceed 1,000 as need for aid grows

BEIRA, Mozambique (AP) — Even as flood waters began to recede in parts of Mozambique on Friday, fears rose that the death toll could soar as bodies are revealed. The number of deaths could be beyond the 1,000 predicted by the country’s president earlier this week, said Elhadj As Sy, the secretary-general of the International […]

The Seattle Times 

China’s leader visits Italy with eye on infrastructure deal

MILAN (AP) — Chinese President Xi Jinping is launching a two-day official visit aimed at deepening economic and cultural ties with Italy through an ambitious infrastructure building program that has raised suspicions among Italy’s U.S. and European allies. Xi will be received Friday by President Sergio Mattarella in Rome, reciprocating his state visit to China […]

The Seattle Times 

Palestinian-born Berliner leads efforts to rebuild synagogue

BERLIN (AP) — Raed Saleh was 5 years old when his family left their Palestinian village in the West Bank for a better life in Germany. Now 41, the Muslim has become one of Berlin’s top politicians and is spearheading efforts to rebuild a synagogue in the German capital that was destroyed by the Nazis […]

The Seattle Times 

Indian forces kills 5 insurgents, 12-year-old boy in Kashmir

SRINAGAR, India (AP) — Indian security forces say they have killed five militants and one civilian in gunbattles in the Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir. Army spokesman Rajesh Kalia says security forces have found the bodies of two insurgents and a 12-year-old boy after an exchange of gunfire that started in northern Bandipora district Thursday. Two […]

The Seattle Times 

EU offers short Brexit delay but sets strict limits

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union leaders are gathering again Friday after deciding that the political crisis in Britain over Brexit poses too great a threat to the world’s biggest trading bloc. In a move that underlined their loss of confidence in British Prime Minister Theresa May, the leaders, set two deadlines for Britain to leave […]

The Seattle Times 

Howard, Westbrook among growing trend of graduate transfers

STARKVILLE, Miss. (AP) — Anriel Howard’s relentless rebounding and scoring have helped Mississippi State remain among the nation’s elite women’s programs. Simone Westbrook’s savvy, passing and shooting are a major reason Clemson has become one of this year’s surprise teams. The two veterans, who will both play in the NCAA Tournament on Friday, are part […]

The Seattle Times 

Asian stocks mixed on doubts over US-China trade deal

SINGAPORE (AP) — Asian markets were mixed on Friday as caution set in ahead of U.S.-China trade talks in Beijing next week. The Shanghai Composite index was 0.1 percent lower at 3,097.81 while the Kospi in South Korea rose 0.1 percent to 2,186.95. Australia’s S&P ASX 200 gained 0.5 percent to 6,195.20. Hong Kong’s Hang […]

The Seattle Times 

5-0 Big Ten start yields rare 2nd-round matchup in NCAAs

Already appearing drained by Michigan State’s difficult victory over the upset seekers from Bradley , coach Tom Izzo winced a little more in his postgame interview on the court when the subject turned to the next opponent for the Spartans in the East Region. Sure, Minnesota is the No. 10 seed that had a losing […]

The Seattle Times 

Agent Joe Linta representing QB son as draft approaches

It didn’t take long for TJ Linta to select an agent for a potential pro football career. “After an exhausting search, I finally settled on JLSPORTS,” he says with a laugh. The agent there is one Joe Linta, TJ’s father. And also his coach in high school. Most Read StoriesFBI joining criminal investigation into certification […]

The Seattle Times 

Zion in action as NCAA Tournament wraps up first round

The spotlight of the NCAA Tournament shifts to Zion Williamson and No. 1 overall seed Duke. Along with the other 31 teams playing in first-round games Friday. But let’s be real: After the way the projected top overall pick in the NBA draft played during the ACC Tournament, and the rest of the season for […]

The Seattle Times 

Man in north China drives into pedestrians, killing 6

BEIJING (AP) — A man who tried to kill his wife and daughter crashed his car into pedestrians in northern China on Friday, killing six of them, authorities said. Cui Lidong, 44, was then shot dead by police in Zaoyang city in northern Hubei province. The restaurant owner had attempted to kill his wife and […]

The Seattle Times 

NZ’s foreign minister arrives in Turkey for Muslim summit

ISTANBUL (AP) — New Zealand’s deputy prime minister is attending an emergency session of an umbrella organization of Muslim nations in Turkey after a gunman killed 50 people in two mosques in the South Pacific nation. Winston Peters was in Istanbul on Friday for the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s executive committee meeting. Australian Brenton […]

The Seattle Times 

Hand grenade thrown at Russian Consulate in Greece

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — An object thrown at the perimeter fence of the Russian Consulate in Athens was a hand grenade that exploded without causing any injuries, Greek police said Friday. Authorities sent a bomb disposal team to the consulate after cameras showed two people on a motorbike throwing a small object in the early […]

The Seattle Times 

2 powerful cyclones spinning toward north Australian coast

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Two powerful cyclones are blowing toward Australia’s sparsely populated north where around 2,000 people have been evacuated from the east coast of the Northern Territory ahead of strong winds, mountainous waves and flooding rain. Cyclones are frequent in Australia’s tropical north and rarely claim lives. But two such large storms as […]

The Seattle Times 

US forces say 2 American soldiers killed in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Two American service members were killed during an operation in Afghanistan on Friday, the U.S. and NATO forces said, providing no other details on the combat deaths. The fatalities, which bring to four the number of U.S. soldiers killed so far this year in Afghanistan, underscore the difficulties in bringing peace […]

The Seattle Times 

Kings score 3 in third period, trip up Sharks 4-2

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Will Ferrell spent the second period of the Kings’ game against the San Jose Sharks as part of the local television broadcast in his “Anchorman” character, Ron Burgundy. The comedian, who often attends games, never got to call a goal for the home team. They more than made up for it […]

The Seattle Times 

Players go from filling out NCAA brackets to filling them

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Rapolas Ivanauskas looked forward to filling out his NCAA Tournament bracket every March, competing with his brother to see who had the better feel for college basketball’s showcase. Which team to pick? Duke or North Carolina? Kansas or Kentucky? The Colgate forward-to-be made his best guesses — and finished second. “I […]

The Seattle Times 

Harris to visit historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta

ATLANTA (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris is set to speak Sunday at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where Martin Luther King Jr. once occupied the pulpit. Other 2020 presidential hopefuls, including fellow senators Cory Booker of New Jersey, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, have spoken at Ebenezer […]

The Seattle Times 

35 years in prison: Man exonerated in rape case and freed

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Criminal justice advocates say a man convicted of a 1982 rape in Louisiana’s capital city has been exonerated and freed after 35 years in prison. The Innocence Project, which works to free wrongly convicted defendants, said in a news release that 58-year-old Archie Williams was released Thursday based on a […]

The Seattle Times 

White House rejects request for Trump, Putin communications

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is rejecting a Democratic request for information on private conversations between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, including an interview with an interpreter who sat in on their one-on-one meeting in Helsinki last summer. In a letter earlier this month, three House committees asked for the substance […]

The Seattle Times 

US senator’s $580,000 jury award upheld in Kentucky

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (AP) — A Kentucky judge has denied a request for a new trial from a man who a jury said should pay more than $580,000 to U.S. Sen. Rand Paul for injuries Paul suffered when he was tackled by the man. The Daily News of Bowling Green reports Special Judge Tyler Gill […]

The Seattle Times 

Belgium, Croatia battle to wins as 2020 qualifying begins

The stars of last year’s World Cup had to dig deep as European Championship qualifying began Thursday. World Cup finalist Croatia nearly dropped points against Azerbaijan, only to be saved by a fine curling shot from Andrej Kramaric for a 2-1 win. Belgium needed two goals from Eden Hazard to defeat Russia 3-1 after a […]

The Seattle Times 

Duke’s Williamson main attraction in NCAA’s East Region

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — All eyes are on Duke’s Zion Williamson at the NCAA Tournament — much as they’ve been throughout his remarkable freshman season. Williamson and the top-seeded Blue Devils (29-5) start play in the East Region on Friday against Summit League champs North Dakota State (19-15), the 16th seed. The contest is among […]

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Экология в России и мире

Собянин рассказал о развитии инновационной экосистемы Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин: РФ продолжит взаимодействие с Ираном как при Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

Театр и Культура, Россия и Дети: 15 мая театр кукол Ульгэр представил спектакль «Мүнгэн мүшэдүүд» в стенах Художественного музея для первых классов гимназии №29 Улан-Удэ


Более 6 тыс жителей Московского региона приобрели техсредства реабилитации

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