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Новости за 10.07.2018

The Seattle Times 

American Airlines says it’s getting rid of plastic straws

American Airlines says it will stop using plastic straws and drink stirs and replace them with biodegradable alternatives. American said Tuesday that starting this month in its airport lounges it will serve drinks with straw and wood stir sticks and begin moving to what it called eco-friendly flatware. The world’s biggest airline says that in […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump’s attacks on NATO raise questions about its future

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s repeated tongue lashings of NATO allies and his friendly overtures to Russian President Vladimir Putin are stirring questions at home and abroad about Trump’s commitment to an Atlantic alliance that has been a pillar of U.S. security policy for more than half a century. Might a reordering, or even […]

The Seattle Times 

Algae, seaweed discolor Florida waters and beaches

STUART, Fla. (AP) — Tourism, fishing and public health are being threatened by contaminants discoloring stretches of beaches at the southern end of the Florida peninsula. Blue-green algae that covers much of Lake Okeechobee has been growing and flowing through canals connecting the freshwater lake to sensitive estuaries on the east and west coasts of […]

The Seattle Times 

Struggling Southern literary magazine pays off debt

CONWAY, Ark. (AP) — A nonprofit literary magazine has paid off $700,000 worth of debt it owed the University of Central Arkansas after more than a decade. The Massey Family Charitable Foundation made the final payment of $286,000 for the Oxford American on Friday, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported . Richard Massey serves on the magazine’s […]

The Seattle Times 

Innocence Project: DNA frees Oklahoma man convicted of rape

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — An Oklahoma man who spent more than 30 years in prison for rape is free after the Innocence Project presented DNA evidence it says excluded him from the crime. Court records show 56-year-old Perry Lott was released Monday. Lott was sentenced in 1988 to more than 200 years for rape, robbery, […]

The Seattle Times 

Oklahoma fast-tracking medical marijuana, but with pushback

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma is pushing ahead on medical marijuana after local voters approved one of least restrictive laws in the U.S., with the state health department approving emergency rules aimed at fast-tracking the industry into business. But the health department on Tuesday also tacked on two requirements that medical marijuana advocates say will […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge who denied Trump policy known for immigration rulings

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Trump administration’s effort to detain migrant families together for long terms collided with a formidable obstacle in a Los Angeles judge. Federal Judge Dolly Gee ruled against the administration’s efforts Monday to modify a settlement in which she previously decided that immigrant children should be released as quickly as possible […]

The Seattle Times 

Video: Rescuers save 9 stranded dolphins off Cape Cod coast

PROVINCETOWN, Mass. (AP) — Several stranded dolphins have been rescued and released back into the ocean off Cape Cod. Nine dolphins were released into the ocean at Herring Cove Beach in Provincetown by the International Fund for Animal Welfare on Tuesday afternoon. The group says 12 Atlantic white-sided dolphins were found stranded in a marshy […]

The Seattle Times 

England fans trickling into Moscow for World Cup semifinals

MOSCOW (AP) — An influx of England fans is expected to descend on Moscow for the World Cup semifinals, but there’s not much sign of them yet. The Nikolskaya street near the Kremlin, elaborately decorated with hanging lights, has been the main gathering point for fans in the Russian capital. A few dozen England fans […]

The Seattle Times 

Panthers owner under contract to keep Richardson statue

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — New Panthers owner David Tepper says while he’ll accept nothing less than an “open and safe” work environment in Carolina, he’s “contractually obligated” to keep a 13-foot high statue of former owner and team founder Jerry Richardson outside of the team’s stadium. Tepper, who was introduced as Carolina’s new owner Tuesday, […]

The Seattle Times 

St. Louis man accused of scalding skin from 8-month-old boy

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Prosecutors accuse a 26-year-old St. Louis man of dunking an 8-month-old boy in water so hot that some of his skin burned off and he was left with brain damage. Anthony Patrick Jr. was charged Sunday with felony child abuse or neglect causing serious injury. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that […]

The Seattle Times 

Italy arrests Macedonian on terror charges, expels Tunisian

ROME (AP) — Italian authorities have arrested a Macedonian man accused of preparing for a terrorist attack. Carabinieri said Tuesday that 29-year-old Agim Miftari was training “in view of future terrorist initiatives” in places like Syria. On his Facebook account, investigators found jihadi propaganda from the Islamic State and films of armed drones. A search […]

The Seattle Times 

Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer, 79, released from hospital

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland has been released from a Washington hospital, where he was treated for pneumonia, says his spokesman. Spokeswoman Mariel Saez said Tuesday in an email that Hoyer, the No. 2 House Democrat, was released from George Washington University Hospital over the weekend. The 79-year-old was diagnosed with […]

The Seattle Times 

Nevada inmate wants his death sentence, painful or not

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The Nevada death-row inmate due to die on Wednesday by a lethal combination of drugs never before used in the U.S. has said over and over that he wants his sentence carried out and he doesn’t care if it’s painful. Scott Raymond Dozier’s execution was postponed last November over concerns that […]

The Seattle Times 

FBI agent charged in shooting while dancing gets gun back

DENVER (AP) — An FBI agent accused of accidentally dropping and firing his gun while dancing at a Denver nightspot, hitting a bystander in the leg, can carry his weapon again. A judge approved the change to Chase Bishop’s release conditions Tuesday. During the short hearing, Bishop’s lawyer, David Goddard, said prosecutors had offered Bishop […]

The Seattle Times 

Flynn ‘eager’ for sentencing in lying case, attorney says

WASHINGTON (AP) — An attorney for Michael Flynn says the former national security adviser is “eager” to proceed to sentencing and put his criminal case behind him. Attorney Robert Kelner made the comments during a court hearing Tuesday before U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan. It was the first time Flynn had appeared in court since […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge: Manafort to be moved to jail closer to his lawyers

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A federal judge has ordered President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman to be moved to a jail closer to his lawyers. U.S District Judge T.S. Ellis III on Tuesday said Paul Manafort would be relocated to a jail in Alexandria, Virginia, where he is scheduled to stand trial later this month. […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump replacement for Obama climate plan moves forward

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — The Trump administration is advancing its plan to replace the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s efforts against global warming with a new rule expected to be friendlier to the coal industry. The Environmental Protection Agency said it sent the new rule to the White House for review on Monday. The document […]

The Seattle Times 

Herbicide may have killed other trees in central Oregon

BEND, Ore. (AP) — A weed-killer that killed thousands of ponderosa pines near Sisters has been linked to the deaths of other trees outside Sunriver and possibly across Oregon. Dale Mitchell, the Oregon Department of Agriculture program manager, says an investigation found that the active ingredient in Perspective may have killed dozens of ponderosa pines […]

The Seattle Times 

Appeal over removal of black man from jury pool is rejected

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Maine’s highest court has upheld the conviction of a black man from Lewiston who appealed because the prosecutors eliminated the only African-American from the jury pool. Malik Hollis, who’s serving a three-year sentence, contended the judge made a mistake in allowing the exclusion of the only person of color from the […]

The Seattle Times 

Man shot on highway flags down passing ambulance

WEST BRIDGEWATER, Mass. (AP) — Authorities say a man who said he was shot while driving on a Massachusetts highway flagged down a passing ambulance for treatment. Fire Chief Timothy Harhen says an East Bridgewater ambulance was driving south on state Route 24 in West Bridgewater just after 6 p.m. Monday when it was flagged […]

The Seattle Times 

Gaviria claims 2nd Tour win on Stage 4, Froome safe in pack

SARZEAU, France (AP) — Colombia’s Fernando Gaviria took his second win in four stages at the Tour de France on Tuesday, while Olympic champion Greg Van Avermaet kept the yellow leader’s jersey. Gaviria won Stage 4 after edging world champion Peter Sagan in a sprint finish to the flat 195-kilometer (121-mile) leg from La Baule […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о энергоэффективной постройке жилья в России

Путин в России и мире

В этот день ровно 30 лет назад будущий президент Российской Федерации был гидом будущего короля Великобритании в экскурсии по Ленинграду

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Europe1: Запад готовится убедить Зеленского принять принцип переговоров

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Бердымухамедов в Казани пригласил Гергиева на гастроли в Туркменистан


СПЧ: Сбежавшая из Чечни девушка покинула Россию

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