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Новости за 04.07.2018

The Seattle Times 

Gaultier fetes smoking, Saab channels Gaudi in Paris couture

PARIS (AP) — A tardy Naomi Campbell triggered a dangerous media scrum as she entered Jean-Paul Gaultier’s couture ode to smoking in Paris Wednesday. It raised the heat in the already scorching atmosphere on the final day of Paris fall-winter shows. Temperatures reached heatwave levels and sweating fashionistas fanned themselves with Gaultier-branded fans. Here are […]

The Seattle Times 

Ohio official says e-school’s founder should repay millions

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — As Ohio seeks to recover over $60 million from a giant online charter school that closed, the attorney general says the school founder and his two businesses should be on the hook for that public funding. Founder Bill Lager’s for-profit companies were paid to provide management and software services for the […]

The Seattle Times 

‘O Monstro’ Thiago Silva back to his best in Russia

KAZAN, Russia (AP) — Four years after Brazil’s humiliation at its home World Cup, Thiago Silva is back to his best in Russia, a country where his then-burgeoning career was almost tragically cut short years ago. The 33-year-old Brazil center back — who is nicknamed “O Monstro” for his exceptional physical abilities — is probably […]

The Seattle Times 

California wildfire grows, but so does control over flames

GUINDA, Calif. (AP) — Crews are making progress against a Northern California wildfire that threatens hundreds of buildings but say wind and dry vegetation could still fuel the blaze. California officials said the fire in rural counties northwest of Sacramento was 25 percent contained as of Wednesday morning. That’s up from 15 percent the previous […]

The Seattle Times 

‘Person of interest’ sought in shooting of XXXTentacion

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Law enforcement authorities in South Florida want to talk to a 22-year-old man wanted as a “person of interest” in the shooting death of rising rap star XXXTentacion (ex-ex-ex-ten-ta-see-YAWN). Broward Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright said in a news release sent Tuesday night that detectives want to ask Robert Allen […]

The Seattle Times 

Attorney: Parents are in fragile state for asylum interviews

LOS FRESNOS, Texas (AP) — Gabriel Canas, a bus driver from El Salvador who fled his homeland after members of MS-13 stormed his bus, did an initial screening interview for asylum under the worst circumstances. He hadn’t spoken to his 9-year-old daughter since the Border Patrol separated them two weeks earlier. And in that time, […]

The Seattle Times 

Pakistani officials: Suspected U.S. drone kills militants

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani intelligence officials say a suspected U.S. drone strike killed a militant commander and his associate near the Afghan border. Two intelligence officials say the drone targeted the commander, Qari Abdullah Dawar, as he was walking with his associate near their mountain hideout in the Tor Tangai area of […]

The Seattle Times 

Ex-soldiers convicted of killing Chilean singer Victor Jara

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — A Chilean judge has sentenced eight retired military officers to 18 years in prison for the kidnapping and murder of folk singer Victor Jara and a government official at the start of the country’s military dictatorship. The office of the court system says a ninth veteran was sentenced to five years […]

The Seattle Times 

Can Vicks VapoRub reduce the itchiness of poison ivy?

A reader reports that the decongestant lessens the discomfort of poison ivy. Why would that be? Plus: Hunting for discounts on prescription drugs, and a former competitive swimmer shares an alternative treatment for swimmer’s ear

The Seattle Times 

Catalan leader says prison transfer is no olive branch

MADRID (AP) — Six of nine prominent Catalan separatist politicians jailed for promoting the region’s drive to secede from Spain have been moved to prisons closer to their homes. Some observers see the prison transfer as a goodwill gesture by the central Spanish authorities ahead of a key meeting next week between Spain’s new prime […]

The Seattle Times 

Beckham’s latest Miami stadium plan targets golf course

MIAMI (AP) — David Beckham’s latest soccer plan for Miami might be decided by the city’s voters. His target: a golf course. Beckham is scheduled to appear before the Miami city commission next week as he and his partners aim to move closer to picking a stadium location for their Major League Soccer franchise. The […]

The Seattle Times 

Duma recommends registering journalists as ‘foreign agents’

MOSCOW (AP) — A committee of the Russian parliament has recommended the adoption of a proposed law that would require journalists working for media outlets designated as foreign agents to register as agents themselves. The measure, which the lower parliament’s information committee recommended on Tuesday, follows a law adopted last year under which Russia can […]

The Seattle Times 

3 children killed in Southeast Texas apartment fire

PORT ARTHUR, Texas (AP) — A fire official says three children rescued from a burning apartment in Southeast Texas have died from their injuries. Port Arthur Fire Marshal Paul Washburn tells KFDM television that firefighters arrived at the burning building a little after midnight Wednesday. First responders found the children and rushed them to a […]

The Seattle Times 

Subway in Azerbaijan halts operation after blackout

BAKU, Azerbaijan (AP) — The subway in Azerbaijan’s capital has suspended service in the wake of a massive blackout in the Caspian Sea nation. The authorities said the Baku subway will be closed for the entire day Wednesday due to unstable power supply. City officials provided extra buses to help commuters. The power outage hit […]

The Seattle Times 

Germany’s Merkel says migration deal is no about-turn

BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel is rejecting suggestions that an agreement to set up “transit centers” on the border with Austria, from which some asylum-seekers would be returned to other European countries, marks a turnaround in her migration policy. The agreement among Merkel’s conservative bloc hinges on other countries taking back migrants they’ve […]

The Seattle Times 

Chicago now requires ‘panic buttons’ for hotel workers

CHICAGO (AP) — Workers at Chicago hotels now have “panic buttons” to summon help if needed. An ordinance that took effect this week requires hotels to provide the buttons. They’re intended to protect housekeeping staff and others who work alone in guest rooms from sexual harassment and other crimes. A survey of 500 workers conducted […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge’s ruling slows plans for Medicaid work requirement

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration’s drive to wean poor people from government benefits by making them work has been slowed by a federal judge framing a fundamental question: Are poverty programs meant to show tough love or to help the needy? U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg in Washington last week halted Kentucky’s first-in-the-nation […]

The Seattle Times 

Philippine troops foil IS-linked attempt to attack town

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A Philippine army commander says government forces have foiled an attempt by a few dozen Muslim militants aligned with the Islamic State group to attack a small southern town in fighting that left four gunmen dead. Army Lt. Col. Harold Cabunoc says troops clashed with 30 to 40 militants Tuesday and […]

The Seattle Times 

US senator: Moscow must not meddle in the 2018 election

MOSCOW (AP) — A U.S. senator who is part of a congressional delegation visiting Russia says Moscow could help improve ties by not meddling in the midterm U.S. election in November. Sen. John Thune, a South Dakota Republican, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Russia’s “change in behavior” is essential for better relations. Thune […]

The Seattle Times 

US to keep Persian Gulf waterway open despite Iran threats

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The U.S. military is reiterating a promise to keep Persian Gulf waterways open to oil tankers as Iran renewed threats to close off the region. Capt. Bill Urban, a spokesman for the U.S. military’s Central Command, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that American sailors and its regional allies […]

The Seattle Times 

Neymar urged to stop acting, win titles to get FIFA award

MOSCOW (AP) — After a decade of duopoly, the FIFA-run vote to crown soccer’s best player finally seems open to third parties after Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo left the World Cup early. Neymar must help Brazil lift the trophy next week if he wants to join the greats, according to the World Cup winner […]

The Seattle Times 

Traffic ‘nightmare’ for New York-bound motorists, but when?

WEEHAWKEN, N.J. (AP) — With a lengthy highway construction project looming that could turn one of the Northeast’s worst traffic bottlenecks into the stuff of post-apocalyptic fiction, local officials whose towns could be overrun by frustrated motorists say they’re still in the dark on some aspects of the plan. When lanes will be closed on […]

The Seattle Times 

Greece to extradite Georgian suspected crime boss to France

THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) — Greek authorities have agreed to extradite to France the Georgian suspected head of an international crime ring specializing in robberies and burglaries. Lasha Shushanashvili, 57, was among 14 people arrested, in coordination with France, in April in the northern city of Thessaloniki during a two-day operation involving more than 100 police […]

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Экология в России и мире

Собянин рассказал о развитии инновационной экосистемы Москвы

Путин в России и мире

В Москве стартовал Национальный конгресс эндокринологов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

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