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Новости за 25.12.2016

The Seattle Times 

Famed Russian military choir among many feared dead in Black Sea plane crash

Passengers on the flight that crashed into the Black Sea moments after takeoff Sunday included 64 members of the Alexandrov Ensemble, the Russian military choir, who were traveling to Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base in Syria to serenade Russian personnel on New Year’s Eve.

The Seattle Times 

SEC still has plenty of questions heading into league play

As the Southeastern Conference prepares to begin league competition, this much seems clear: Kentucky’s freshman class is as good as advertised. But there are plenty of questions surrounding the rest of the league as it tries to bounce back from a 2015-16 season in which the SEC earned only three NCAA Tournament invitations. Only two […]

The Seattle Times 

Imprisoned Blagojevich awaits Obama decision on commutation

CHICAGO (AP) — One of the last chances for former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to win early release from federal prison rests on a pending decision by the man whose Senate seat Blagojevich was convicted of trying to sell — President Barack Obama. Blagojevich, 60, is in the fourth year of a 14-year prison term. […]

The Seattle Times 

At least now Giants don’t have to root for Cowboys

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) — At least now the Giants don’t have to root for the Cowboys. After Tampa Bay lost to New Orleans on Saturday, New York advanced to the playoffs. Had the Bucs won, the Giants would have needed their archrival from Dallas to beat Detroit on Monday night to secure a postseason […]

The Seattle Times 

Carrie Fisher in stable condition, Debbie Reynolds says

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Carrie Fisher is in stable condition days after suffering a medical emergency, according to her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds. Reynolds tweeted Sunday that the family would share any updates on Fisher and thanked the public for its “prayers & good wishes.” Earlier in the day, Oscar winner Sally Field tweeted that […]

The Seattle Times 

Stafford comes home, looking to clinch playoffs for Lions

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — Matthew Stafford doesn’t dwell on Detroit’s loss to his hometown Dallas Cowboys in the playoffs two years ago. The Lions quarterback focuses on the good memories as he prepares for another homecoming Monday night, knowing his team can clinch a postseason berth with a victory. “I really like coming home and […]

The Seattle Times 

Cops: Man sets estranged wife’s home on fire, kills himself

FAIRFIELD, Maine (AP) — A central Maine man set his estranged wife’s house on fire during the middle of the night before fatally stabbing himself in front of responding officers, police said Sunday. Shortly after midnight Saturday, Terry Whitney, 63, went to his estranged wife’s home, shut off the power, and set fire to his […]

The Seattle Times 

Man dies after confrontation with Florida officers

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — A black man has died after a confrontation with police outside a gas station, Florida authorities said. According to a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office incident report, 41-year-old Marcus Dushane White of Jacksonville died after being taken to a hospital early Saturday. Sheriff’s Office Director Ron Lendvay told The Florida Times-Union (http://bit.ly/2igCDAJ ) […]

The Seattle Times 

Reports say 4 people found shot dead in eastern NC home

WILSON, N.C. (AP) — Local media reports say authorities in North Carolina are investigating the shooting deaths of four people inside a home about 50 miles east of Raleigh. A spokeswoman for the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office declined Sunday to provide details of the slayings. Wanda Samuel says new information will be released whenever it’s […]

The Seattle Times 

In Vermont, solar, batteries key energy revolution

MIDDLETOWN SPRINGS, Vt. (AP) — Rhonda “Honey” Phillips keeps her own cows and garden at her small, hillside homestead, and now is pushing self-sufficiency in a more high-tech direction. This year, she installed new solar panels just downhill from her modest house and hung a Tesla Powerwall backup battery on her basement wall, to charge […]

The Seattle Times 

Cubs’ World Series title voted top AP sports story of 2016

CHICAGO (AP) — Everything changed for the Chicago Cubs on a rainy November night. A century-plus worth of heartache washed away by a wave of pure joy. There were hugs, cheers and tears — and bottles and bottles of booze, sprayed everywhere from Cleveland to the shadow of Wrigley Field. Lovable losers, no more. The […]

The Seattle Times 

Not just for skiers: Gondolas seen as urban transit solution

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — An aerial cable car system being pitched in Albany, New York, is among a handful of urban gondola systems being studied across the U.S. to solve public transportation problems. While there are currently few such systems in the country, the technology is quickly gaining traction in European countries such as Italy, […]

The Seattle Times 

No. 5 Duke aiming to get settled, develop as ACC play starts

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Duke started the year as the nation’s top-ranked team and Atlantic Coast Conference favorite. Yet as the start of league play arrives, little has gone to plan for the fifth-ranked Blue Devils. And that could make for an interesting race for the ACC regular-season crown with No. 8 North Carolina, No. […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Knife-wielding man in Georgia shot by officers

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. (AP) — The Georgia Bureau of Investigation says a man is in critical condition after being shot by police answering a domestic call. Authorities say two officers who answered the call around 7 p.m. Christmas Eve were confronted by a man wielding a knife at a home in Buford, an unincorporated area of […]

The Seattle Times 

Anti-refugee sentiment from election spills over to states

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The push to restrict refugee resettlements and immigration in the U.S. that figured so prominently in Donald Trump’s election is now headed to states that are preparing to convene their legislative sessions early next year, immigration advocates said. In Montana, which took in just nine refugee families from January to early […]

The Seattle Times 

Scholars team up to dispel 400-year-old ‘fake news’ about US

BOSTON (AP) — Fake news, quadricentennial edition: America’s early settlers were all pious. The native people were savages. Freedom and liberty were available to all from Day One. As the U.S. gears up to mark the 400th anniversary of its roots as a nation, leading scholars from around the globe are teaming up to dispel […]

The Seattle Times 

Trooper helps deliver baby on Connecticut highway

GLASTONBURY, Conn. (AP) — A Connecticut state trooper made a very special delivery in time for Christmas. State police say a woman was on her way to the hospital Saturday to give birth when she realized the baby wasn’t going to wait. Her brother, who was driving, pulled over on Route 2 in Glastonbury and […]

The Seattle Times 

Sheriff: Deputy kills woman threatening him with knife

LAKE WALES, Fla. (AP) — A Florida sheriff’s deputy fatally shot a woman who authorities say threatened him with a knife. A Polk County Sheriff’s Office statement said 53-year-old Miriam Ann Savino called 911 requesting help Saturday afternoon for “a matter of life or death.” Sheriff’s spokeswoman Donna Wood said Deputy David Lockard found no […]

The Seattle Times 

Clam and oyster gathering opens after New Year on some local beaches

Shellfish gatherers have some winter lcma dn oyster options in some areas of Puget Sound heading into the New Year. State Fish and Wildlife say clam populations at four beaches in Jefferson, Clallam and Island counties will allow an extended opportunity. In Jefferson County, Fort Flagler near Port Townsend will be open Jan. 1 through […]

The Seattle Times 

Pipeline uncertainty illustrates broader concerns for tribes

For hundreds of protesters, it was cause to cheer when the Obama administration this month declined to issue an easement for the Dakota Access pipeline’s final segment. But that elation was dampened by the uncertainty of what comes next: a Donald Trump-led White House that might be far less attuned to issues affecting Native Americans. […]

The Seattle Times 

Iran says will only pay half price for new Boeing planes

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s official IRNA news agency is reporting the deputy transport minister as saying that his county will only pay half of the announced price for 80 new Boeing planes, given the reductions in its purchasing options. According to the Sunday report, Asghar Fakhrieh Kashan says that despite an initial $16.8 billion […]

The Seattle Times 

Inmate forced to take drugs will represent himself at trial

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Should Connecticut compensate a prison inmate who was injected with psychotropic drugs against his will? A trial set for January, in which the inmate is representing himself, will decide. The inmate, Kacey Lewis, was taken from his cell, shackled and subdued with pepper spray for some of the 42 injections he […]

The Seattle Times 

Mali’s Christians return to church under police protection

GAO, Mali (AP) — As the sun starts to fall, the call to prayer at the mosque echoes throughout Gao, a predominantly Muslim town in northern Mali. At that same moment, a small church bell nearby also rings. It’s a reminder that even in a town where just four years ago strict Islamic law was […]

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Экология в России и мире

В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии присоединились к ежегодной экологической акции «Наш лес. Посади свое дерево»

Путин в России и мире

IRNA: Путин провел встречу с послом Ирана после крушения вертолета Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Президент Камеруна получил послание от Президента Лукашенко

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

В Душанбе открылась книжная выставка, посвящённая Юлии Друниной и Булату Окуджаве


В горокруге Пушкинский открыли памятник в память о воинах-россиянах, погибших в зоне СВО

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