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Новости за 13.08.2016

The Seattle Times 

Prosecution trend: After fatal OD, dealer charged with death

LITTLETON, N.H. (AP) — He knew he was in trouble even before he read the text message: “Did u hear what hapnd 2 ed?” Ed Martin III had been found dead in the bathroom of a convenience store, slumped over on his knees with a needle and a residue-stained spoon in his pocket. He’d mainlined […]

The Seattle Times 

What’s behind growing push to punish dealers in fatal ODs?

Faced with an alarming increase in opioid addiction, a growing number of prosecutors are charging dealers not just for selling but for the deaths of customers who overdose on heroin or fentanyl. Here are some questions and answers about opioid abuse and this approach to pursuing dealers. __ HOW MANY AMERICANS DIE OF OPIOID OVERDOSES? […]

The Seattle Times 

The Motley Fool: Useful tips on investing

Averaging down Q: Am I smart or dumb to buy more shares of a stock I own after its price falls? A:It can be a good move if the entire market has declined, taking your holding with it through no fault of its own — or if the market overreacts to your company’s latest news, […]

The Seattle Times 

Pelosi warns colleagues of harassing calls and messages

EDGARTOWN, Mass. (AP) — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is advising fellow Democrats to change their cellphone numbers and not let family members read their text messages after personal and official information of Democratic House members and congressional staff was posted online. Pelosi says in a letter to Democrats that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee […]

The Seattle Times 

Reports say police have responded to shooting at mall

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — News reports say police in Raleigh, North Carolina, are responding to a shooting at a busy mall. WRAL-TV says police in Raleigh were working to secure Crabtree Valley Mall on Saturday afternoon after gunshots were filed inside. The station says no suspects have been taken into custody. The number of injured […]

The Seattle Times 

Nationals release former closer Jonathan Papelbon

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Nationals have released former closer Jonathan Papelbon. The move came Saturday when the Nationals needed a roster spot to recall right-hander Reynaldo Lopez to start against the Atlanta Braves. A little over a year after the Nationals acquired him from the Philadelphia Phillies to replace Drew Storen as their closer, […]

The Seattle Times 

Crews return to shore with sunken ship El Faro’s ‘black box’

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — Federal accident investigators have returned to shore with the “black box” of the sunken freighter El Faro, but say it could be weeks before they know if it will help them understand what happened in the hours before the ship sank during a hurricane. The Florida Times-Union reports (http://bit.ly/2bqhljX ) that […]

The Seattle Times 

First-ever marijuana fair opens in Oregon

SALEM, Ore. (AP) — People flocked to Oregon’s first-ever marijuana growers’ fair on Saturday, where a competition for best pot plants will be held with the winning entries to be displayed at the Oregon State Fair. The inaugural two-day event being held in an exhibition hall on the Oregon State Fairgrounds underscores how the once-illicit […]

The Seattle Times 

Green pool to be drained, refilled for synchronized swimming

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Olympic officials say they will drain the larger pool at the Maria Lenk Aquatics Center to remove the green-tinged water. The director of venue management, Gustavo Nascimento, says clean water from a nearby practice pool will be transferred to the main pool in time for the start of synchronized swimming […]

The Seattle Times 

Germany cruises to 4-0 win over Portugal

Germany cruised to a 4-0 victory over Portugal on Saturday to advance to the Olympic semifinals. Serge Gnabry opened the scoring when Portugal’s goalkeeper Bruna Varela couldn’t reach Gnabry’s shot in stoppage time at the end of the first half. It was his sixth goal of the Olympics. Mattias Ginter, the youngest player on the […]

The Seattle Times 

US safety agency issues report in bike crash that killed 5

KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP) — A federal safety agency investigating a Michigan road crash that killed five bicyclists says it’s still determining the likely cause and other aspects of the accident. The National Transportation Safety Board recently released a preliminary report on the June 7 crash in Kalamazoo County’s Cooper Township, in which a man struck […]

The Seattle Times 

Sole Russian track athlete banned from Rio, quickly appeals

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The IAAF said Saturday it has banned the only Russian in Olympic track and field from competition and that she is appealing the ruling. IAAF spokesman Yannis Nikolaou told The Associated Press that the governing body revoked eligibility for long jumper Darya Klishina based on new information it received last […]

The Seattle Times 

Kenny Baker, who played R2-D2 in ‘Star Wars,’ dead at 81

LONDON (AP) — Kenny Kenny Baker, the 3-foot 8-inch (1.1 meter) actor who played R2-D2 in the “Star Wars” films, has died. He was 81. Baker’s nephew and carer, Drew Myerscough, said he found Baker dead Saturday at his home in Preston, northwest England. Myerscough told Sky News that Baker had suffered years of breathing […]

The Seattle Times 

Ruling delayed on man’s plea; admits to beheading co-worker

NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — A judge has delayed a ruling on whether to accept the guilty plea of a Moore man who has admitted beheading a co-worker and says he wants the death penalty. Cleveland County District Judge Lori Walkley said Friday that she’ll rule Wednesday on whether she’ll accept the plea from Alton Nolen. […]

The Seattle Times 

Farewell day for Michael Phelps at Rio Games

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — This is goodbye for Michael Phelps. The most decorated athlete in Olympic history has one more race before retirement. His shot at a 28th medal comes Saturday in the final slate of swimming at the Rio de Janeiro Games, where Usain Bolt, the fastest man in the world, made his […]

The Seattle Times 

Swiss police report stabbings, fire on train; suspect held

BERLIN (AP) — Police in Switzerland say a Swiss man set a fire and stabbed people on a train in the country’s northeast, wounding six people as well as himself. Police in St. Gallen canton (state) say the incident happened at 2:20 local time (1220 GMT) Saturday afternoon as the train neared the station in […]

The Seattle Times 

Well-funded, disciplined, Cheney formidable in US House race

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — This time around, Liz Cheney’s the one to beat. Accusations of carpet-bagging, a ticket for illegal fishing and a family spat over gay marriage led up to Cheney abandoning her bid to unseat U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, a fellow Republican, last election cycle. Now, Cheney’s got credibility, money and momentum after […]

The Seattle Times 

Counting fireworks injuries a struggle in Georgia, elsewhere

ATLANTA (AP) — Most fireworks became legal in Georgia in 2015 but state officials can’t say whether the number of injuries has changed — echoing a nationwide pattern in which experts believe fireworks injuries go underreported. The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission reported at least 11 deaths from fireworks in 2015 and 11,900 injuries requiring […]

The Seattle Times 

Access is central to Maryland medical marijuana program

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Plenty of states have rolled out medical marijuana operations before Maryland, but as the state prepares to announce its top candidates for licenses to grow and process the drug, it’s determined not to repeat the mistakes of others. Maryland takes one of the more liberal approaches toward medical marijuana access, and […]

The Seattle Times 

What Trump and Clinton didn’t say in their economic speeches

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton spelled out their economic visions in high-profile speeches in Michigan this week. They delved into taxes and regulations, trade deals and job growth. Yet perhaps most notable about their speeches is what they left out. Mostly unmentioned were major challenges that have slowed the U.S. economy and […]

The Seattle Times 

Ceremonies mark 55th anniversary of Berlin Wall construction

BERLIN (AP) — The mayor of Germany’s capital has placed a wreath at the main Berlin Wall memorial, marking the 55th anniversary of the start of construction of the Cold War structure that divided the city for nearly three decades. Ahead of the ceremony at the Bernauer Strasse memorial, Mayor Michael Mueller also took part […]

The Seattle Times 

French minister inspects stepped-up security at Lourdes

PARIS (AP) — France’s interior minister has inspected the more than 500 security forces deployed at the pilgrimage site of Lourdes to guard some 20,000 faithful expected for next week’s Feast of the Assumption. France is under an “exceptionally high” terrorist threat. Monday is the biggest day of the year for the Catholic shrine reputed […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о энергоэффективной постройке жилья в России

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об изменениях в налоговом и бюджетном законодательстве России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

Россия, Культура, Дети: конкурс на новую эмблему обьявил Театр Ульгэр в Республике Бурятия


Дочь Анастасии Заворотнюк рассказала, что вышла замуж

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