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Новости за 25.06.2016

The Seattle Times 

Illinois police sue town, claim body cameras record nonstop

ROUND LAKE PARK, Ill. (AP) — Ten police officers in a Chicago suburb are suing the town, claiming the body cameras they wore never turned off and recorded them using the restroom and changing clothes. The lawsuit filed Thursday in federal court says one of the officers in Round Lake Park discovered the problem while […]

The Seattle Times 

Indianapolis Zoo ready to reopen ride that stranded 8

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A ride that carries Indianapolis Zoo visitors along an elevated track above the orangutan exhibit is scheduled to reopen after being closed for almost a year. According to WTHR-TV in Indianapolis (http://bit.ly/28Z752b ), the Skyline ride has been closed since last July after a mechanical problem caused it to stop and trap […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas State Police probing fatal shooting by 3 deputies

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The Arkansas State Police says it will investigate the fatal shooting of a 50-year-old suspect by three sheriff’s deputies. Police said Saturday that the Washington County sheriff requested the agency’s involvement after the shooting. Authorities arrived Friday to find the suspect on a front porch holding a handgun and shotgun. […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Dead educator was pregnant with accused man’s child

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Police say a school administrator found dead in a sugar cane field was pregnant with the child of a former co-worker, who has been accused in the killing. The Advocate (http://bit.ly/28ULORL) reports Baton Rouge Police cited findings from a crime lab report released Thursday. Forty-year-old Lyntell Washington was found dead […]

The Seattle Times 

Jeff Gordon interested in joining ‘Live’ with Kelly Ripa

SONOMA, Calif. (AP) — Jeff Gordon is open to succeeding Michael Strahan as Kelly Ripa’s new “Live” co-host — so long as he could continue his new job as a NASCAR analyst. Gordon is calling his final race of the season Sunday for Fox Sports and then will head into the first significant downtime of […]

The Seattle Times 

Vandals hit French union headquarters as labor tensions grow

PARIS (AP) — Vandals have smashed doors and windows at the headquarters of the French union that has been leading months of protests against a government bill weakening French worker protections. Paris police and the Interior Ministry said the damage to the CGT headquarters was inflicted Saturday in the Paris suburb of Montreuil, and promised […]

The Seattle Times 

Black bear cub makes brief escape at Ohio zoo before capture

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Zoo officials in Ohio say a black bear cub briefly escaped its enclosure before being corralled and sedated. A spokeswoman says the Columbus Zoo was put on lockdown Saturday morning for a few minutes until workers could contain the bear. She says two black bear cubs were being moved into a […]

The Seattle Times 

Coast Guard schedules update about search for missing family

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — The Coast Guard has scheduled a news conference about the search-and-rescue efforts for a Florida family last seen on a sailboat in the Gulf of Mexico. Ace Kimberly and his three teenagers disappeared Sunday after departing Sarasota for Fort Myers. Two bodies have been recovered from the waters off southwest […]

The Seattle Times 

Orlando officials plan permanent memorial for Pulse victims

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — City officials in Orlando say they will create a permanent memorial to the 49 victims killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting. According to a statement Friday from the city, a committee will oversee an “open and transparent” process that includes input from the victims’ families and the community. Neither a location […]

The Seattle Times 

2 dead, several hurt after Fort Worth dance studio shooting

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — Texas authorities say two people are dead and several others injured following a shooting outside a nonprofit dance studio in Fort Worth. Fort Worth Police Spokesman Daniel Segura says in a statement Saturday that East Division officers responded to reports of a shooting at Studio 74’s Fort Worth address. He […]

The Seattle Times 

Hundreds of Syrian Kurds flee IS-held areas amid abductions

BEIRUT (AP) — An opposition monitoring group and a Kurdish official say hundreds of Kurds are fleeing villages controlled by the Islamic state group in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo. Sherfan Darwish, a spokesman for the U.S.-backed Syria Democratic Forces, said Saturday that as one family fled they were struck by an exploding mine […]

The Seattle Times 

Now that Britain wants out, EU must figure out how to do it

BRUSSELS (AP) — Now that Britain has voted to leave the European Union, the bloc’s first order of business is figuring out how to get rid of it. Surprisingly, that’s a tall order. Britain seemingly has the luxury to pick and choose when to start the laborious, intricate process of disengagement from the 28-nation group, […]

The Seattle Times 

Iceland takes on England, the team it’s cheered from afar

NICE, France (AP) — Brought up on a regular supply of the Premier League, Iceland’s players are used to cheering on England at major soccer tournaments. Now, they’re trying to eliminate them. In what appears to be the biggest mismatch of the European Championship’s round of 16, Iceland — the smallest nation ever to appear […]

The Seattle Times 

AP PHOTOS: A selection of pictures from the past week

Highlights from the weekly AP photo report, a gallery featuring a mix of front-page photography, the odd image you might have missed and lasting moments our editors think you should see. This week’s gallery features images of Churchill’s silhouette against Parliament, an indigenous Andean New Year’s ritual and a sit-in at Congress. ___ This gallery […]

The Seattle Times 

China-led development bank approves first loans

BEIJING (AP) — A new Chinese-led development bank has approved its first loans and expects to suffer no impact from Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, the bank’s president said Saturday at its first annual meeting. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, launched in January with 57 member governments, already has received expressions of interest […]

The Seattle Times 

Putin praises ‘all-embracing’ partnership of Russia, China

BEIJING (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday emphasized economic ties with China and praised what he called Russia’s “all-embracing and strategic partnership” with its neighbor, during a visit to Beijing that takes place against the background of a drop in trade and lingering mistrust. Putin told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang that ties were […]

The Seattle Times 

British brace for economic repercussions of EU exit decision

LONDON (AP) — The British were warned for weeks that a vote to leave the European Union would result in economic pain. Now they’ll find out whether it will. U.K. financial leaders are scrambling to reassure households, businesses and investors that they can contain the doom and gloom they had predicted in case of a […]

The Seattle Times 

EU’s founding members say talks on UK exit needed urgently

BERLIN (AP) — The founding members of the European Union on Saturday urged for quick negotiations about Britain’s departure from the bloc, saying the other 27 countries in the union need to move ahead and think about the future. In a display of unity in Berlin, foreign ministers of the six founding members urged for […]

The Seattle Times 

In need of help, Trump finds few willing to work for him

WASHINGTON (AP) — To compete against Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump has finally conceded, he needs more than the bare-bones campaign team that led him to primary success. Yet he’s finding that many of the GOP’s most experienced political aides just aren’t willing to work for him. From Texas to New Hampshire, well-respected members of the […]

The Seattle Times 

Democrats approved platform draft with Sanders’ imprint

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Democrats approved a draft of the party platform early Saturday that includes steps to break up large Wall Street banks, advocates for a $15 an hour wage and urges the abolition of the death penalty, reflecting the influence of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. Supporters of presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton defeated […]

The Seattle Times 

New Hampshire woman drops defamation suit against Bill Cosby

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) — A 72-year-old New Hampshire woman who says Bill Cosby raped her in 1965 has withdrawn her civil defamation lawsuit against the comedian after a federal judge had allowed the case to move forward. Kristina Ruehli’s lawyer told The Associated Press on Friday that her client had decided not to pursue the […]

The Seattle Times 

Trans-Atlantic Trend? Trump sees UK vote as validation

WASHINGTON (AP) — Britain’s stunning vote to bolt from the European Union sent political tremors across the Atlantic, fueling Donald Trump’s confidence that frustrated U.S. voters will back similarly sweeping change and rattling Democrats who are banking on Americans ultimately choosing a more conventional leader in Hillary Clinton. The British referendum was no exact mirror […]

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Экология в России и мире

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Пшеничников: визит Путина в Китай укрепил союз Москвы и Пекина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Europe1: Запад готовится убедить Зеленского принять принцип переговоров

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт

Моцарт на балалайке и не только: топ-10 необычных концертов и музыкальных событий «Ночи в музее»-2024 в Москве


Оверчук заявил, что Афганистан расширит список экспортируемых в Россию товаров

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