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Новости за 22.01.2016

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

United Airlines pilots approve 2-year contract extension

CHICAGO (AP) — United Airlines pilots have ratified a contract extension that includes pay raises and gives the company more certainty about labor costs. Details of the extension aren't being released, but the union says it puts the pilots' compensation at the top of the industry.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

1 dead in listeria outbreak linked to packaged lettuce

The CDC said 12 people in six states have been hospitalized in the outbreak since July after eating salads sold under the names Dole, Fresh Selections, Simple Truth, Marketside, The Little Salad Bar and President's Choice. The CDC said it linked the outbreak to the Dole salads this month after Ohio agriculture officials found listeria in a bag bought at a retail location. Listeria primarily affects the elderly, people with compromised immune systems, and pregnant women and newborn infants.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Virtual reality experience highlight of new Dali Museum show

Thanks to virtual reality, they'll be exploring a Dali painting in a dreamy, three-dimensional world that turns art appreciation into an unforgettable, immersive experience. Called "Dreams of Dali," the VR experience takes viewers inside Dali's 1935 painting "Archeological Reminiscence of Millet's 'Angelus.'" The painting depicts two towering stone figures along with tiny human figures in a bare landscape with a moody sky. Users can move around inside the painting, using Oculus Rift headsets to... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Quotes from Smith, Elba and others about the Oscars

The second straight year of all-white acting nominees has turned this year's Academy Awards into a referendum on diversity in the movie industry and sparked protests around Hollywood's biggest annual celebration. Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences President Cheryl Boone Isaacs has vowed drastic changes to diversify the academy's largely white membership. The backlash has prompted further examination throughout Hollywood about the diversity of its movies and the fairness of the awards it bestows on its best performances and films. Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

CDC expands tropical virus alert; 22 destinations on list

Health authorities have added eight tropical destinations to a travel alert about an illness linked with a severe birth defect and spread by mosquitoes. All travelers to these areas are advised to take precautions, including using repellent and wearing long sleeves and long pants, to avoid mosquito bites. Zika illness can cause fever, rash and joint pain but most people infected by mosquito bites don't show symptoms.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Airlines cancel flights as snowstorm snarls Eastern US

By Sunday afternoon, however, the airlines hope to be back to a full schedule to handle the typical influx of business travelers heading out to start a week on the road. Overall, the airlines have canceled about 13 percent of their scheduled flights in the U.S. for Friday and Saturday. The airports included vary by airline but include some cities in Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia all the way up the coast to New Hampshire and Massachusetts. — If your flight is canceled — and you are at the airport ... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Starbucks closing Teavana 'tea bars' in NYC, Beverly Hills

NEW YORK (AP) — Starbucks is retreating from Teavana "tea bars" that first opened in New York City a little more than two years ago and mimicked the coffee chain's namesake stores, except with tea. The stores served made-to-order tea drinks and some food items, with places to sit much like at Starbucks stores. The closure of the tea bars will not affect the more than 350 Teavana retail locations, which primarily sell packaged teas and appliances, the company said.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

CDC says 1 person dead from listeria linked to Dole salads

NEW YORK (AP) — The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said one person died and about a dozen others were sickened from a listeria outbreak linked to packaged salads made at a Dole processing facility. The manufacturing code on the package starts with the letter "A." The CDC says customers should not eat those bags.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Weak growth and shaky markets put pressure on central banks

Around the world, stock markets have been pounded for weeks, in large part by fear and uncertainty over a decelerating Chinese economy, the world's second-biggest and long a vital source of global strength. At this week's ECB's meeting, President Mario Draghi warned that plunging oil prices heightened the risk that inflation would stay well below the central bank's 2 percent target. By making banks pay to keep their money at the central bank, it tries to pressure them to use their money to lend to businesses and consumers instead. Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

US rig count down 13 this week to 637

HOUSTON (AP) — Oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. says the number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. declined by 13 this week to 637. The Houston firm said Friday 510 rigs sought oil and 127 explored for natural gas amid depressed energy prices.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Apple to open apps center in Naples; CEO Cook meets Renzi

ROME (AP) — Apple has chosen Naples, Italy, to establish Europe's first iOS App Development Center. Apple CEO Tim Cook on Friday met in Rome with Italian Premier Matteo Renzi, who is delighted that the center's creation could mean hundreds of jobs for Italy's underdeveloped south. The center would give students practical skills and training in developing the apps. Cook also met with Pope Francis during his Rome visit.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Recalls this week: Disney infant onesies, bikes

Infant onesies sold at Disney resorts and on Disney are being recalled because snaps on the items pose a choking hazard. Other recalled consumer products include defective bar stools and children's balance bikes. The garments were sold at Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, the Treasure Ketch Shop on the Disney Wonder and Mickey's Mainsail located on the Disney Magic, Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy cruise ships from February 2015 through November 2015. Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

US Virgin Islands reports its first Zika virus case

Brazilian officials have linked the tropical illness to birth defects. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned that pregnant women should avoid traveling to 14 countries and territories in the Americas where the virus has been detected.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Charlotte Rampling: Oscars diversity debate racist to whites

LONDON (AP) — Academy Award-nominated British actress Charlotte Rampling has entered the debate over a lack of diversity at the Oscars, saying the calls for a boycott are "racist to white people." Veteran British actor Michael Caine, meanwhile, urged black actors to "be patient" and said recognition would come.

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Big-money shoots may turn Havana into new Hollywood location

HAVANA (AP) — The producers of Showtime's dark comedy "House of Lies" had $3 million and a mission: shoot the first episode of scripted American television in Cuba in more than half a century. [...] the shoot starring Don Cheadle and Kristen Bell wrapped up last week as part of a once-unimaginable surge of interest that could transform communist Cuba into a regular Hollywood location or fade rapidly due to the difficulty of working on the island. "Papa," an Ernest Hemingway biopic approved before detente was announced... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

US home purchases rebound; 2015 had most sales in 9 years

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. home sales rebounded in December after new regulations had delayed the completion of purchases in November. [...] total sales in 2015 were the most in nine years. The National Association of Realtors said Friday that sales of existing homes climbed 14.7 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.46 million. Steady job growth and low mortgages drew more buyers into the market, causing both sales and prices to climb. Sales remain well below their peak of 7.08 million in 2005... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Officials: South Dakota drew 13.7 million visitors in 2015

Low gas prices and landmark anniversaries such as the 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and the 50th Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup helped draw tourists, Secretary of Tourism Jim Hagen said. Tourism's contribution to South Dakota's economy climbed 6.1 percent in 2015, generating more than $270 million in state and local tax revenue and supporting more than 50,000 jobs, according to the state Department of Tourism. The 44-year-old custom cabinet designer said he watched the sun rise in the Badlands... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Buttons as contemporary art, reimagined in NYC exhibition

"What I tried to do with this show was look at artists who were elevating that level of craft and making polished, well-executed works that can stand next to a painting ... because of the amount of detail and precision in the work," added the curator. The Harlem artist's technique involves lining his object with an identical button and then adding a second layer of buttons of varying shapes, sizes and texture for a three-dimensional effect. In another piece, a school desk becomes a statement on his childhood Catholic school experience... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

Southeast Asia launches 10-year plan to increase tourism

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Southeast Asian tourism ministers on Friday launched a 10-year plan to ramp up marketing of their region as a single destination to raise tourism's share of the regional economy to 15 percent by 2025. The campaign, to be launched in March at a travel convention in Berlin, will showcase hundreds of ASEAN tourism products, events and experiences and target people within and outside the region. The 10-year tourism plan calls for intensified promotion and marketing, diversification... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Светильники обновили в переходах и тоннелях Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин посетил пасхальную службу в храме Христа Спасителя в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Филипп Киркоров

«Смотрю в зеркало и говорю: ну красивый!»: Филипп Киркоров отметит день рождения в «Шоу Воли» на ТНТ


Стоп, снято: мошенники придумали новые схемы с фейковыми фотосессиями

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