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Новости за 20.06.2020

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Letter from Leneghan

The_Enforcer wrote:

I will happily take on Jukes on the political side of the forum in a one on one MAGA debate if he so wishes.

£10 a ticket and all the funds donated to the club, and i don't mean ten minute Tony..

Statistics: Posted by JonnyBroad — Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:00 pm — Replies 97 — Views 4061

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Re: O/T Politics and Pandemics

It's often said that politics is a horseshoe where the far left and far right are much closer to each other than most people realise.

An interesting read...

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... ings-woke-

Statistics: Posted by King Street Cat — Sat Jun 20, 2020 7:22 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Re: Other Teams' Rumours And Signings For 2021

Rogues Gallery wrote:

I suppose the big difference is that he's coming into a team that already have seven forwards aged between 30 and 35.
If he is only on a one year deal then he'll probably do a job but that pack will need a big refresh in the next couple of years.

I’d also add to that that the players quoted didn’t have such a significant drop off in form that Graham has.

If it’s just for this season as rumoured though I’m sure he will be a good signing as he will be running on emotion. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • James graham


Not done much home work has he probably just considering the Yorks clubs wanting to reduce the cap. In any event the game needs to stabilise and have a clear plan perhaps increasing teams in SL over an incremental time without relegation this would allow the UK game to develop its own talent instead of bringing in players from overseas at the end of their careers.

Correct, just makes sweeping statements on financial matters at all sorts of clubs... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Sin Bin • Re: US Presidential election 2020

Cronus wrote:

Jog on deary me.

YOU brought up the gender pay gap, not me. As I said, it's a false equivalence to the issue of race equality and it's been shown many times that when you take EVERYTHING into account, the gender pay gap doesn't - in most cases - exist. You didn't answer the question - should Liz Bonnin be paid the same as David Attenborough? Because that's what you're advocating.

You're right, posting a job advert based on gender would be illegal. But it... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Future of the Game

Donnyman wrote:

Yep, Lenegan confirmed it's SKY only on a reduced Contract. Last time the big £200M contract was to see off BT. Puts paid to the nonsense SKY aren't bothered.

To protect Superleague Lenegan said the first £150M is for Superleague. So it's odds on the Championship will struggle badly unless the deal is significantly more than that. With this seasons hits and the hit to come 2022. I can see the whole pro-game being slimmed down, well not just me - most commentators. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Re: Letter from Leneghan

Wigan6/Leeds1 Andy wrote:

Can someone please make sure The Enforcer has enough provisions while he protects the Boston statue, thanks.

Can everyone please get back to the topic at hand. There are other parts of the board to discuss politics etc.

I will happily take on Jukes on the political side of the forum in a one on one MAGA debate if he so wishes.

Statistics: Posted by The_Enforcer — Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:45 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • WIRE YED Prediction Competition Pools Panel Week 14

Uncle Rico wrote:

We are making the short trip to Barton upon Irwell on the number 10 bus this week as the Wire look to bounce back at Salford. Some good performances last week and if our five tries hadn't been chalked off by stand in local referee Monsiuer Magoo then we would have overturned our 4-0 defeat

Will we get the rub of the green this week you decide and good luck

Salford v Warrington Warrington by 8
Huddersfield v Catalan Huddersfield by 2
St Helens v... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • If and when! Rule changes!

If by some miracle we get to play again this season, what do folk think of possible rule changes being muted?
The NRL set restart I am still torn 50/50 on if I think its improved the game or not. But it's seriously being considered by the RFL.
The talk about doing away with scrums will change the game massively, but scrums are a bit of a joke at the minute so in my view they have to do something.
Increased of unlimited interchange, obvious benefits for player fatigue, but was the reduction... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC - blackandwhites.co.uk • Stephen Kearney

Sacked by NZ Warriors. Would you have him as new head coach?

Statistics: Posted by Stephen Brown — Sat Jun 20, 2020 9:51 am — Replies 6 — Views 241

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Day 82: Who Am I?

Each day we will give you three clues to the identity of a player who has played in Super League (at some point since 1996). You have to work out who the player is from the clues and submit your guess. There may be more than one correct answer, but you have to get the one that we have sealed in a virtual envelope.

Once the player has been correctly guessed then we will post on the thread, the thread will stay open until he is guessed or everyone loses interest. We’ll keep a running tally of correct guessers. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Re: Future of the Game

puroresu_boy wrote:

Sky. Nobody else wants it and I would assume the decision to allow the payments to be made next year is because sky will have the next deal.

Yep, Lenegan confirmed it's SKY only on a reduced Contract. Last time the big £200M contract was to see off BT.

To protect Superleague Lenegan said the first £150M is for SKY. So it's odds on the Championship will struggle badly unless the deal is significantly more than that. With this seasons hits and the hit to come 2022. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Re: Trinity v Cas 2006

Wollo-Wollo-Wollo-Wayoo wrote:

The game has been available on Trinity TV for a while. It's the game I've repeatedly watched more than any other. 2004 play off game at Hull comes 2nd. Challenge Cup Semi v Saint Helens 3rd.
I do like the inclusion of the pre match build up that comes with the Sky presentation. I hope it's included. NO FEAR ITS ONLY KEAR.

JKs book "Coaching is Chaos" includes his period at Wakefield and gives fascinating insight relating to the 4 from 6 period. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Rumours and signings v9

Father Ted wrote:

Sorry about being political.

Hopefully the vaccine will be out before too long. Whether they roll it out October or before it could very well help next season and the sport.

I requested that no politics be discussed because of the way that the "other topics section" of the Wigan Fans website was ruined by people arguing about politics which got so bad that politics was banned by the administrators.

I feel sure that the majority of supporters... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Main News • Report: Titans v. Dragons

Report: Titans v. Dragons

It was billed as the last game for stalwart forward James Graham before he returned to Super League and the other Red Vee club, St Helens. The Dragons were looking to build on their first win on 2020, secured last time out against the Cronulla Sharks.
That win put the Titans to the bottom of the table, on points difference after a very disappointing start to their campaign. Both sides knew that the win was crucial if their season wasn’t to be over before it had started. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Report: Titans v. Dragons

Report: Titans v. Dragons

It was billed as the last game for stalwart forward James Graham before he returned to Super League and the other Red Vee club, St Helens. The Dragons were looking to build on their first win on 2020, secured last time out against the Cronulla Sharks.
That win put the Titans to the bottom of the table, on points difference after a very disappointing start to their campaign. Both sides knew that the win was crucial if their season wasn’t to be over before it had started. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Bradford Bulls - RedAmberandBlack.net • Bradford Northern v Southend Invicta

Alright guys,

Any chance anyone has a programme from this game in 1985 and would be willing to sell?

My old man played for Southend and I’m putting some bits together for his 60th next year.

Any help or even photos of the programme and team sheet would be brilliant.

Statistics: Posted by Steamin13 — Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:48 am — Replies 0 — Views 8

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC - blackandwhites.co.uk • Roy Francis

I wasnt really talking about the racial side. I was thinking that Arthur Bunting is well known and rightly praised for his time as coach.

And I would imagine his name is well known by young and old FC fans..Should not Roy's be too??

How many of our supporters do you think know who Roy was and what he did for Hull and RL in general.

Statistics: Posted by JACK DETH — Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:46 pm — Replies 7 — Views 1279

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • O/T Politics and Pandemics

Willzay wrote:

That one guy doesn’t speak for all - he even says so himself!

As for Mike Graham, well...

It only takes one person to plant and grow a dangerous idea. That’s one of the reasons we have a democracy, if the majority of voters don’t like the idea, then the idea becomes withered.

Statistics: Posted by Dunkirk Spirit — Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:26 pm — Replies 409 — Views 6954

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Экология в России и мире

Источник 360.ru: в реке Сетунь в Москве произошел разлив нефтепродуктов

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Белорусская филармония и хор готовы приехать на гастроли в Алтайский край — Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

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