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Новости за 25.04.2018

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Albert Kelly

The Reason wrote:

Albert Kelly verbally abuses a young lady , calls her a slut and a whore . Then threatens to “put her on the concrete “.

He then threatens her male friend with violence .

The club make no statement on the matter . No remorse is shown by Kelly or Hull FC .

The Hull FC fans show support for Kelly , more bizarrely the female fans and even a moderator .

That sums up the morals of the 20 year old club and their fickle fans .

Are you the Andy with the speech impediment... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Re: Albert Kelly

The Reason wrote:

Albert Kelly verbally abuses a young lady , calls her a slut and a whore . Then threatens to “put her on the concrete “.

He then threatens her male friend with violence .

The club make no statement on the matter . No remorse is shown by Kelly or Hull FC .

The Hull FC fans show support for Kelly , more bizarrely the female fans and even a moderator .

That sums up the morals of the 20 year old club and their fickle fans .

Are you the Andy with the speech impediment... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Albert Kelly Credit to the game

lefty goldblatt wrote:

Calm down, and untwist your knickers

A rugby player (why is the Fail classing him as a footy player, we're not in Australia) is p1553d and behaves like a penis, and there's talk of a sacking. Grow up.

Radford needs to take him to one side, and tell him not to be a cock, and act his age, otherwise , your bringing the club into disrepute, and we"LL dock your wages.

Not sure anyone needs to grow up because their view doesn't match yours... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Miller time??

Trinity18 wrote:

Dale Morton deserved everything he got, terrible player.

Wow, bit on the spiteful side that

Dale always gave 100%

Statistics: Posted by musson — Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:36 pm — Replies 14 — Views 2367

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wakefield Trinity • Re: Miller time??

Trinity18 wrote:

Dale Morton deserved everything he got, terrible player.

Wow, bit on the spiteful side that

Dale always gave 100%

Statistics: Posted by musson — Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:36 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • Re: WIRE YED Prediction Competition Huddersfield Home

a) Crowd (Halliwell Jones Stadium, Capacity 15,200): 10,842
b) Score and Winning team: Warrington 40 v 10 Huddersfield
c) First try (Wire player): Atkins
d) Time of first try: 3 minutes
e) Last try (any team, player not time): Roberts
f) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 7

g) Salford v St Helens: St Helens by 20
Castleford v Wakefield: Castleford by 8
Widnes v Wigan: Wigan by 18
Catalans v Hull FC: Hull FC by 10
Hull KR v Leeds: Leeds by 12

Statistics: Posted by Hicks Is A God — Wed Apr 25, 2018 7:33 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Could Toronto, London and Toulouse all get promoted?


We are keeping an eye on frantic Featherstone Rovers.

However their hypothetical promotion --- which is not going to happen -- would have done no good for the fan base, international profile and commercial appeal of Super League. That is why we should all be praying for the promotion of tremendous Toronto and terrific Toulouse at a minimum.

Do Toulouse have the money to strengthen?? - genuine question

Their current team has no chance of getting to the mpg in the middle 8s... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Re: Could Toronto, London and Toulouse all get promoted?


We are keeping an eye on frantic Featherstone Rovers.

However their hypothetical promotion --- which is not going to happen -- would have done no good for the fan base, international profile and commercial appeal of Super League. That is why we should all be praying for the promotion of tremendous Toronto and terrific Toulouse at a minimum.

Do Toulouse have the money to strengthen?? - genuine question

Their current team has no chance of getting to the mpg in the middle 8s... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Bradford Bulls - RedAmberandBlack.net • Directions to Doncaster's Keepmoat stadium

By Car:

From the A1 (M) join the M18 Eastbound at Junction 35 (signposted Hull), or from the M1 and join the M18 Eastbound at Junction 32.

Once on the M18, leave at Junction 3 and take the A6182 towards Doncaster (the stadium's well signposted from Junction 3 and is about one and a half miles away). You will pass a retail park (B and Q) keep going straight through two sets of lights and the Yorkshire outlet shopping centre will be on your left. There is a small roundabout, turn left... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Huddersfield Giants - claretandgold.co.uk • Injury tunnel light

How on Earth you can call Lawrence a crock hiven the service he’s give. Us is beyond me. He’s played over 250 games for us. It’s hardly his fault our conditioners have been Useless

Statistics: Posted by jools — Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:26 pm — Replies 4 — Views 879

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Huddersfield Giants - claretandgold.co.uk • Re: Injury tunnel light

How on Earth you can call Lawrence a crock hiven the service he’s give. Us is beyond me. He’s played over 250 games for us. It’s hardly his fault our conditioners have been Useless

Statistics: Posted by jools — Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:26 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Warrington Wolves • WIRE YED Prediction Competition Huddersfield Home

a) Crowd 9,800
b) Score and Winning team: Warrington 32 v 10 Huddersfield
c) First try (Wire player): Lineham
d) Time of first try: 4 minutes
e) Last try (any team, player not time): Charnley
f) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 6

g) Salford v St Helens Salford by 6
Castleford v Wakefield Wakey by 4
Widnes v Wigan Wigan by 12
Catalans v Hull FC Hull by 8
Hull KR v Leed Leeds by 16

Statistics: Posted by Fatbelly — Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:17 pm — Replies 15 — Views 511

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • This Catalans team.

Jimmythecuckoo wrote:

They clearly have no intention of making the top 8, despite what McNamara said in his Cas press conference.

I'm sure they very much do. Problem is they aren't nearly good enough to do it.

Statistics: Posted by Mr. Zucchini Head — Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:37 pm — Replies 296 — Views 19166

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

The Virtual Terrace • Re: This Catalans team.

Jimmythecuckoo wrote:

They clearly have no intention of making the top 8, despite what McNamara said in his Cas press conference.

I'm sure they very much do. Problem is they aren't nearly good enough to do it.

Statistics: Posted by Mr. Zucchini Head — Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:37 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Hull FC - blackandwhites.co.uk • Re: Clean slates....

C for Cuckoo wrote:

Ah. I avoid the Sin Bin fluffery buffery since it unfortunately spilled over into real life.

I avoid the sin bin because I have a brain

Statistics: Posted by Jake the Peg — Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:31 pm

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Bradford Bulls - RedAmberandBlack.net • Re: 2018 Predictions League: WEEK 11

Coventry Bears vs London Skolars - London by 12
Doncaster vs Bradford Bulls - Bradford by 12
Keighley Cougars vs Whitehaven - Keighley by 6
Newcastle Thunder vs Hunslet - Newcastle by 12
North Wales Crusaders vs Hemel Stags - North Wales by 12
Workington Town vs Oldham - Workington by 22
York City Knights vs West Wales Raiders - York by 52

Bonus: Who will be the first Bulls player to touch the ball in our game on Sunday (not including the kick off)? - Joe Keyes

Statistics... Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Leeds Rhinos - southstander.com • RD 12 | Hull FC v Leeds Rhinos

Mark Laurie wrote:

Don't want to set the team warning debate off again, but on the subject of the rules. A few times in hull game and indeed every TV game the ref goes upstairs to check if a try is scored when an attacking player is either held up over the line or short. Often the attacking player knows he has not scored and goes back 10 yards ready to play the ball but there is along break whilst video ref looks at 5 angles. Could this be changed where the ref asks the attacker do you want me to look at video evidence. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Wigan Warriors - wiganrugbyfans.com • Re: Wigan v Cas

Last Son of Wigan wrote:

He was tried at centre for a run of games last season, he looked a million miles off, in attack and more evidently in defence. The role is massively different. Reminded me of how Pat Richards was when tried at centre.

I don't get this obsession with moving Burgess to centre. (I know it's not you mate) It's like someone's looked at his size and pace, saw his hand off and breaks v Cas, factored in that we have Davies and Marshall and come to a conclusion he could be a centre. Читать дальше...

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

London Broncos • Re: Dewsbury

He was one of our excellent signings, was it 12/12 he kicked at griffin park one game?
Shame he left, if I remember right he left on the back of not really being able to afford the cost of living in london, his request for a pay increase was turned down so he went back home.

Statistics: Posted by northernbloke — Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:34 pm

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