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A Country in Conflict

By Ron Signore

Another day, another disappointment in the performance of our congress, at least the performance from the right. Never in a million years will I consider myself an expert at the complexities of government. In fact, the comparison I picture myself aligned with is that of the personalities that compile the Barstool Sports organization. I am just a guy who has an opinion, one that can either be taken or left at will. But that opinion is based on the everyday ‘fan’ as opposed to some 30-year political correspondent. While I believe strongly in avoiding an alternative set of facts, I am very motivated to provide my opinion as the common ‘fan’ of politics.

Sources like C-Span, or at least viewing/reading events firsthand during congressional sessions are the equivalent of watching a broadcast of any game from any sport. We can avoid interpretation and speculation from pundits who want to spin their message to pander to an audience. Other than the key notion of seeing things unfold in our government in the trenches, we can start to put things together as a reality firsthand. Too many people formulate opinions based on what they want to hear from second and third hand sources. Like a game of telephone, messages get distorted. The aim for me is simple. Provide an insight based on what I see being just a common citizen observing the game.

While my opinion probably means less than a cup of coffee, I almost feel a responsibility to combat the “truth seekers” from the MAGA rabbit hole with the observations of reality. I do look forward to the day MAGA dissolves. Even being a student of Political Science, it was much more gratifying observing politics based on a mutual goal to bring prosperity to our great nation, just having differing ideologies on how to do it. Having a bit more of a left bias becomes amplified to try and overcorrect the nonsense we see from the daily drama in our government, er go the trickle-down effect to the everyday person.

Not ALL conservative ideologies are bad. That is to say that the ideological spectrum exists for a reason. Once you get beyond the hot button issues like abortion, there can be some truly productive discussion on how to find mutual ground. At the current time, that ship has about sailed and has caused a paradigm shift in how people are approaching politics. The basic gist now seems like you are either aligned to MAGA on the right, everything to the left of that line is (insert whatever derogatory intended comment a MAGA Republican would bring) for all intents and purposes, the enemy.

Through the years, we have seen a sense of decay in the relationship to be bi-partisan efforts inside and outside of the government. The lack of education and intellect from many have continued to exponentially cause friction to efforts in making this an inclusive and fair country for all. Things like trickle down economics have continuously missed the mark, demonstrated by the stagnant middle class. Heck, the ability to move up a class and have the economic freedom that 1-2% of our country has been harder than Chinese algebra.

The continued downward spiral of bi-partisan efforts caused by the ongoing efforts to destroy our democracy led by the fat orange smelly turd has taken politics to a sick and despicable place. Despite some entertainment from immature elected officials that play like a sick comedy, the drama unfolds to damaging levels. It bothers me that my fears, my anger and frustration, and discourse of reality that continues to be displayed has forced me to draw combative tones and disdain to certain people in general. I am a hippie at heart. I believe love makes the world go round. I am a pacifist, where I believe there is a diplomatic way to achieve common goals. These past 9 years have seen me gradually become more discontent and disgruntled to the point that maybe I am stooping down to their level. It is always the usual suspects that put me in that frame of mind.

Writing is certainly healthier than keeping it all in. I can’t imagine my heart beating much longer if I held that stress. However, as waves rise and fall, we seem complacent to repeat history. I am just not sure to which degree we are going to arrive at. We are in a civil war. We can even debate if we feel this is a cold civil war, or lukewarm when you consider some of the contentious behavior that has led to violent demonstrations in the name of religion or politics. Right now, I can see potential for different degrees of repeating history.

We can stay in more of a cold civil war type state. We can just sit here and battle alternate facts with reality, but based on the imagery I see every day, we will continue spinning our wheels and will barely make a dent in how many people can accept truths.

Pending the 2024 General Election, we could see something as extreme as a revolutionary or civil war resulting in the dismantling of the United States as we know it. Even worse could be that and a degree of the Vietnam War, where a gorilla type warfare may take place amongst the citizens, and our lives will be in similar danger to the countries we despise. While I see our military annihilating any internal militia trying to revolt, the damage will be done. Worse, we will be left vulnerable to our enemies.

Anyone can point out that maybe this is an extreme view influenced by the pessimism instilled by our citizens on a daily basis. However, we continue to see an ongoing game of chess where the pieces are clearly aligning with agendas of conflict. Our founding father’s would be ashamed of what we are continuing to become. They may even have some of the same arguments today if they were alive around the hot button issues. We may still have two sides battling each other in those debates. One thing was clear about our formation and revolution from England, and that is that despite the ideological differences, our founding fathers worked to bring this to be a country of freedom.

Maybe it is my opinion, but with so much clear evidence of lying, a lack of understanding of governing, and a desire to be king, our founding father’s would consider Cheeto Turd a tyrant. He wouldn’t be what they envisioned to lead this country. Even if they saw something in 2015 that made them think he was the best candidate, there is no way they would have observed his first term and the days since as reason to put him back in our most prestigious government position. They certainly wouldn’t accept his claims for immunity in the predicaments he is in.

My level of confidence in that opinion is high. We have a criminal candidate who panders to a crowd of people who continue to cut their nose off to spite their face. He isn’t bringing policy arguments with solutions to help make things better. He is demeaning good policies out of spite. He is threatening progression by being the talking head for those who have no desire for anything but a white Christian United States of America. It isn’t about progress, and the results clearly show regression to the past. A candidate that hopes for the worst in the next 12 months so that they can continue to blame leadership for the falls. People believe him and celebrate these notions. How can any American hope for an economic crash just to blame someone and gain political points? Worse; how can people support someone who is okay with your economic peril? His supporters range in economic status as well, where many can’t handle that type of incident. Then to continue down a sick path, he is an advocate to eliminate social security, a program developed during the country’s hardship during the Great Depression. Collateral Damage does not matter to him and some of these people are so stupid that they don’t even realize the harm they may cause themselves.

All those 247 years ago, we fought for our ability to be free. Over the past 247 years, our country has gone through some high times and dark times. Ironically, and favorably, those high times represent times of progression. Abolishing slavery, allowing women to vote, and the Civil Rights Act put our nation on a trajectory to lead the world as an icon of freedom. Today, we battle trying to get a spending bill passed because we want to villainize and eliminate anything the liberal or democrat can bring to the table.

These people are so brazen that they boldly claim they would not support a bill to help our border crisis they so frequently cry about if it meant President Biden, or the democrats would get any praise for it. They call prisoners of an insurrection incited by a criminal loser, ‘hostages,’ and ‘patriots.’ It is absolutely sickening. They would rather deflect their own criminal activity and be content as hypocrites.

Disgracefully, today, we saw the can of worms in congress that demonstrates this so frequently. First, the members of the house from the right have continued to waste time and effort in a vindictive plot to avenge their orange diaper wearing pile of scum by trying to impeach President Biden with a clear witch hunt sought by baseless claims and lies that have slandered the Biden name. They have put focus on Hunter Biden, who isn’t part of the government at all, unlike the grifting first family from the previous administration.

Now, whether Hunter is innocent or guilty of any crimes, I couldn’t care less. If he did something wrong, arrest, try, and convict him. It’s a simple concept. But it isn’t enough of a circus for the GOP. They subpoenaed him to appear in congress. He elected to say he would appear and be deposed in an open interrogation, logically so that everything was on display for the American public. That was also offered in the subpoena conditions, so the fact that when that became a topic, Rep. Comer and GYM Jordan flexed to say he doesn’t get to control the arena in which he is deposed should have been a key indicator that this was just another farse.

On January 10th, Hunter Biden appeared in Congress. And then I thank all that is holy for Representative Moskowitz (FL-23). This man has continuously called out the right for this nonsense that is their playbook. He called for a vote to allow Hunter to testify today, as long as the vote consisted of Representatives Scott, Jordan, and others who have defied congressional subpoenas are part of that vote to comply with their subpoenas. We are on day 608 by the way for Jordan to comply with his…Of course, no vote, no interest in deposing Biden with those conditions.

The part I loved… As soon as the horse faced loser wanna-be from Georgia started to claim her time on the committee, Hunter walked out. It was a thing of beauty. She continued to cry and hurl insults, but she is not one who deserves any respect whatsoever from anyone, let alone as a government official. Of course, they will go out of their way to spin this, but it is clear as day to anyone who has a brain, anyone who has eyes and watched/watches these daily events unfold…They are liars. They are vindictive. They are twisting facts and scenarios to project their message to those they prey on.

Yesterday, upon the hearings in the appellate court over Presidential Immunity, Cheeto Turd claimed that a president should have complete immunity…what he meant was that he should have immunity, but it shouldn’t extend to President Biden, as he orchestrates a BS witch hunt.
Their vision of America isn’t prosperous for all. It’s a vision where Chump is King, non-white, heterosexual males rule all, and society that depended upon the government collapses. The problem is they don’t realize most of them will be on that path of destruction. This isn’t the normal, or formidable Republican ideology versus Democratic ideology. This is another attempt at a coup, another attempt to claim some sort of divine placement to rule all. It is clear enough people do not understand governing in our government structure. They associate freedom with the ability to say what they want with no repercussions. They associate greatness of this country to that of a 1930’s Hitler led Germany.

The difference between now and then… we have the power to stop it. Failure to do so will lead to an inevitable collapse of America as we know it and want to see it.

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