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Новости за 02.12.2020

Raw Story 

Trump lashes out again at Georgia Republicans for ‘massive voter fraud’ — and it may backfire in Senate runoffs

President Donald Trump on Tuesday continued to lie about massive voter fraud by Georgia Republicans — even though it may backfire during the Peach State’s two runoff elections in January that will determine control of the U.S. Senate. Trump made the comment the same day Republican election official Gabriel Sterling blasted Trump and the state’s […]

Raw Story 

Feds still stonewalling on Jeffrey Epstein deal

Perhaps the Department of Justice will take the Jeffrey Epstein case more seriously when President Joe Biden takes office. Under President Donald Trump, the whitewash continues.The latest outrage came last month. The department’s Office of Professional Responsibility concluded that Alexander Acosta, the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, showed only “poor judgment” […]

Raw Story 

Victory for US democracy: Courts serve law – and not the president’s will

One good news story from election 2020 that has gotten insufficient attention is the continued independence of America’s courts.Across the country, state and federal judges — appointed by both parties — have resisted President Donald Trump’s efforts to subvert the voters. From Pennsylvania to Georgia to Michigan and beyond, judges have rejected false White House […]

Raw Story 

Utah monolith removal explained: ‘Don’t leave trash in the desert’

The mystery of how a metal monolith appeared in the Utah desert remains, but the riddle of its removal seems to have been solved — and sadly, has nothing to do with aliens. Images emerged Tuesday of four men working in the dead of night to remove the strange, triangular pillar that has garnered global […]

Raw Story 

Covid-19 lockdowns drive spike in online child abuse

Out-of-school kids and adult predators spending more time at home and on the internet during the coronavirus pandemic is the “perfect storm” driving a spike in online child sex abuse around the world, activists and police say. From slums in the Philippines to Australia’s suburbs, the cross-border crime has mushroomed as offenders take advantage of […]

Raw Story 

Violence has plagued this Florida housing complex for nearly 50 years. Nobody knows how to fix it

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Nearly 50 years ago, the Lauderhill Point apartments were built to bring safe, affordable housing to a blighted stretch of what is now Lauderhill.Instead, the 22 buildings that make up the property have become infamous for problems that have remained consistent despite numerous name and ownership changes: Murders, shootings, gang control […]

Raw Story 

Trump threatens to veto military funding because he’s mad about tech companies calling out his lies

President Donald Trump continues to bristle about technology companies pointing out his post-election lies about election fraud. On Tuesday, Twitter added two disclaimers to Trump’s posts pushing conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, which was won by President-elect Joe Biden. Facebook issued four different disclaimers. In response, Trump lashed out at Section 230 of the […]

Raw Story 

Trump only lost winning the electoral college by 70,000 votes in key states: analysis

On Tuesday, as New York began recording more results from New York City, President Donald Trump’s share of the U.S. vote dropped below 47 percent — a barrier he also failed to crack in 2016, although in that election he had stronger third-party candidates that may well have siphoned votes from him. Breaking: Donald Trump’s […]

Raw Story 

Trump supporters think they’re in on the con — here’s why they will turn out for Georgia runoffs

Republican Party muckety-mucks in Georgia are worried about the upcoming Senate runoff elections in January. No, not about the threat of massive Democratic turnout, which is certainly possible. They’re worried that their own voters will sink the chances of both Republican incumbents, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. This article originally appeared at Salon.  The problem […]

Raw Story 

Trump lost because he lacks empathy — and he could’ve won in a landslide: GOP strategist Brad Parscale

On Tuesday, speaking to Fox News, former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale pinned blame for the president’s election loss on his inability to be “publicly empathetic” to those suffering from the coronavirus pandemic. “I think [our suburban losses go] to one thing,” said Parscale, who was demoted midway through the campaign after bad press for […]

Raw Story 

Sidney Powell demands Wisconsin officials provide security footage from election center in Detroit

On Tuesday, right-wing attorney Sidney Powell, one of multiple high-profile lawyers trying to prove widespread election fraud against President Donald Trump, filed a new lawsuit challenging the election results in Wisconsin, where President-elect Joe Biden won by just over 20,000 votes — demanding that the state “decertify” the election. But one other provision of the […]

Raw Story 

Trump has discussed ‘pre-emptive pardons’ for Don, Jr, Ivanka and Eric: NYT

Shortly after reports that Rudy Giuliani discussed a pre-emptive pardon with outgoing President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported that the president is also debating pre-emptive pardons to his family. “President Trump has discussed with advisers whether to grant pre-emptive pardons to his children, to his son-in-law … according to two people briefed on […]

Raw Story 

‘Puppet of the propaganda machine’: Biden press secretary hits GOP for repeating Russia ‘misinformation’

On Tuesday, Trump campaign deputy communications director Matt Wolking shared a picture of Jen Psaki, President-elect Joe Biden’s incoming White House press secretary, wearing a pink hammer an sickle hat during a meeting with Russian officials. Here’s Jen Psaki hugging Russia's Foreign Minister and Russia’s chief foreign affairs propagandist while wearing a pink hammer and […]

Raw Story 

Trump scheme to pardon Giuliani is an ‘extreme violation’ of fundamental constitution principles: expert

On Tuesday’s edition of CNN’s “OutFront,” Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe broke down the implications of the new report that Rudy Giuliani and President Donald Trump discussed a possible pre-emptive pardon. “So Rudy Giuliani, we know, is among the Trump allies asking for a pardon, a pre-emptive pardon, and we’re also getting breaking news about […]

Raw Story 

DOJ investigating possible pay for presidential pardon scheme linked to White House: CNN

The Dept. of Justice is investigating a bribery scheme that involves what amounts to the possible purchase of a presidential pardon. The investigation into the “potential crime” is “related to funneling money to the White House or related political committee in exchange for a presidential pardon, according to court records unsealed Tuesday in federal court,” […]

Raw Story 

DHS plans widespread crackdown in anticipation of COVID-19 vaccine fraud schemes

On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported that Homeland Security investigators are planning a widespread crackdown on criminals intending to exploit people’s desperation for doses of the upcoming COVID-19 vaccines. “Pfizer and Moderna, the two drug companies that applied for emergency vaccine approval this week, have said they will produce enough doses for about 20 million […]

Raw Story 

Legal experts shocked by ‘pardon bribery scheme’ under DOJ investigation: ‘That’s a lot of warrants’

Legal experts were stunned on Tuesday after newly unsealed court documents showed that the Department of Justice is investigating a “pardon bribery scheme” involving money directed to the White House. “The Justice Department is investigating a potential crime related to funneling money to the White House or related political committee in exchange for a presidential […]

Raw Story 

Reckoning with slavery: What a revolt’s archives tell us about who owns the past

The consequences of 400 years of the Atlantic slave trade are still felt today. Untangling the power structures and systemic racism that came with slavery is ongoing, with police brutality, memorials to slave owners and reparations forming part of the discussion. But as the United Nations marks Dec. 2 as the International Day for the […]

Raw Story 

DOJ investigating funneling of money to the White House — for a pardon: report

On Tuesday, CNN reported that the Justice Department is investigating a potential transfer of money to the White House in exchange for a pardon from outgoing President Donald Trump. BREAKING from CNN: “The Justice Department is investigating a potential crime related to funneling money to the White House in exchange for a presidential pardon, according […]

Raw Story 

Health care workers and long-term care residents to receive COVID vaccine first: CDC

The federal government decided prioritization for the COVID-19 vaccinations on Tuesday. “Health care personnel and residents of long-term care facilities will be the first groups to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a new proposal from an independent advisory committee within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” NBC News reported Tuesday. “The Advisory Committee […]

Raw Story 

Second Republican lawmaker in a week announces he’s positive for COVID-19

On Tuesday, The Daily Beast reported that Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC) has announced he tested positive for COVID-19. Budd is the second GOP member of Congress this week to test positive for coronavirus, following Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA). “I want to let folks know that I tested positive for COVID-19 today and will be quarantining […]

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Экология в России и мире

Черный аист и тушканчик: стало известно, кого можно увидеть в Подмосковье

Путин в России и мире

Новый 5-летний срок Гайнутдина и обращение к Путину: в Москве прошел мусульманский форум

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск продолжит выступать за расширение взаимоуважительного и конструктивного диалога с Ереваном – Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский: Ни США, ни Британия не дали разрешения на удары вглубь России

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Лада Дэнс посетила Единый пункт отбора на военную службу в Москве


Разгромившего могилу Александра Маслякова вандала задержали

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