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Новости за 19.09.2020

Raw Story 

McConnell vows to be ‘firewall’ against progress in Senate as Democrats mull eliminating filibuster

Hoping to allow for the passage of progressive legislation, advocacy groups renewed calls to end the filibuster this week as Republican lawmakers joined Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in warning against the idea. “This threat to permanently disfigure, to disfigure the Senate, has been the latest growing drumbeat in the modern Democratic Party’s war against […]

Raw Story 

Iran Guards vow Suleimani revenge will target only ‘those involved’

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief said Saturday that Tehran will avenge the US killing of its top commander General Qasem Soleimani by targeting only those involved, in an “honourable” retaliation. Soleimani, who headed the Guards elite Qods Force, was killed in an American air strike near Baghdad airport in January. A US media report, quoting unnamed […]

Raw Story 

Here are 3 ways McConnell’s drive to replace Ginsburg could be derailed

Reacting to the announcement that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on late Friday, Daily Beast columnist Michael Tomasky warned that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was likely up late plotting ramming through her replacement while he still has control of the Senate and with few impediments. Reflecting on how McConnell blocked […]

Raw Story 

In California, Wi-fi minivans help disadvantaged students

A minivan with a Wi-fi router attached to the dashboard and a satellite antenna on the roof is helping 200 disadvantaged students in Santa Ana, close to Los Angeles, cope with the rigors of distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic. “When the school district launched the new school year last month, some of the parents […]

Raw Story 

Trump administration keeps hiring companies with histories of ripping off our government

If you needed a plumber or a caterer, you would avoid a service provider who had in the past tried to bill you for work not performed or grossly overcharged for what was completed. The Trump Administration takes a different approach. In selecting contractors to provide the goods and services the federal government needs to […]

Raw Story 

Trump Cabinet members linked to 6 companies that got PPP loans — and watchdogs are calling for investigations

A watchdog group called for an investigation into Paycheck Protection Program loans to companies with connections to members of President Trump’s cabinet. The PPP was part of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act passed by Congress this spring in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The program, which distributed forgivable loans to small businesses to cover payroll and other […]

Raw Story 

Ted Cruz dismisses concerns over Attorney General Bill Barr and the federal coronavirus response as politically motivated

In the event there was any doubt, there remains little daylight between President Donald Trump and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on the COVID-19 pandemic and the performance of U.S. Attorney General William Barr. In a Texas Tribune Festival interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper that aired Friday, Cruz suggested questions about the president’s leadership during […]

Raw Story 

Russian expansion? Venus appears to be a target

Everybody wants to rule the world, claims Tears for Fears, but Russia has set its sights beyond Earth.Dmitry Rogozin, the director of Roscosmos — a Russian-run cosmonaut and aerospace research corporation — indicated earlier this week that his nation is organizing an intragalactic mission to Venus, reported TASS.“We think that Venus is a Russian planet, […]

Raw Story 

Ginsburg called ‘giant in American history,’ ‘trailblazer,’ ‘champion of justice’

Flags over the U.S. Capitol were ordered at half-staff Friday night as official Washington mourned the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.“Tonight we mourn the passing of a giant in American history, a champion for justice, a trailblazer for women,” said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., of his fellow Brooklyn native.“She would want us […]

Raw Story 

Trump says America mourns ‘titan of the law’ Ginsburg

President Donald Trump on Friday hailed the late US Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a “titan of the law” whose legal expertise and historic decisions inspired generations of Americans. “Today, our nation mourns the loss of a titan of the law” who was “renowned for her brilliant mind and her powerful dissents at […]

Raw Story 

Supreme Court: Final arbiter of justice in the United States

In a cavernous building across from the US Capitol, the Supreme Court sits as the final arbiter on fundamental American legal matters, which can include minority and LGBTQ rights, racism, the death penalty and electoral controversies. Created under Article III of the Constitution, the court consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices — […]

Raw Story 

US Supreme Court justices and their political leanings

The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg brings the number of justices on the US Supreme Court down from nine to eight, pending the selection of her successor.The court is the final arbiter on questions concerning US federallaw, and thus the justices’ political opinions on controversial topics have a major impact on the country.The eight justices, […]

Raw Story 

Stevie Nicks leads tributes to Ruth Bader Ginsburg after her death at 87

Stevie Nicks has led the celebrity tributes to Ruth Bader Ginsburg.The Supreme Court Justice passed away on Friday (18.09.20) at the age of 87 after suffering with pancreatic cancer and, in a touching message on Twitter, Stevie offered to induct her into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.She wrote: “RBG – She was my […]

Raw Story 

Watch: Ted Cruz calls on Trump and senate for urgent appointment and confirmation of new Supreme Court justice

The death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg left the Texas political class in shock Friday night. For Democrats at the tail end of Republican President Donald Trump’s first term, it was the nightmare scenario they’d long been dreading. The GOP-controlled Senate has displayed in recent years a cutthroat approach to moving judicial […]

Raw Story 

Harvard trauma expert: There’s a ‘very real threat of a racist, misogynist and deadly dystopia’ if Trump wins in November

This continues the series, “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump Revisited: Mental Health Experts on the Devastating Mishandling of a Pandemic.”  Whereas we could not have predicted a pandemic three-and-a-half years ago, the authors of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President anticipated how the president would […]

Raw Story 

Is this athletic revolt for real — and is it a danger to Donald Trump?

Last year, when LeBron James described some of President Trump’s public statements as “laughable and scary,” Fox News commentator Laura Ingraham ordered the basketball superstar to “shut up and dribble.” LeBron responded thoughtfully by saying that her comment “resonated with me, but I think it resonated with a lot of people to be able to feel like […]

Raw Story 

Women in Donald Trump’s White House earn 69 cents for every $1 paid to male staffers

During the Republican National Convention, the high-ranking women in Donald Trump’s White House tried to make the case for the president’s commitment to gender equality. Outgoing adviser Kellyanne Conway called him “a champion for women.” Brooke Rollins, acting director of the Domestic Policy Council, went further, saying Trump has more women in his top team […]

Raw Story 

McConnell told GOP donors that replacing RBG would be their ‘October Surprise’: report

In April, The New Yorker published a blockbuster profile of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The story, by Jane Mayer, was titled, “How Mitch McConnell became Trump’s enabler-in-chief.” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/04/20/how-mitch-mcconnell-became-trumps-enabler-in-chief “The most famous example of McConnell’s obstructionism was his audacious refusal to allow a hearing on Merrick Garland, whom Obama nominated for the Supreme Court, in […]

Raw Story 

‘Big mistake’: Trump’s favorite pollster tells Fox why Republicans shouldn’t push nomination before the election

Fox News on Friday examined why it would be a “big mistake” for Republicans to attempt to force through a nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Following Ginsburg’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) vowed that Trump’s nominee would receive a vote, but did not specify whether it would […]

Raw Story 

Mitch McConnell told GOP donors that replacing RBG would be their ‘October Surprise’: report

In April, The New Yorker published a blockbuster profile of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The story, by Jane Mayer, was titled, “How Mitch McConnell became Trump’s enabler-in-chief.” https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/04/20/how-mitch-mcconnell-became-trumps-enabler-in-chief “The most famous example of McConnell’s obstructionism was his audacious refusal to allow a hearing on Merrick Garland, whom Obama nominated for the Supreme Court, in […]

Raw Story 

Rosh Hashanah services interrupted by death of the first Jewish woman on the Supreme Court

The death of the first Jewish woman on the U.S. Supreme Court interrupted Rosh Hashanah services on Friday evening. “On Friday, Jewish people around the country celebrating Rosh Hashanah were stunned to learn that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a prominent member of their own tribe, had died,” the HuffPost reported. “People received alerts, […]

Raw Story 

‘Big mistake’: Trump’s favorite pollster tells Fox News why Republicans shouldn’t push nomination before the election

Fox News on Friday examined why it would be a “big mistake” for Republicans to attempt to force through a nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court. Following Ginsburg’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) vowed that Trump’s nominee would receive a vote, but did not specify whether it would […]

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Экология в России и мире

Черный аист и тушканчик: стало известно, кого можно увидеть в Подмосковье

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Comedy Club

Пригожин назвал несмешным цирком шутку о закрытии шоу Comedy Club


Mash: актрису Елену Кондулайнен госпитализировали с параличом

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