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Новости за 07.01.2020

Raw Story 

Trump says Mark Zuckerberg told him he is ‘number one’ on Facebook

President Donald Trump boasted Monday that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told him at dinner he is “number one” on the global social media platform. “I had dinner with Mark Zuckerberg the other day and he said ‘I’d like to congratulate you… you are number one on Facebook,'” Trump said. The president, speaking in a live […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s real estate empire has been a security risk since Day 1 — now it’s a major target for Iran

The killing of Iranian general Qassim Suleimani has placed a bullseye on President Donald Trump’s properties around the world — especially his signature midtown Manhattan tower. The president recently changed his address from Trump Tower to Mar-A-Lago, but the Fifth Avenue residential building remains the center of his family’s real estate empire — and a […]

Raw Story 

More than one billion animals killed in Australia wildfires called a ‘very conservative’ estimate

As Australia’s catastrophic wildfires rage on with no end in sight, University of Sydney ecologist Chris Dickman said the number of animals killed in the blazes has topped one billion—a horrifying figure that the scientist described as a “very conservative” estimate. Dickman told HuffPost late Monday that the original estimate of nearly 500 million animals […]

Raw Story 

Trump is no Hitler — and his GOP enablers are the bigger problem

Comparisons of Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler are becoming more relevant as the president responds to further revelations of his priorities and his impeachment. Despite the protestations of some analysts who claim the contrast has no value, it is worth considering any historical antecedents that might give us insight into the current distressing political climate. […]

Raw Story 

Andrew Napolitano schools very confused Fox & Friends host about how impeachment works

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano schooled a very confused Ainsley Earhardt on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning. While discussing the process of conducting an impeachment trial of President Donald Trump in the Senate, Earhardt questioned whether Trump would be in his rights to simply have all charges against him dropped if House Speaker Nancy […]

Raw Story 

Asians are good at math? Why dressing up racism as a compliment just doesn’t add up

The narrative that “Asians are good at math” is pervasive in the United States. Young children are aware of it. College students’ academic performance can be affected by it. And Asian American presidential candidate Andrew Yang has made his mathematical aptitude a feature of his campaign. On the surface, the “Asians are good at math” […]

Raw Story 

Why is Indian Prime Minister Modi attacking student protesters?

This weekend, news and social media reports circulated videos from India of masked attackers beating up students in the dorms of New Delhi’s prestigious public university, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). One JNU teacher told the Times of India “For one and half hour the police did not do anything …” News reports say the violence […]

Raw Story 

In Iran showdown, conflict could explode quickly – and disastrously

Despite the claims of optimists, the odds that an international conflict will snowball into a bloody war haven’t gone down significantly since the end of World War II. Trump administration officials’ confidence that the present conflict with Iran can be managed could be dangerously misplaced. Since a drone strike at Baghdad airport that killed a […]

Raw Story 

France commemorates Charlie Hebdo terror attack, five years on

“Nothing will ever be as before”, predicted Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo after two gunmen massacred cartoonists at the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine in Paris five years ago. The attack on the weekly — with its long history of mocking Islam and other religions — was the first in a series of assaults that have claimed more than 250 […]

Raw Story 

MSNBC’s Morning Joe shreds Joni Ernst and Marco Rubio’s fear of John Bolton testimony

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough shamed Republican senators who’ve signaled they’re not interested in hearing testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton. Bolton announced Monday that he would comply if Senate Republicans issued a subpoena for his testimony about President Donald Trump’s pressure scheme against Ukraine, which he allegedly described as a “drug deal,” but Sen. […]

Raw Story 

Magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits off Puerto Rico: USGS

A strong earthquake struck south of Puerto Rico early Tuesday, the US Geological Survey said, the latest in a series of tremors that have shaken the island since December 28. The shallow 6.5 magnitude quake struck 13.6 kilometers (8.5 miles) south of the city of Ponce, the USGS said, revising down its initial reading of […]

Raw Story 

Crazed Trump supporters plotted to kidnap child they believed was being abused by Satanists: police

Police in Colorado say that they’ve broken up a plot hatched by Trump-loving conspiracy theorists to kidnap a child whom they falsely believed was being abused by Satanist pedophiles. Colorado-based NBC affiliate 9 News reports that 50-year-old Cynthia Abcug, a resident of Parker, Colorado, was arrested late last month in Montana and charged with conspiracy […]

Raw Story 

Brexit in sight as British MPs scrutinize divorce deal

Britain moves a step closer to a historic departure from the European Union on Tuesday, after more than three years of bitter division and political drama, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson brings his Brexit deal back to parliament without the threat of defeat, deadlock or delay. Lawmakers begin three days of debate on legislation to […]

Raw Story 

US exposes Saudi Arabia to peril after Iranian killing

The US has put its ally Saudi Arabia in Iran’s crosshairs with the assassination of a top general, leaving it bracing for retaliation just as it was working to ease tensions after a torrid 2019. American officials say the kingdom faces a “heightened risk” of drone and missile attacks after the killing in Baghdad last […]

Raw Story 

Iran accuses France of ‘interference’ in case of jailed acadamic

Iran accused France on Sunday of “interference” in the case of an Iranian-French academic held in the Islamic republic, saying she is considered an Iranian national and faces security charges. France said Friday it summoned Iran’s ambassador to protest the imprisonment of Fariba Adelkhah and another academic, Roland Marchal of France, saying their detention was “intolerable”. […]

Raw Story 

After Israel targeted Suleimani, Trump pulled the trigger

Last October Yossi Cohen, head of Israel’s Mossad, spoke openly about assassinating Iranian general Qassem Soleimani, the head of the elite Quds Force in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. “He knows very well that his assassination is not impossible,” Cohen said in an interview. Soleimani had boasted that Israel tried to assassinate him in 2006 […]

Raw Story 

Trump fatigue and how to fight it: Philosopher Henry Giroux on fighting fascism

Like other authoritarians and fascists, Donald Trump is an expert practitioner of the shock doctrine. This strategy involves assaulting the legitimacy of political institutions, norms and values. In Trump’s version of the shock doctrine, gangster capitalism and the wholesale privatization of public goods and the social commons are simultaneously both the central tactic and the […]

Raw Story 

US ties with Iraq, allies take hit after drone strike

A deadly US drone strike in Baghdad has rocked America’s ties with allies on the ground, left diplomats scrambling to contain the fallout and Iraqi officials outraged at the airspace violation. The strike on the outskirts of Baghdad’s airport early Friday killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and top Iraqi commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, among others. […]

Raw Story 

‘I suspect it’s a lie’: MSNBC’s Morning Joe calls BS on Trump administration justifications for Suleimani killing

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough called out the Trump administration’s after-the-fact justification for assassinating Iranian general Qassim Suleimani. The “Morning Joe” host said he’s not buying the administration’s claims that Sueleimani was plotting an imminent attack against U.S. interests, and he said lawmakers and the media shouldn’t either until some evidence of that was put forth. “They […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s Twitter threat to destroy Iran’s cultural sites is a historic mistake

Be careful of the company you keep. In a threat delivered over Twitter on Jan. 4, U.S. President Donald Trump said that he is prepared to “HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD” culturally important targets in Iran should the country retaliate for the American killing of its top general. As a historian who has written […]

Raw Story 

Political prophet who correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984 says Iran is trouble for Trump

Allan Lichtman is a political historian at American University and the author of “The Keys to the White House,” a system that has helped him correctly predict the last nine presidential elections. He spoke with Salon over the weekend about how President Trump’s startling decision to assassinate Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani will hurt him in […]

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Экология в России и мире

Животных для Красной книги Москвы выберет нейросеть

Путин в России и мире

Путин поприветствовал участников форума «Российская энергетическая неделя — 2024»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Суд признал бывшую помощницу Шнурова виновной в кражах


Бутман провел открытый урок в музыкальной школе им. Дунаевского в рамках проекта «Звездный час»

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