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The best Trickster builds in Outriders

 The best Trickster builds in Outriders

Start off strong with these Trickster builds.

Looking for the best Outriders Trickster build? The Trickster specialises in close quarters combat, and can use their talents to slow down and paralyse enemies. They can even teleport behind foes and infuse their ammo by harnessing the powers of the Anomaly. 

It's fun to dance around enemies with ease, and use your slippery talents to defeat them. Just like the other Outriders classes, you'll eventually unlock eight skills for the Trickster. But you can only equip three at a time, so I'm here to help you find the best combinations of these formidable powers. Here are the best Outriders Trickster builds, and how to make the most of them. The following is based on the demo, and I'll be updating them in the future where necessary.


All Outriders Trickster skills

  • Temporal Blade: Paralyse and slice enemies in front of you, dealing damage and inflicting Slow and Interrupt on all targets (skill type: Damage, Interrupt).
  • Slow Trap: Create a spacetime Anomaly sphere that inflicts Slow on enemies and projectiles for ten seconds (skill type: Deception). 
  • Hunt The Prey: Select an enemy and teleport behind them. This move also grants a shield bonus (skill type: Movement).
  • Borrowed Time: Gain a percentage of your maximum health as a shield. Mark a location and trigger the skill again to teleport back to that spot.
  • Twisted Rounds: Fill your weapon's magazine with Anomaly-infused bullets that deal significantly more damage to enemies. Lasts until you reload or switch weapons (skill type: Damage).
  • Time Rift: Create a shockwave that suspends enemies in the air and leaves them unable to fight for 3.5 seconds. This also inflicts Weakness (skill type: Deception, Interrupt).
  • Cyclone Slice: Create a whirlwind of Anomaly blades that deal damage and Interrupt enemies within a small radius of you for five seconds (skill type: Damage, Interrupt).
  • Venator's Knife: Throw a temporal knife at an enemy. The blade ricochets between up to five enemies in a small radius. This also deals damage and marks all affected. Marked targets will then be inflicted with Slow for ten seconds. The first damage dealt will be doubled (skill type: Deception).

Skill tree and class points

(Image credit: People Can Fly)

The Trickster's skill tree explained

There are three main paths in the Trickster's skill tree: Assassin, Harbinger, and Reaver. As you progress, you'll unlock class points, which you can spend on small buffs and additional abilities. There's room for some overlap between each path early on, but the skill tree becomes quite restricted later on, so you'll eventually need to pick one of the paths above. Thankfully, you can reset your class tree at any time.

The Assassin path focuses on boosting your weapon damage, and increases your critical damage. The Harbinger feels more like a tank as it prioritises your health and shield regeneration, as well as your resistance to status effects. Finally, the Reaver works to increase your Anomaly Power, and buff individual effects, including Resistance Piercing, Weakness, and Skill Leech.

Trickster build: Beginner

(Image credit: People Can Fly)

The best Outriders Trickster build for beginners


You'll unlock these skills by level four, so you'll have them in time to take on Gauss, Outrider's first boss:

  • Temporal Blade
  • Slow Trap 
  • Hunt The Prey

Once you reach level six and unlock the Twisted Rounds skill, replace Hunt The Prey with this power instead.

Class Points

You can only unlock two class points in the Outriders demo, but you'll eventually unlock 20 by fully levelling your character once the game has launched. The class tree is filled with small nodes which grant slight bonuses, and large nodes which can affect your skills. For now, I recommend spending your class points on these upgrades:

  • Arms Trick: Increase close range weapon damage by 15 percent.
  • Anomaly Persistence: Increase your max health by ten percent.
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Best Outriders Trickster build

Outriders Trickster Chronosuit Mask (Image credit: People Can Fly)
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Best Outriders Trickster build

Outriders Trickster Upper Chronosuit (Image credit: People Can Fly)
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Best Outriders Trickster build

Outriders Trickster Lower Chronosuit (Image credit: People Can Fly)
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Best Outriders Trickster build

Outriders Trickster Chronosuit Footgear (Image credit: People Can Fly)


If you're lucky enough to find it, it's worth equipping the Chronosuit, a legendary set. The set includes four items: Chronosuit Mask, Upper, Lower, and Footgear. Each piece increases your bonus firepower, close range damage, and healing. Legendary gear also features two mods, which cannot be transferred to other items.

If you're serious about picking up Legendary items, try increasing your World Tier as this affects your legendary drop rate modifier bonus. Remember, these settings will alter the game's difficulty, so tread carefully.

Armour mods (not legendary)


  • Strong Twist: (Twisted Rounds) While the skill is active, this increases your weapon's firepower by an extra 15 percent.

Upper Armor

  • Additional Mag: (Twisted Rounds) The skill is effective for two magazines before triggering the cooldown.

(Image credit: People Can Fly)

Lower Armor

  • Thunder Dome: (Slow Trap) When the skill ends, your shields will be at 100 percent.


  • Cut Loose: (Temporal Blade) Reduces the skill's cooldown by 20 percent.


  • Double Stop: (Temporal Blade): Increases the duration of the inflicted paralysis by 100 percent.


Early on in Outriders you'll come across a bolt action rifle and shotgun in chests. While I advise keeping a double gun or assault rifle as your primary, it's a good idea to switch between the rifle and shotgun, depending on the situation. When you're up close and personal with your enemies, use Slow Trap to eliminate opponents quickly with the shotgun. You can score easy headshots from a distance in open areas, even with common bolt action rifles. You may find legendary weapons hard to come by, but its worth keeping an eye out for these weapons as you continue to play:

  • Legendary double gun: Amber Vault 
  • Auto sniper rifle: Commando Hunter V-90
  • Pump action shotgun: Distortion Corr-2 PAS

Trickster build: Maximum damage

(Image credit: People Can Fly)

The best Outriders Trickster build for maximum damage

Outriders feels like it's best played with a couple of pals, but the Trickster has all the tools necessary to take on fearsome bosses and enemies solo. This build lets you deal absurd amounts of damage by greatly reducing the cooldowns on your Temporal Blade and Twisted Rounds skills.

Hunt The Prey is a versatile skill as it lets you teleport behind enemies and catch them off guard. However, you can also depend on it to get you out of tight situations, when you're stranded in the middle of a group of hostiles.


  • Temporal Blade
  • Hunt The Prey
  • Twisted Rounds

Class Points

  • Arms Trick: Increase close range weapon damage by 15 percent.
  • Concentration: Increase your Anomaly Power by six percent.

(Image credit: People Can Fly)

Armour mods


  • Twisted Fate: (Twisted Rounds) Receive a 30 percent critical damage bonus while the skill is active.

Upper Armour

  • Additional Mag: (Twisted Rounds) The skill is effective for two magazines before triggering the cooldown.

Lower Armour

  • Slasher: (Temporal Blade) The skill can be activated once more before triggering the cooldown.


  • Cut Loose: (Temporal Blade) Reduces this skill's cooldown by 20 percent.


  • Weakening the prey: (Hunt the Prey) Interrupt and inflict Weakness on the enemy you teleport behind.


You'll want to find a reliable AR or SMG with which to pair your Twisted Rounds skill. As I mentioned above, this ability fills your magazine with super-powered bullets that deal significantly more damage to enemies. The skill lasts until you reload or switch weapons so the Amber Vault legendary double gun is an ideal weapon as it has a large magazine. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that you'll stumble across a weapon of this rarity, but if you've found the Thunderbird or Voodoo Matchmaker assault rifles, those are also worth equipping.

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