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Новости за 03.06.2018

New York Post 

Clinton: ‘Impeachment hearings would have begun’ for a Dem president

Former President Clinton said impeachment hearings would already be underway if a Democrat was in the White House and the special counsel’s Russia investigation was as far along as it is now. “I think if the roles were reversed — now, this is me just talking, but it’s based on my experience — if it...

New York Post 

Bannon: Sanders should have gone after Clinton on the campaign trail

WASHINGTON — ​Former White House strategist ​Steve Bannon thinks that Sen. Bernie Sanders should have taken a cue from Donald Trump — and gone after Hillary Clinton more on the campaign trail. “If Bernie Sanders would have been more confrontational and had more stones he would have been the nominee and we would have had...

New York Post 

Mets’ three hits isn’t even humiliating part of latest letdown

The losses continue to pile up in Queens. The punch lines are piling up even faster. With their latest abysmal offensive effort, the Mets collected only three hits and sealed a four-game home sweep — and sixth straight loss at Citi Field — with Sunday’s 2-0 defeat to the Cubs. Yet, in losing for the...

New York Post 

Conflicts at work can be productive

When Jennifer Iannolo launched an all food podcast channel 12 years ago, things did not go smoothly. She traveled the world with her co-founder, telling stories of chefs, farmers and winemakers, but knew it was time to address ongoing arguments when the two of them were literally yelling at each other at the top of...

New York Post 

Chuck Schumer calls on EPA to lower gas prices

Sen. Chuck Schumer called on the Environmental Protection Agency on Sunday not to follow through with plans to rollback mile-per-gallon standards ​to ​lessen ​the pain at the pump​ for motorists​ as gas prices ​hit​ their highest rates in four years​​. “If prices stay as high as they are, this summer the average motorist will pay...

New York Post 

German police shoot knife-wielding man in Berlin Cathedral

German police shot a man who was “rampaging” around Berlin Cathedral with a knife and had attacked at least one person, according to reports. Police said officers rushed to the scene after a staffer at the Berliner Dom, a major tourist attraction in the heart of the German capital, called emergency services to report the...

New York Post 

Drunk hipster spews racial slurs outside bar

A hipster Brooklyn real estate agent was caught on video spewing racial vitriol at a black bouncer who gave him the heave-ho from a Bushwick bar early Friday morning. Video shows Chris Giardina, 29, unleashing an expletive-laden string of epithets, including the n-word, at a bouncer and another man outside Wyckoff Avenue performance space The...

New York Post 

Knicks don’t have to wait any longer for Trae Young workout

Oklahoma freshman point guard Trae Young is headed to New York and will stage a workout for the Knicks on Tuesday in Tarrytown, according to an NBA source. It is believed to be Young’s first individual workout, as he’s been training in Los Angeles since March 21. The Post reported Young will work out for...

New York Post 

Woman in custody after gunfire was reported at San Diego marathon

Gunfire erupted near a California marathon Sunday — leaving a cop wounded and a woman in custody, according to reports. Police swarmed an area near San Diego’s City Hall Parkade in response to an active shooter, according to KNSD-TV. A person was holed up inside a municipal parking garage on C Street and Second Avenue,...

New York Post 

Cops respond to reports of active shooter near San Diego marathon finish line

Gunfire erupted near a California marathon Sunday, according to reports. San Diego police responded to the City Hall Parkade in response to an active shooter, according to KNSD-TV. A person was holed up inside a municipal parking garage on C Street and Second Avenue, according to KFMB-TV. The structure is three blocks south of the...

New York Post 

Yoenis Cespedes will get at-bats as a return comes into view

Yoenis Cespedes is finally ready for some at-bats. Soon enough, they may even count. Out since May 13 with a strained right hip flexor, Cespedes is scheduled to take “live at-bats” Tuesday. The team will speak with the outfielder afterward and then determine a potential date for his return. Cespedes began a running program the...

New York Post 

Off-duty FBI agent accidentally shoots man while dancing at bar

He was trying to bust a move but ended up busting a cap. An off-duty FBI agent dropped his gun ​doing a backflip ​on the dance floor of a Denver bar — then accidentally shot a fellow reveler while scrambling to pick up the piece, according to a report. The unidentified G-man was dancing up...

New York Post 

Phil Mickelson is so pumped over course where he can make history

DUBLIN, Ohio — Phil Mickelson, who has one more tournament to play before the U.S. Open next week, already is itching to get to Shinnecock Hills to try to complete the career Grand Slam. As soon as he finished his final-round 68 Sunday to finish the Memorial at 10-under, Mickelson flew to Long Island, where...

New York Post 

Friends fall to their deaths while rock climbing at Yosemite

A pair of expert climbers fell 1,000 feet to their deaths from a granite rock wall in Northern California’s Yosemite National Park – the second fatal accident there in a little over a week, authorities said. A scream was heard as Tim Klein, 42, and Jason Wells, 46, – who were roped together — fatally...

New York Post 

Officer who helped deliver teen 18 years ago surprises him at graduation

Eighteen years after Thomas Robert Duboyce’s birth on the side of a highway in Maryland, the Montgomery County police officer who helped deliver him is still by his side. Robert Hunt was there for another big moment in the teen’s life Friday when he graduated from Oakdale High School. “Before the ceremony, they had us...

New York Post 

The Serena and Venus team-up didn’t go as planned

PARIS — The Williams sisters, Venus and Serena, are out of the French Open doubles tournament. The third-seeded pairing of Andreja Klepac and Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez beat the Americans 6-4, 6-7 (4), 6-0 to advance to the quarterfinals. The Williams sisters hadn’t competed together at a major tournament since Wimbledon in 2016. Shortly after,...

New York Post 

World Trade Center climb leads to proposal

A pair of lovebirds flew — well, climbed — to the top of One World Trade on Sunday for an emotional proposal. Emergency room nurse and volunteer fire eater Jim Busch surprised his girlfriend, Lydia Mazza, with a ‘Will you marry me?’ after scaling 104 flights to the top of the tower during a charity...

New York Post 

Crews continue to search for bodies and wreckage in Hamptons plane crash

The search for the wreckage of the private plane crash presumed to have killed four people — including “Builder to the Stars” Ben Krupinski — continued Sunday morning along the eastern tip of Long Island. As strong winds and choppy surf widened the debris field, the search shifted towards South Hampton for the remnants of...

New York Post 

UFC star defends husband’s swastika tattoo after accidental tweet

The husband of UFC star Andrea Lee has come under fire after a photo of him emerged on social media exposing his swastika tattoo. Lee posted a snap of the pair together at a lake, and the Twittersphere quickly noticed the pro-Nazi ink on Donny Aaron’s left arm. Upon realizing what could be seen, Lee...

New York Post 

Kenya Moore debuts baby bump

Kenya Moore’s got that pregnancy glow. On Saturday, the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star, 49, debuted her baby bump on Instagram. Posing with one hand on her hip, the other on her shoulder, Moore flaunted her growing bump in a striped white-and-red dress with clear heels. “Won’t he do it?” she captioned the snap with...

New York Post 

Yankees rainouts and doubleheaders are really piling up

Add another doubleheader to the Yankees’ list of them. Sunday’s game in Baltimore has been rained out, and it will be made up as part of a split doubleheader on Aug. 25. Game 1 will be at 1:05 p.m., and Game 2 will be at 7:05 p.m. At least it wasn’t scheduled for this month....

New York Post 

Mattis: It’ll be a ‘bumpy road’ to summit with North Korea

Defense Secretary James Mattis warned it will be a “bumpy road” on the way to a summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un later this month and urged South Korea and Japan to keep up the pressure on the rogue regime, according to a report on Sunday. “We can anticipate, at...

New York Post 

Giuliani thinks Trump can ‘probably’ pardon himself

WASHINGTON — ​Rudy Giuliani speculated Sunday that the president “probably” has the power to pardon himself. ​​“He has no intention of pardoning himself, but he probably does [have the power to]​,” Giuliani told host George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s ​”​This Week.​”​ “Doesn’t say he can’t,” Trump’s lawyer said, ​calling attention to the U.S. Constitution. The former...

New York Post 

Insiders are mocking Kim Kardashian’s fashion award

The Council of Fashion Designers of America — among them, Carolina Herrera, Diane von Furstenberg, Ralph Lauren and Zac Posen — are trusted to be the arbiters of good taste. But some fellow designers and industry veterans think the group is squandering its cred. On Monday, Kim Kardashian — a woman known to wear sheer...

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Экология в России и мире

Путин в России и мире

Путин посетил пасхальную службу в храме Христа Спасителя в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Гордон заявила, что вместе с Кудрявцевой готова оплатить Волочковой психиатра


LRT: Министр Кащюнас заявил, Запад недооценил способности РФ к адаптации и эволюции

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