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Новости за 03.04.2018


Teachers Fill Oklahoma State Capitol For 2nd Straight Day

Hundreds of Oklahoma teachers filled the state Capitol to capacity on Tuesday, April 3, prompting officials to close the 101-year-old building as the teachers remained inside. Tuesday was day two of a statewide teacher strike for more education funding. Credit: Ryan Pentecost via Storyful


Record Rainfall Triggers Flash Flooding Across Indianapolis

Severe storms with heavy rain triggered flash flooding across Indianapolis on Tuesday, April 3. The National Weather Service said a new daily record for rainfall was set from the storms with 3.12 inches of rain falling by noon. The Indianapolis Fire Department responded to 68 calls for service during the morning rush, including for high water. One lightning strike also caused a fire, according to the department. This footage shows the flooding throughout Indianapolis. Credit: Indianapolis Fire Department... Читать дальше...


Oklahoma Teachers Fill State Capitol on 2nd Day of Walkout

A flood of Oklahoma teachers filled the state capitol to capacity on Tuesday, April 3 – the second day of a state-wide walkout over education funding – prompting law enforcement to close all the 101-year-old building’s entrances. Hundreds of schools were closed while the teachers sat down in the capitol’s hallways, local media reported. Credit: Mary Snyder Henson via Storyful


Trump issues stern warning to Russia

US President Donald Trump has delivered a stern warning to Russia, saying the US is going to have its strongest ever military, and that there is a 'strong possibility' he will not have a good relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Athlete reportedly assaulted at Commonwealth Games

As the Commonwealth Games begin, Queensland Police has confirmed it is looking into reports an athlete has been indecently assaulted on the Gold Coast. There are reports an unnamed female athlete from the East African nation of Mauritius has accused the country's chef de mission of inappropriate behaviour. Authorities say that no formal complaint has been made but they are conducting inquiries.


Alinta Energy moves to acquire Liddell power plant

AGL is reportedly under renewed pressure to sell the Liddell power station after Alinta Energy moved to acquire the plant and extend its life by up to seven years. The Australian reports the company has emerged as a serious contender to take over the 1800-megawatt plant. The potential takeover would deliver ­energy certainty to major manufacturers that directly employ 50,000 skilled workers.


UK Government lab unable to prove Russia’s culpability in nerve agent attack

The head of the UK Government's Porton Down lab has revealed scientists have not been able to prove that Russia made the nerve agent used in the Salisbury spy attack. The Chief Executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, says while they have proved a weapons-grade nerve agent was used they have not been able to work out where the Novichok came from.


Lawyer linked to ex-Trump aide gets jail

The Dutch son-in-law of one of Russia's richest men has been jailed and fined $US20,000 ($A26,000) for lying to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigators about contacts with an official in President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign.


Aust phone exec jailed for 10 years in US

Darcy Wedd, a former high-flying executive who began his career selling fluffy toys door-to-door in Western Australia and went on to run a mobile phone business in the US, has been jailed for 10 years for a $US150 million fraud scheme.


Oklahoma City Police Save Dazed Man from Burning Vehicle

Oklahoma City police officers pulled a man to safety after his car caught fire in a traffic collision on Thursday, March 29. Bodycamera footage shows the officers helping Raymond Pascher, 40, out the window as his car burns just off the highway. Pascher was crashed into another vehicle before his car ended up in a ditch, and an officer driving by noticed the car was on fire, a news report said. The officers broke out the driver-side window before helping Pascher climb through it. They then escorted him a distance away from the burning vehicle. Читать дальше...


Trump vows to deploy military to border

US President Donald Trump has vowed to deploy the military to the border with Mexico, something he described as a “big step.”


Bella Hadid CLAPSBACK For Kendall Jenner Comparison!

Bella Hadid has no time for online haters, so when a recent post was circling online comparing her to Kendall Jenner, she had the most epic clapback ever! What did you think about Bella’s comments? Do you think it’s fair to compare celebrities? Let us know in the comments below!


Justin Bieber SHADES The Weeknd!: Defends Selena Gomez Over Diss Track

Justin Bieber just shaded The Weeknd because of his new song ‘Call out my name” where Abel claims he would have given his kidney to Selena Gomez in a heartbeat. Well apparently that wasn't the case and the relationship the Weeknd and Selena had wasn't even that serious! What do you think about Justin Bieber defending Selena Gomez? Let us know in the comments below!


First person sentenced in Russia probe

A DUTCH lawyer who is the son-in-law of a Russian oligarch was sentenced to 30 days behind bars and fined $US20,000 ($26,000) — the first person sentenced in special counsel Robert Mueller’s ​probe into Moscow meddling in the 2016 election.


Burning Pallets Block Road as Waste Workers Join Strike

Waste workers blockaded roads in Paris on April 3, the same day a railway workers’ strike caused mass transport disruption. The CGT union called for rubbish collection and processing to be slowed or halted throughout France in an attempt to improve conditions and reduce the retirement age of waste workers, Le Parisien said. This footage shows striking CGT supporters demonstrating by a burning blockade near a recycling centre in Ivry-sur-Seine, Paris. Credit: CGT Fédération des Services Publics via... Читать дальше...


Demonstrators March in Support of Railway Workers’ Strike

A march in support of action by rail workers, who began striking in opposition to proposed reforms, passed through Paris’s Gare du Nord and down the Boulevard de Magenta on April 3. The head of the SNCF, France’s state-owned rail company, said only 10 to 20 percent of trains were expected to be running during the day, La Depeche reported. Other services, such as the Paris Metro, struggled to cope with increased numbers. The four main rail workers’ unions supported the strike, organised in opposition... Читать дальше...


Kylie Jenner SURPRISES Tyga With This Because Of Blac Chyna!

Travis Scott Watch Out! Kylie Jenner and Tyga are getting close because of a recent outburst Blac Chyna had at Magic Mountain. What did you think about the incident. Should Kylie Jenner be worried about the safety of Dream? Let us know in the comments below!


Lightning Flashes Across Indianapolis Sky During Morning Storms

Lightning lit up the sky over Indianapolis as heavy rain fell across the region on Tuesday, April 3. Severe weather, including flash flooding, was expected throughout the day, a news report said. Three inches of rain fell between midnight and 10am at Indianapolis International Airport, the National Weather Service said. The city was close to setting an all-time April record for daily precipitation, the weather service said. This video shows lightning over Indianapolis during the storms. Credit: ‎Brittany... Читать дальше...


What’s Worse Than Monday?

Monday is universally known as the worst day of the week. How do you accurately describe Monday? Falling off a table? Getting hit in the face? Falling on concrete? All of the above? Credit: Various via Storyful


Five Ways to Shut Your Phone Up… For a While

Your phone is addictive on purpose, and it can be hard to ignore. WSJ's David Pierce has a few tricks and tips to pull yourself back into the real world. Photo/Video: Emily Prapuolenis/The Wall Street Journal


Handprints in Sewer Pipe Led Los Angeles Rescuers to Boy Who Fell In

A Los Angeles search-and-rescue team noticed what looked to be a pair of handprints inside a sewer pipe on a video on Monday, April 2, which then led them to finding a teenager who had fallen through a drain on Easter. Officials released the video that lead them to Jesse Hernandez, 13, a mile east of where he fell through the drain, according to a news report. Rescuers opened a hatch to find him about 11 feet down just before 5am on Monday. Hernandez was taken to the hospital, where he was reunited with his parents. Читать дальше...


Duke enters hospital for surgery

THE Duke of Edinburgh has entered a London hospital for planned surgery on his hip which will take place on Wednesday.

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Экология в России и мире

Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Валентин Коновалов Хакасии примет участие в церемонии инаугурации Владимира Путина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Каков скандал. Катя Гордон режет правду матку про Анастасию Волочкову


В Екатеринбурге 7 мая перекроют центр города ради генеральной репетиции парада Победы

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