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Новости за 26.11.2018


Hazard admits he could leave Chelsea

"I can’t see myself leaving in January. I wouldn’t do that to the club, to the fans. Next summer it’s a possibility."


Kyle Shanahan: Nick Mullens didn’t play very well

A quarterback change could be on the table for the 49ers this week. Nick Mullens was 18-of-32 for 221 yards, a touchdown and two interceptions against the Buccaneers in Sunday’s 27-9 loss and his play came in for criticism from head coach Kyle Shanahan after the game. “I don’t think he played very well, just [more]


Andrew Luck thinks he’s done playing wide receiver

Colts quarterback Andrew Luck extended his streak of games with at least three touchdown passes to eight on Sunday and he extended another streak to two games as well. The Colts used Luck as a receiver for someone else’s pass for the second week in a row. Luck couldn’t reel in a pass from tight [more]


Terrell Suggs: Seemed like it took forever to get to end zone

Ravens linebacker Terrell Suggs had scored touchdowns in the NFL before Sunday’s game against the Raiders, but it had been a long time since he’d hit the end zone with a ball in his hands. Suggs last scored in 2008 before he scooped up a fumble caused by Matthew Judon on a sack of Derek [more]


Top of the draft order unchanged, after they all lose

Some of the teams trying to make the playoffs are stumbling down the stretch. But the teams on the other end of the spectrum are standing on the gas, if the goal is to secure high picks in the 2019 NFL Draft. If the season ended today, the top five spots in the projected draft [more]


Rob Gronkowski “felt good” in return to field and return to end zone

It didn’t take long for Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski to offer a reminder of what he brings to the team’s offense. The Jets accepted an offensive pass interference penalty on a third down incompletion to give the Patriots offense another chance from the Jets’ 34-yard-line. Tom Brady went deep over the middle for Gronkowski, [more]


Monday morning one-liners

Bills coach Sean McDermott left Sunday’s game with blood on his sweatshirt. CB Xavien Howard had two interceptions in a wild sequence late in the first half of the Dolphins loss. Defensive linemen Trey Flowers and Deatrich Wise did well for the Patriots on Sunday. Said Jets head coach Todd Bowles, “We fought [in] this [more]


Steve Wilks: Sunday’s loss was “embarrassing”

Early in Sunday’s game against the Chargers, it looked like things might go the Cardinals’ way. They were up 10-0 after a pair of scoring drives in the first quarter and were in position to at least play a close game in Los Angeles. That changed quickly, however. The Chargers opened the second quarter with [more]


Aaron Rodgers knows the Packers need to win out and get help

The Green Bay Packers have won four of 11 games. To even have a chance at making it to the playoffs, they now need to win five out of five. Needless to say, that’s unlikely. Even less likely is the possibility that they’ll get the help needed to make it to the playoffs with a [more]


Chargers to be without Melvin Gordon for a few weeks

Chargers running back Melvin Gordon had his MRI last night, and the Chargers are going to have to adjust. According to Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network, Gordon suffered a Grade Two sprain of his MCL, an injury which will cost him a few games. The hope is that he’ll be able to return before [more]


Pat Shurmur downplays impact of Saquon Barkley’s lack of second half work

Giants rookie running back Saquon Barkley was difficult for the Eagles to stop in the first half of Sunday’s game as he picked up 131 yards from scrimmage and scored two touchdowns to help the team build a 19-3 lead. It was much easier for the Eagles to slow Barkley down in the second half [more]


Panthers struggling with self-inflicted wounds

If all you looked at was a box score, you’d have thought the Panthers were winning. After all, Christian McCaffrey had 237 yards from scrimmage, Cam Newton was nearly perfect passing, and they held the Seahawks rushing game to their lowest total since Week Two. But if you look at the standings, you realize they’ve [more]


Sunday a “tremendous step forward” for Carson Wentz

Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz had perhaps the worst game of his career against the Saints in Week 11 and things weren’t looking much better on Sunday with the Eagles down 19-3 to the Giants in the first half. Wentz was able to hit on five passes for a touchdown before halftime and then made three [more]


Packers left tackle David Bakhtiari suffers two knee injuries

The Packers have some big problems at the moment (not the last of which is being 4-6-1, the same record as the Browns). But their chances over the last month aren’t getting better because of the injuries that continue to crop up. According to Tom Silverstein of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, left tackle David Bakhtiari said he [more]


Josh Allen never thought he’d run for almost 100 yards

When Josh Allen was heading for the draft earlier this year, most of the discussion about his game centered on the power of his throwing arm and whether he’d become accurate enough as a passer to succeed in the NFL. That remains an open question, but Allen found another way to get things done against [more]


Gregg Williams not afraid to talk about playoffs

Even with a win — even with a win streak — the Browns are still just 4-6-1. But in the AFC, they’re still alive in the push for the postseason, and interim coach Gregg Williams wasn’t afraid to tell his team that. “I showed them who was alive,” Williams told Peter King of NBC’s Football [more]


Russell Wilson: I look forward to the moment

Sunday’s win over the Panthers doesn’t guarantee the Seahawks anything in terms of making the playoffs, but a loss would have dealt their hopes a major blow and that made fourth-and-three from the Panthers’ 35-yard-line with under four minutes to play a crossroads in their season. The Seahawks called a pass play, but quarterback Russell [more]


NFC playoff picture: NFC East race looks wide open

Were we too quick to write off the defending champions? The Eagles, as badly as they’ve played at times this season, managed to win on Sunday to remain just a game out of both the NFC East race and the wild card race. In fact, the three-team race with Dallas, Washington and Philadelphia looks wide [more]


Vikings hail offensive balance in win over Packers

For all the money the Vikings gave Kirk Cousins this offseason, coach Mike Zimmer still wants to play a certain kind of football. And he wasn’t bashful about saying so last week, suggesting the offense was getting bound up in their volume of plays, and hurt by the lack of balance. Those things began to [more]


FMIA Week 12: Seattle Steps Up As Path To Playoffs Begins To Take Shape

They wouldn't even be in the playoffs if the season ended today, but the Seahawks put themselves in prime position with a point-proving Week 12 win. Peter King kicks off his Football Morning in America column with Seattle and its fearless quarterback, and also tackles: • The Cleveland smell ... Gregg Williams says Baker Mayfield has the scent and, well, perhaps it's just better to let the Browns coach explain it, after a big win over Cincinnati on Sunday. • Josh Allen's big day ... and why a meaningless... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Жителей Москвы предупредили об аномально холодной погоде

Путин в России и мире

Ушаков: Путин и Пашинян расставят на встрече многие точки над i

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Андрей Губин

Андрей Губин планирует своим ходом добраться до Владивостока


Боевой ничьей закончился матч воронежского «Факела» с «Зенитом»

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