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Новости за 06.06.2017

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

New Kawasaki Z250 BS-IV Arrives In Mumbai Showroom


The new BS-IV compliant Kawasaki Z250 arrived in India back in April, 2017. However, the official photographs of the motorcycle weren’t available back then. Now, one of our readers, who recently visited the showroom sent us the photographs of the 2017 model. The motorcycle, along with new graphics, comes equipped with gold coloured rims. Our reader […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Yamaha YZF-R3 And MT-03 Get New Colour Options


The Yamaha YZF-R3 and the MT-03 are set to receive an upgrade. For 2018, Yamaha has introduced new colours for the YZF-R3 and MT-03. The race-bred YZF-R3 will be offered in two new colour options: Race Blu and Power Black. The colour placement on the Race Blu has been revised too. The fairing gets more blue […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Tata Tiago Diesel 11,400 km Long Term Review : Fantastico, Indeed!


The perky little Tiago has been with us for more than four months and has logged over 11,000 km. And while we were a little reluctant to make a definitive assessment of the long term qualities of the car in our first, 3000 km induction report, at this point, we are pretty confident to let […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Tata Tiago Diesel 11,400 km Long Term Review : Fantastico, Indeed!


The perky little Tiago has been with us for more than four months and has logged over 11,000 km And while we were a little reluctant to make a definitive assessment of the long term qualities of the car in our first, 3000 km induction report, at this point, we are pretty confident to let […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Four Wheeler Sales May 2017 : Tata Motors Record 4% Fall; Hyundai Motor India Registers Marginal Rise


Tata Motors’ passenger and commercial vehicle sales (including exports) fell by 4% while Hyundai Motor India registered a marginal rise in May 2017 sales. Here is the compiled report of four wheeler sales for the month of May 2017. Tata Motors Also Read – Tata Motors Bags Order Of 3192 Safari Storme SUVs From The Indian […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Four Wheeler Sales May 2017 : Tata Motors Record 4% Fall; Hyundai Motor India Registers Marginal Rise


Tata Motors’ passenger and commercial vehicle sales (including exports) fell by 4% while Hyundai Motor India registered a marginal rise in May 2017 sales. Here is the compiled report of four wheeler sales for the month of May 2017. Tata Motors Also Read – Tata Motors Bags Order Of 3192 Safari Storme SUVs From The Indian […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Lamborghini Huracan Reaches A Production Milestone Of 8000 Units In 3 Years


Automobili Lamborghini recently announced that their popular model, the Huracan, reached a production milestone of 8000 units. The Italian marquee has achieved the record milestone over a period of three years. The 8000th Huracan recently rolled off the production line, finished in a shade of Grigio Lynx. This unit, a Huracan Spyder, will make its way home […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Lamborghini Huracan Reaches A Production Milestone Of 8000 Units In 3 Years


Automobili Lamborghini recently announced that their popular model, the Huracan, reached a production milestone of 8000 units. The Italian marquee has achieved the record milestone over a period of three years. The 8000th Huracan recently rolled off the production line, finished in a shade of Grigio Lynx. This unit, a Huracan Spyder, will make its way home […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Two Wheeler Sales May 2017 : HMSI Clocks Over 5 lakh Sales; TVS Registers 16% Growth


Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India closed May 2017 with five lakh units plus sales while TVS Motor Company posted a sales growth of 16%. India Yamaha Motor too continued with its upward growth in the sales by registering a 11% in domestic sales (including Nepal). Here’s a compiled report of two-wheeler sales for the month of May 2017: Honda […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Two Wheeler Sales May 2017 : HMSI Clocks Over 5 lakh Sales; TVS Registers 16% Growth


Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India closed May 2017 with five lakh units plus sales while TVS Motor Company posted a sales growth of 16%. India Yamaha Motor too continued with its upward growth in the sales by registering a 11% in domestic sales (including Nepal). Here’s a compiled report of two-wheeler sales for the month of May 2017: Honda […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Mahindra Scorpio Automatic Discontinued In India


Mahindra has officially discontinued the automatic variants of the current generation Scorpio. A quick look at the brand’s official website reveals no information regarding the automatic variants of the Scorpio, hinting that the model has been discontinued. An official confirmation was made via the company’s official twitter handle while replying to a user on the […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Mahindra Scorpio Automatic Discontinued In India


Mahindra has officially discontinued the automatic variants of the current generation Scorpio. A quick look at the brand’s official website reveals no information regarding the automatic variants of the Scorpio, hinting that the model has been discontinued. An official confirmation was made via the company’s official twitter handle while replying to a user on the […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Honda 2Wheelers Becomes Customers First Choice In Tamil Nadu


Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India announced that it has extended its market leadership. After being the most preferred brand in the progressive states of Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat, and Karnataka to name a few, Honda is now the new number one selling brand in Tamil Nadu as well. Tamil Nadu is the third biggest market by […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Honda 2Wheelers Becomes Customers First Choice In Tamil Nadu


Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India announced that it has extended its market leadership. After being the most preferred brand in the progressive states of Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat, and Karnataka to name a few, Honda is now the new number one selling brand in Tamil Nadu as well. Tamil Nadu is the third biggest market by […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Michelin LTX Force All Terrain SUV Tyres Launched In India


Michelin has announced the availability of LTX Force range of all terrain SUV tyres in India. Michelin LTX Force tyres are claimed to offer durability, grip on-road and high traction off-road. The introduction of this new range in India helps the company further strengthen its product portfolio. Michelin LTX Force uses Compact Tread Technology which takes […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Michelin LTX Force All Terrain SUV Tyres Launched In India


Michelin has announced the availability of LTX Force range of all terrain SUV tyres in India. Michelin LTX Force tyres are claimed to offer durability, grip on-road and high traction off-road. The introduction of this new range in India helps the company further strengthen its product portfolio. Michelin LTX Force uses Compact Tread Technology which takes […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Motorcycle Bellypan Breaks On Track, Hits Another Rider At Over 225 KPH


When you’re riding a litre-class machine on a race track at eyeball flattening speeds, smallest of things can cause a major damage. So imagine what’d happen if something as big as a motorcycle bellypan comes flying towards you at over 140 mph (225 kph). Ask Joshua Boyd who had a near fatal crash at the Snetterton Circuit in […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

Motorcycle Bellypan Breaks On Track, Hits Another Rider At Over 225 KPH


When you’re riding a litre-class machine on a race track at eyeball flattening speeds, smallest of things can cause a major damage. So imagine what’d happen if something as big as a motorcycle bellypan comes flying towards you at over 140 mph (225 kph). Ask Joshua Boyd who had a near fatal crash at the Snetterton Circuit in […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Михаил Кутушов

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


Психолог рассказал, как облегчить возвращение к работе после майских праздников

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