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Новости за 10.08.2018

Modern Ghana 

Ghanaians In Toronto Meet And Share 2018

During summer time in Toronto-Canada, many people go to the parks and other recreational centres to have fun since the extreme cold weather conditions in winter season has given way to hot weather conditions. People from all walks of life, religion, tradition and culture pitch tents at various picnic parks in Toronto-canada and else where ...

Modern Ghana 

Liberia: The Socioeconomic Crisis Deepens

As we predicted, the 25million foreign notes auctioned by the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) on June 20, 2018 has been swallowed by the high demand for foreign currency in the Liberian economy The CBL 39;s rate, which is set based on data collected from the commercial banks, parallel market and the licensed forex bureau, has once again started to ...

Modern Ghana 

Rwanda reconsiders role of snubbed French language

Rwanda turned its back on the French-speaking world when it chose English as the language of education a decade ago, but with bilingualism seen as an asset French is reviving. As the language of coloniser Belgium, French began losing ground to English in the aftermath of Rwanda's 1994 genocide when a new political elite, dominated by anglophone ...

Modern Ghana 

Ethnic clashes challenge Ethiopia PM's reforms

Bedaso Bora danced alongside his neighbours in the streets of Ethiopia's lush coffee-growing south after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in April promising better days. But just weeks later, Bedaso and hundreds of thousands of others of the Gedeo ethnic minority were on the run, fleeing those same neighbours from the Oromo ethnicity. ...

Modern Ghana 

South Africa's Brandon Stone smashes his way into PGA contention

Brandon Stone never imagined himself among the leaders at the 100th PGA Championship, but the 25-year-old South African is riding his best career form as far as it takes him. Stone delivered a four-under par 66 Thursday at Bellerive Country Club to grab a share of third with two-time major champion Zach Johnson, two strokes behind US first-round ...

Modern Ghana 

Double Track system is the best way out – Educationist

An Educationist and a Founding Member of the ruling New Patriotic Party, Isaac Kwabena Sarkodie Boahin, has reiterated the need for Ghanaians to fully embrace the Double-Track system which is about to be rolled out by government in 400 Senior High Schools beginning from the next academic year. According to him, considering the sharp increase in ...

Modern Ghana 

Our Hypocritical Politics Is Adequate For Our Democracy

In politics, we presume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state. When we are ill we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent. The heaviest penalty for deciding to engage in politics is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself Plato Nobody ever said anything good ...

Modern Ghana 

Sit Up, Political Parties

ldquo;God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. rdquo; Reinhold Niebuhr ldquo;Forewarned, forearmed: burnt children dread the fire rdquo; Robert Green: A Notable Discovery of Coosnage AD 1592 39;Praemonitus, ...

Modern Ghana 

I am fair-minded: Bagbin appeals to NDC delegates

ldquo;Fairness is one of my values in life. In paradigms of social democracy we do not discriminate. I only pray that delegates give me their mandate to deliver the golden eggs for our beloved party, rdquo; says; Bagbin, in his campaign build up to the NDC presidential primaries. But, when asked, he said ldquo;it does not make sense for the pa ...

Modern Ghana 

That’s What CNN Deserves For Lying To The Public Every Day

If one is an intelligent journalist, you rsquo;ll actually know that CNN is one of the dishonest media in America, despite all the efforts to convince the world that they are the best. CNN claims they have a qualified doctor, Sanjay Gupta, but the media has never ever reported the truth about those two biological weapons which have dealt a deadl ...

Modern Ghana 

E/R: Wodekum Community Connected to Electricity; As MCE Assures Massive Development

Wodekum Community, a suburb of Suhum in the Eastern Region which has struggled so many years to catch up with developmental attention, especially electrification has finally been connected to the national grid. Their geographical location in the municipality may possibly be the root cause for their lack of development in the area. However, the N ...

Modern Ghana 

How The Nuclear Era Biological Warfare Agents Inspired Iatrogenic Aids Diseases

During the meeting of the ldquo;Recombinant DNA Discussion rdquo; meeting in 1978, at the Jaarbeurshallen in Utrecht the Netherlands, microsurgeon, Johan Van Dongen found out that DNA recombination experiments are technically very simple that time. Although DNA recombination experiments require expensive investments, they can be carried ...

Modern Ghana 

How Boris Johnson Confirmed The Military Is Responsible For Biological Weapons

After the 66-year-old former colonel in the Russian military intelligence, Sergei Skripal, was found unconscious along with his 33-year-old daughter. According to the British media, the two remain in a critical condition under treatment for suspected exposure to an unknown substance. British Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, sternl ...

Modern Ghana 

The Temptation Of Jesus In The Wilderness

MATTHEW 4:1-11 INTRODUCTION The Devil rsquo;s temptation of Jesus in the wilderness is an important precursor to Jesus rsquo; ministry and victory over the satanic powers. Had Jesus failed in that temptation, His mission on earth would have been a total disaster. Thus, the temptation encounter was a significant part of Jesus ...

Modern Ghana 

Akufo-Addo’s Maiden Reshuffle: List Of Reassigned Appointees

President Akufo-Addo has made some changes within his government. In the latest reshuffle, former Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, John Peter Amewu has been appointed as acting Minister for Energy while Otiko Afisa Djaba, former Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, is now Ambassador-designate to Italy. Kojo Oppong Nkr ...

Modern Ghana 

GRA To Review Tax Exemption Laws

Commissioner General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), says discussions are currently ongoing with the government over a review of some clauses of the tax exemption laws. Emmanuel Kofi Nti said, calls for a review or possible scrapping of tax waivers for multinationals and mining firms to complement revenue generation are justified. ldqu ...

Modern Ghana 

Nana Appiah Mensah Calls For Calm In Awutu Senya East Municipality

Nana Appiah Mensah, Chief Executive Officer of Menzgold and Zylofon Group has made a call to the people of Awuku Senya East Municipality to end any mobilization of a demonstration in the support of Menzgold. Reports from the Awutu Senya East Municipality indicate that the esprit de corps shared among some members of the community has drawn them ...

Modern Ghana 

Krobo Odumase Residents Protest University Campus Relocation

Residents of Somanya, Odumase and its environs Thursday hit the streets to demonstrate over reports that government wants to relocate the main campus of the University of Energy and Sustainable Development (UESD). Members of the United Krobo Foundation say they are worried by the signs they have seen that government is rescinding its earlier dec ...

Modern Ghana 

Lawyers Of Former Majority Shareholder Of Defunct Capital Bank Ato Essien Fight Back

Lawyers for the embattled founder of Capital Bank, William Ato Essien, have said reports about their clients in the public domain is not accurate. In a press release Thursday, they said the Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO), which investigated their client and others following the collapse of Capital bank, is yet to issue its report. ...

Modern Ghana 

Your Ministry Is A Blessing To Ghana--Asaam Chief To Hon. Mavis Hawa Koomson

The Chief of Asaam, Nana Sipon Panin Nyamea Sarfo II, has commended president Akufo Addo for his foresight in creating the Ministry of Special Development Initiatives which is responsible for infrastructure development in rural and deprived communities. He said this Ministry follows in the steps of PSI during the Kuffour 39;s NPP regime where ...

Modern Ghana 

Menzgold Currently Operating Legally In Ghana--PMMC Debunked

Menzgold Company Limited has been operating legally in Ghana with the required license to trade in gold, the company's lawyer Kwame Akuffo has revealed. Counsel Akuffo revealed that the Menzgold has acquired all the necessary paperwork to enable it carry out its operations, insisting its license has never been revoked. The gold trading compan ...

Modern Ghana 

Lawyer Reveals PMMC Has Lost Rights To License Gold Dealers

The Precious Minerals Marketing Company (PMMC) has lost the rights to license gold exporters and it is not the body to authorise the operations of Menzgold, a top lawyer in the country revealed on Thursday. Kwame Akuffo, the lawyer for Menzgold, revealed that the Minerals Commission is the body that authorizes Menzgold's trading in gold despite ...

Modern Ghana 

I.Coast ex-first lady Simone Gbagbo seeks to scrap ICC case

Former Ivory Coast first lady Simone Gbagbo, freed by amnesty in Abidjan this week, will begin moves to have her case at the International Criminal Court (ICC) scrapped, her lawyer Rodrigue Dadje announced Thursday. Gbagbo, who had been serving a 20-year jail term, was released on Wednesday, two days after being amnestied by President Alassane O ...

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Экология в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о спорте и ежедневных здоровых привычках

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Песков рассказал о планируемой 23 мая в Минске встрече Путина с Лукашенко

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Полина Гагарина

Актриса Самбурская заступилась за сыгравшую в «Красных линиях» певицу Гагарину


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