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Morning Report: Michael Bisping: 'Now that we have USADA in the mix, I've become world champion.'

UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping implies that the implementation of USADA drug testing is what allowed him to finally become world champion.

The Diaz brothers are MMA's leading trend setters.

A common refrain of Nick and Nate Diaz is that everyone competing in MMA (aside from themselves) is "on steroids." Lately, with the advent of USADA and the frequency of fighters failing drug tests, more and more fighters seem to be ascribing to this idea. Last week, Conor McGregor, Diaz's opponent for his upcoming UFC 202 fight, agreed that "they f*cking are all on steroids." This week, it's UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping.

Writing for Champions.co, Bisping addressed the seeming ubiquity of PED usage in MMA, agreeing in principle with the Diaz brothers.

"Everybody knows my stance on PEDs, and that hasn't changed one little bit. The Diaz brothers say that everybody is taking steroids, but obviously there are still some of us that aren't. I kind of hear what they're saying, though. I think the large majority of our athletes are on something."

Bisping has been one of the most vocal opponents of PEDs in MMA for many years so his alignment with the Diaz brothers on this topic is not surprising. However, he does take it a step farther by suggesting that the implementation of USADA drug testing and the removal of PEDs from his competitors is why he is now the middleweight champion.

"Now that USADA is clamping down on performance enhancers, people are getting popped left and right. They still have a long way to go, but people are getting caught, and that's what counts. It's funny, now that we have USADA in the mix, I've become world champion!

"I've been here all this time, and yes, I have improved, and my coaches have worked hard with me to get me where I am, but USADA's presence and my becoming world champion isn't such a crazy coincidence. I think there's a reason for that."

Bisping is 29-7 in his professional MMA career with all 7 losses coming in the UFC and each to a different opponent. Of those seven losses, three have never been connected to steroid use (Tim Kennedy, Rashad Evans, and Luke Rockhold), three have been associated with PED usage (Chael Sonnen, Vitor Belfort, and Wanderlei Silva) and Dan Henderson was on TRT at the time of their fight, which Bisping views as cheating despite it being legal at the time.

It should be noted that Bisping won the championship by knocking out Luke Rockhold. As stated above, Rockhold has never been associated with any PED usage so Bisping winning the title from him somewhat belies the implication that it was the prevalence of PEDs which prevented him from winning the title sooner.

Still, whether or not USADA played a role in his winning the championship, Bisping is enormously proud of having climbed the mountain 100 percent cleanly.

"You know what the best part is? I've been here all this time, and I've never tested positive for anything other than hard work and dedication. I take a lot of pride in that, and I look forward to the rest of my career knowing that I've accomplished all this on my own terms, without the benefit of external drugs. In this day and age, that's quite an achievement."

Michael Bisping defends his title against Dan Henderson at UFC 204 on Oct. 8th in Manchester, England.




He back, mama. Georges St-Pierre says he has enrolled in USADA testing program.

Embarrassment. Chris Weidman says it's "a little embarrassing" that Michael Bisping is the middleweight champion.

Darker places. Georges St-Pierre believes he will beat Nick Diaz "way worse" should they rematch.




Judo. Karim Zidan of Bloody Elbow discusses Kayla Harrison's historic judo career and her potential to make the jump into MMA.




The video everyone is talking about. Cyborg can't make 135 nor should she need to try. Just let her Tyson the shit out of anyone who is willing to fight her at 145.


Conor sparring. I'm thinking this time he actually tries to work a concentrated body attack on Diaz.


Dominick Cruz hinting he might take over for Joe Rogan.


The champ is here.


And here's a KO to brighten up your day.




Heavy Hands


Press Row




And do began a Twitter beef.








There are more replies from Riddle but you get the idea.


Would watch.


And both are coming off long layoffs.


Weidman is gonna smash Bisping whenever they do fight.



DL needs to make his own Social Media Championship belt.


She's as good a prospect as women's MMA has ever had.


Conor accepting the Nate fight was an exceptionally bad choice.




Congrats to Cyborg.

8 years ago I got on a plane from Brazil to fight for the first time in the USA. A few years later I won my First World Title which gave me an opportunity to apply for an extraordinary athlete green card in the USA. Working with one of the top immigration lawyers, @richardmwilner today I was able to take my USA citizenship exam, passing with a 100%!! It is a great honor to have completed the process of legal immigration, and I want to be an example for all Americans that there are immigrants in your country who are honored and proud to have the opportunity to work hard and give back to the communities in which we live while being able to provide a life of better opportunities for our families. Sept.24th watch #ufcfn95 on @fs1 to see me display all the hard work when I return to my native home of Brazil for the biggest fight of my @ufc career! 8 anos atras peguei um voo do Brasil para lutar pela primeira vez nos EUA. Alguns anos depois, ganhei meu primeiro título mundial que me deu a oportunidade de dar entrada no Green Card como atleta extraordinária nos EUA. Trabalhando com um dos advogados de imigração de top, @richardmwilner hoje fui capaz de fazer o meu exame de cidadania EUA, passando com um 100% !! É uma grande honra ter concluído o processo de imigração legal, e eu quero ser um exemplo para todos os americanos que há imigrantes em seu país que são honrados e orgulhosos de ter a oportunidade de trabalhar duro e dar de volta para as comunidades que vivemos enquanto é capaz de proporcionar uma vida de melhores oportunidades para as nossas famílias. Glórias a Deus! Sept.24th Assista #ufcfn95 sobre @fs1 minha próxima luta, voltar para a minha casa nativa Brasil e fazer uma luta @ufc! #blessed #fainth

A photo posted by CRISTIANE V JUSTINO ★ (@criscyborg) on 








2012: Benson Henderson defended his lightweight title in his rematch with Frankie Edgar, winning a unanimous decision in the main event of UFC 150.




And that is it for today M.Rmy. Yesterday, you all decided John Kavanagh was a good coach. Today we will ask the great question that the Diaz brothers so eloquently answer: who all is on steroids?

Hope everyone has a great day. See y'all tomorrow.


If you find something you'd like to see in the Morning Report, just hit me up on Twitter @JedKMeshew and let me know about it. Also follow MMAFighting on Instagram and add us on Snapchat at MMA-Fighting because we post dope things and you should enjoy them.

What percentage of the UFC roster is on steroids?

  148 votes | Results

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