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5/10/15: Sargsyan’s indignation, Vershbow’s diagnosis, "Sasna Tsrer” group’s arrest

5/10/15: Sargsyan’s indignation, Vershbow’s diagnosis, "Sasna Tsrer” group’s arrest

Today we live in a society, which cannot imagine life without expressing views on social media. Probably, it does have certain advantages. Nevertheless, many participants of active discussions have already forgotten or do not even know about the developments, which unfolded in Armenia 5, 10 or 15 years ago.   

To fill the gap, Mediamax presents 5/10/15 project, which recalls weekly the developments that happened in Armenia 5, 10, and 15 years ago.

•    15 YEARS AGO: JULY 26-31, 2006

“A creative exchange of views”

On July 29, President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) Arkady Ghukasyan and U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza held a “creative” exchange of views on some ideas and elements concerning the NK conflict settlement process.

The American diplomat noted that he did not have any new proposals for the settlement of the conflict and refrained from disclosing the details of his meeting with Ghukasyan.

•    10 YEARS AGO: JULY 26-31, 2011

Armenian President’s indignation

On July 28 Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that “both Armenia and the international community had great expectations from the meeting in Kazan, but they did not justify themselves.”

Speaking at a joint news conference with his Polish counterpart Bronislaw Komorowski in Yerevan, Sargsyan said:

“One should respect the legal right of Nagorno-Karabakh to manage its own fate, have guarantees of security and prospects for development in its historic homeland. Everyone should respect these rights. There is no other solution.”

“The atmosphere should be improved. One should not poison one’s people every day by provocative statements. Have you heard the statements that Azerbaijani President made concerning the Armenian people yesterday? And are those statements of a proper man, statements, which a leader of a country can do? We have only one demand: the conflict should be solved on the basis of principles and norms of the international law, which are fixed in the document, called “Madrid Principles”,” he said.

Armenia and Azerbaijan “are unable”

On July 29 U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Alexander Vershbow said that Armenia and Azerbaijan took a “step back” in the Karabakh peace process.

He noted that the attempt to ensure a breakthrough at June 24 talks in Kazan failed and “tensions on the contact line keep growing.”

Vershbow said that Armenia and Azerbaijan “are still unable to complete the coordination of basic principles for conflict settlement and we are still in an unconstructive and dangerous stalemate.”

•    5 YEARS AGO: JULY 26-31, 2016

“Sasna Tsrer” surrenders

On July 31 “Sasna Tsrer” armed group laid down their weapons and left the Erebuni police station it had been seized.

Representative of the group Varuzhan Avetisyan stated “Sasna Tsrer” considered its “mission accomplished” surrendered in order to avoid bloodshed, but it intended to continue the struggle from prison. “We believe that our actions created the spark that was necessary to wake up the people,” he said.

The National Security Service (NSS) of Armenia announced the completion of an anti-terrorist operation.

“Through consistent, coordinated efforts, special unites of the law enforcement bodies have made the armed group lay down the weapons and surrender. Twenty terrorists have been detained,” said the NSS.

Ara Tadevosyan

Today we live in a society, which cannot imagine life without expressing views on social media. Probably, it does have certain advantages. Nevertheless, many participants of active discussions have already forgotten or do not even know about the developments, which unfolded in Armenia 5, 10 or 15 years ago.&nbsp; &nbsp;

To fill the gap, Mediamax presents 5/10/15 project, which recalls weekly the developments that happened in Armenia 5, 10, and 15 years ago.

&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 15 YEARS AGO: JULY 26-31, 2006

&ldquo;A creative exchange of views&rdquo;

On July 29, President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) Arkady Ghukasyan and U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza held a &ldquo;creative&rdquo; exchange of views on some ideas and elements concerning the NK conflict settlement process.

The American diplomat noted that he did not have any new proposals for the settlement of the conflict and refrained from disclosing the details of his meeting with Ghukasyan.

&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 10 YEARS AGO: JULY 26-31, 2011

Armenian President&rsquo;s indignation

On July 28 Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said that &ldquo;both Armenia and the international community had great expectations from the meeting in Kazan, but they did not justify themselves.&rdquo;

Speaking at a joint news conference with his Polish counterpart Bronislaw Komorowski in Yerevan, Sargsyan said:

&ldquo;One should respect the legal right of Nagorno-Karabakh to manage its own fate, have guarantees of security and prospects for development in its historic homeland. Everyone should respect these rights. There is no other solution.&rdquo;

&ldquo;The atmosphere should be improved. One should not poison one&rsquo;s people every day by provocative statements. Have you heard the statements that Azerbaijani President made concerning the Armenian people yesterday? And are those statements of a proper man, statements, which a leader of a country can do? We have only one demand: the conflict should be solved on the basis of principles and norms of the international law, which are fixed in the document, called &ldquo;Madrid Principles&rdquo;,&rdquo; he said.

Armenia and Azerbaijan &ldquo;are unable&rdquo;

On July 29 U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Alexander Vershbow said that Armenia and Azerbaijan took a &ldquo;step back&rdquo; in the Karabakh peace process.

He noted that the attempt to ensure a breakthrough at June 24 talks in Kazan failed and &ldquo;tensions on the contact line keep growing.&rdquo;

Vershbow said that Armenia and Azerbaijan &ldquo;are still unable to complete the coordination of basic principles for conflict settlement and we are still in an unconstructive and dangerous stalemate.&rdquo;

&bull;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 5 YEARS AGO: JULY 26-31, 2016

&ldquo;Sasna Tsrer&rdquo; surrenders

On July 31 &ldquo;Sasna Tsrer&rdquo; armed group laid down their weapons and left the Erebuni police station it had been seized.

Representative of the group Varuzhan Avetisyan stated &ldquo;Sasna Tsrer&rdquo; considered its &ldquo;mission accomplished&rdquo; surrendered in order to avoid bloodshed, but it intended to continue the struggle from prison. &ldquo;We believe that our actions created the spark that was necessary to wake up the people,&rdquo; he said.

The National Security Service (NSS) of Armenia announced the completion of an anti-terrorist operation.

&ldquo;Through consistent, coordinated efforts, special unites of the law enforcement bodies have made the armed group lay down the weapons and surrender. Twenty terrorists have been detained,&rdquo; said the NSS.

Ara Tadevosyan

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