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Future lawyer, now a SMART Center student from Vahagni

Future lawyer, now a SMART Center student from Vahagni

&ldquo;This is the only asphalt road in the area,&rdquo; says our driver as he turns towards the village of Vahagni. Mary and Anush start telling us from the 3rd row seats that the road was asphalted a few years ago on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of state and political figure Anton Kochinyan, who was born in Vahagni, like them.


The children of Vahagni travel on car on working days to COAF SMART Center. After their classes end, the driver takes them back home.


Extracurricular activities are not exactly wide-ranged in the village. It is one of the reasons the kids from Vahagni are happy to drive several kilometers to take free-of-charge courses at SMART Center.


The advanced communication and media studies courses were Mary&rsquo;s own choice. She attended the former just a few times before the teacher recommended her joining the drama club. Now Mary spends four days a week at the center.


&ldquo;I took up on Mr. Hakob&rsquo;s suggestion because I love theater and I dream to play at least one role, even if it&rsquo;s very small. I would especially like to play in &ldquo;The Autumn Sun&rdquo;, no matter if it&rsquo;s the simple part of a neighbor.


We go to Vanadzor to see theater performances, but only once in a while. It&rsquo;s difficult to travel from the village, because you return home very late at night. When I grow up and earn my own money, I will go to the theater very often,&rdquo; says Mary.


Acting is a dream for the 16-year-old girl, but she also has concrete plans for her future: she is going to become a lawyer. She wants to work to make everyone equal before the law and protect human rights. Friends and acquaintances do not always understand Mary&rsquo;s active stand and stubbornness, but she does not let that put her down. Mary is certain her work will help many people, her fellow Vahagni residents in the first place.


&ldquo;Many people here need legal advice or assistance, but they are poorly informed and can&rsquo;t apply for it. I want to become a lawyer so that they can come to me when they need help. For instance, there are couples who have issues with divorce and childcare, also many of my relatives and neighbors often deal with banks that infringe on their rights. I have to fight to make things right, starting from my village, my family and my community, and then at global level,&rdquo; explains Mary.


She goes to rhetoric classes to develop her verbal communication skills. According to Mary, media studies have nothing to do with her future profession, but they might come handy in daily life. She used the skills she had learned to check a news article she saw on Facebook and found out that the reported news was actually false.


During the breaks between classes, Mary sits at the computer. According to Mary, she asked her parents not to set up internet connection at home, because that could distract her and affect her studies.


&ldquo;Wouldn&rsquo;t you be grateful to people who think you&rsquo;re crazy? I would, because while they&rsquo;re saying that, I laugh at them in my mind. You see, I think they are the crazy ones.&rdquo;


The drama club is preparing for Thanksgiving. Like other students, Mary has put together a list of thanks: to nature, her friends and their Facebook page, to smiling people, to anxiety, bravery and those who think her crazy.


&ldquo;They don&rsquo;t say it, but they think: &ldquo;You are crazy! What are you thinking about? What are you talking about? It&rsquo;s impossible.&rdquo; I simply laugh at them, as I know everything is possible. For instance, receiving legal education is expensive, and many people wonder why I would need it. When I speak about criminal cases, they say that it will end badly for me. They advise me to find something easier and stay at home. But I don&rsquo;t like easy life, I want to do a million things in a day and sleep tired at night.&rdquo;


Mary includes her dreams in these million things. She wishes to become a public leader, as Hovhannes Tumanyan (Armenian poet). She also wants to play in films, produced based on her own scenarios. Mary has the idea and now she develops the plot.&nbsp;


&ldquo;The film is about a female soldier. We always see boys in soldier&rsquo;s role, while girls can also become great heroes, sacrificing their lives for the country. I am very concerned about gender inequality: why a girl cannot be a leader or the best military figure? My scenario is about the heroine, who sacrifices her life, but leaves a significant heritage. Everyone loves her and remembers.&rdquo;


She wishes to visit Western Armenia, travel to Italy and continue her education in the United States or another country.&nbsp;&nbsp;


Her mother Ms. Shoghik listens to Mary with pride and confusion at the same time. She is worried about whether a village family with modest income will be able to help their daughter to realize her dreams.&nbsp;


&ldquo;I was a fighter like her. I wanted to learn and achieve something, but I quitted. I was disappointed and I don&rsquo;t want her to get disappointed, I want her to achieve something,&rdquo; Ms. Shoghik gets emotional.&nbsp;&nbsp;


&ldquo;If only people trust me, I will do everything,&rdquo; Mary relies. She says that her mother motivates her, and all her achievements depend on her. &ldquo;She would compose texts at night leaving out certain letters so that I filled the space in the morning.&rdquo;


Ms. Shoghik admits with regret that she doesn&rsquo;t spend enough time with her children because of her work.&nbsp;


&ldquo;When Mary prepares for the exams, she often asks me to help her by listening to what she tells by the book. However, I don&rsquo;t have much time. She gets upset, but later asks herself questions, records on the phone and then turns on the recording, listens to questions and answers them.&rdquo;


In addition to her studies, Mary manages to take care of her brother and deal with community issues. First of all, they take guests to see the Statue of Vahagn the Dragon Reaper (ancient Armenian pagan god).&nbsp; The stories about the statue pass from generation to generation. They say that the village didn&rsquo;t see rains because of dragons, and Vahagn helped people get rid of them. That is why the village is called after him. They also say that some gold is hidden under the statue.&nbsp;


-Has someone tried to get it?


-No, we won&rsquo;t let them, Mary says.&nbsp;


She often visits this area with her friend Anush. Together with members of the village&rsquo;s youth club she decided to improve the area of the Monument to Soldiers of the WW2 and turn it into a park. If they succeed in renovating the museum adjacent to the monument, they will place information about Vahagn and provide another section for library.&nbsp;


For more information about COAF SMART dial +374 10 50 20 76 or visit https://www.coafkids.org/ webpage.&nbsp;


Lusine Gharibyan

Photos by Vaghinak Ghazaryan (for Mediamax)

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