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Новости за 09.04.2016

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

18 Filipino soldiers killed, 52 injured in Basilan clash

MANILA, Philippines — At least 18 soldiers were killed in fierce daylong fighting with Abu Sayyaf extremists in the southern Philippines on Saturday in the largest single-day government combat loss this year, officials said.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Make Your Move

A brainchild of fitness enthusiasts Cristalle Belo Henares and Marielle Santos-Po, Move for MovEd is a series of fitness fundraisers for the benefit of MovEd

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Pacquiao puts legacy on line today

LAS VEGAS – The storied career of Manny Pacquiao, winner of an unprecedented eight world titles in as many weight classes and the greatest Filipino athlete of all time, could come to an abrupt end Saturday night (Sunday in Manila) after he faces Tim Bradley at the MGM Grand. Many questions remain unanswered and Pacquiao says the third meeting with Bradley will provide the answers to many queries surrounding his future and his legacy. And if there’s doubt that he is going through the motions and is... Читать дальше...

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Share what you never knew about HK and win big in #DiscoverHongKong Stories contest

Marvelous moments visitors captured during their Hong Kong vacation can now double as entries in the Hong Kong Tourism Board’s #DiscoverHongKong Stories campaign, for a chance to win amazing daily and weekly prizes worth more than HK$ 500,000. Just post and share photos or videos of your best discovery which reveal Hong Kong’s hidden attractions and experiences on selected social media platforms with the hashtag #DiscoverHongKong and a one-line caption that starts with “I never knew” until April 24. Читать дальше...

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Even nuisance bets look forward to a better PH

The democratic exercise to elect the next set of leaders who will lead our country is on to its final leg.  Top on the list of probable leaders are the five candidates for president – Vice President Jejomar Binay, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, Sen. Grace Poe Llamanzares, former Interior secretary Mar Roxas, and Sen. Miriam Defensor Santiago. A total of 130 filed their certificates of candidacy (COC) for president in October, 2015, but only five remain presidential candidates. Duterte substituted for Martin Diño... Читать дальше...

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Fiery Duterte on the offensive

By JONATHAN SANTES and ALEXANDER D. LOPEZ After days of being on the receiving end, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte yesterday let loose his verbal diatribe against two of his fiercest rivals – in terms of resources and political machinery. Duterte, known for his tough-talking and trash-talking, separately scoffed at Vice President Jejomar Binay of the opposition United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) and Liberal Party (LP) standard-bearer Mar Roxas for their respective attacks. Reacting to Roxas’ statements... Читать дальше...

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

No more stumbling block to Poe’s presidential run

By REY G. PANALIGAN   The Supreme Court (SC) released yesterday in Baguio City its April 5 resolution that denied with finality the motions to reconsider its March 8 decision that allowed Sen. Grace Poe to run for president in the May 9, 2016, elections. “No further pleadings or motions will be entertained, and let entry of judgment be made in due course,” the SC ruled on the cases filed by Poe who questioned her disqualification by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) for not being a natural-born... Читать дальше...

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Afternoon Interlude with PNoy

Angel thoughts Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.—Martin Luther King, Jr. If you want peace, work for justice.—Pope Paul VI

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Ceb Destinations Inspire Three Ladies To Start Their Business

Filipino fashion entrepreneurs have innate creativity and skills, and can showcase local products to the rest of the world and among them are young business mavens: the sole-duo Jackie Tan and Kaye Ong of Suelas, and Anya Lim of Anthill Fabric Gallery. Traveling around the world did not only take these fab women into places, but it also brought them to the ideas that led to their business triumphs. Motivated by the hassle they experience when packing shoes into their luggage, Tan and Ong created Suelas... Читать дальше...

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

UNA gubernatorial bet, driver survive ambush

Marawi City Mayor Sultan  Fahad “Pre” Salic of the opposition United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) and his driver survived an ambush by still unidentified gunmen near the gate of a hotel in Cagayan de Oro City early yesterday morning. Salic and his driver Cairoden Gunting had just left the Pryce Plaza Hotel after attending a meeting of UNA and were on board a red Toyota Ford Ranger when the gunmen aboard a white van armed with M-16 and AK-47 assault rifles opened fire at their vehicle along Masterson Avenue... Читать дальше...

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Zari, new female puppet, joins Afghan Sesame Street

KABUL, Afghanistan — There's a new face on Sesame Street — a sassy, fun 6-year-old Afghan puppet girl called Zari, with purple skin, an orange nose and multi-colored hair, an infectious giggle and outfits to please Afghanistan's broad kaleidoscope of ethnicities and cultures.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Most of 300 cement workers abducted by IS in Syria freed

BEIRUT — A Syrian opposition monitoring group and a news agency linked to the Islamic State group say scores of cement works abducted near Damascus this week have been released.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Malacañang ready to explain, open its records on El Niño funds

Faced with allegations of inaction on the Kidapawan incident, the national government is ready to explain to the public and even open its records on the use of public funds intended to mitigate the El Niño dry phenomenon.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

UNA chides ‘sloppy’ Ombudsman for indicting dead people

The Vice President Jejomar Binay-led United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) on Friday twitted the office of Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales for filing multiple charges against a former Makati City administrator who died back in 2013.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Pope emphasizes flexibility over rules for modern families

VATICAN CITY -- In a sweeping document on family life that opened a door to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics, Pope Francis insisted Friday that church doctrine cannot be the final word in answering tricky moral questions and that Catholics must be guided by their own informed consciences.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Mt. Samat: Philippines’ last line of defense

The Japanese forces may have emerged as victors on April 9, 1942 after pulverizing the joint Filipino and American soldiers’ resistance, putting an end to a blood-spattered battle that saw the latter succumb to enemy artillery fire, hunger, fatigue, lack of air defenses and reinforcements, and diseases.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

North Cotabato netizens complain of Facebook shutdown

KIDAPAWAN CITY -- Facebook netizens on Friday (April 8, 2016) complained of a sudden shutdown of the social network’s internet protocol (IP), suspecting the surge of offensive criticisms against government authorities over the bloody dispersal of rice-demanding protesters on April 1 as the main reason.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Balanga bishop calls on overseas voters to properly discern their vote

The head of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines Episcopal Commission on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People (CBCP-ECMI) has asked overseas Filipino voters to properly discern their vote saying this is where the future of the country lies.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Police raid El Salvador branch of ‘Panama Papers’ law firm

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -- Police on Friday raided the El Salvador offices of the Panama-based law firm at the heart of the "Panama Papers" scandal that has revealed how the wealthy in many countries stashed their riches offshore.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Poe on final SC ruling: The chains binding my campaign have been broken

SORSOGON -- Presidential aspirant and Senator Grace Poe on Saturday (April 9, 2016) said she can’t help but feel that the chains that restrained her political campaign have finally been broken by the Supreme Court’s (SC’s) final ruling on her disqualification cases.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

SC upholds final ruling; Grace Poe allowed to run for president

The Supreme Court (SC) released on Saturday (April 9, 2016) in Baguio City its April 5 resolution that denied with finality the motions to reconsider its March 8 decision which allowed Sen. Grace Poe to run for president in the May 9 elections.

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Marawi City mayor, driver survives ambush

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY -- Marawi City Mayor Fahad “Pre” Salic and his driver survived an ambush by unidentified gunmen as they were driving out from the Pryce Plaza Hotel here early Saturday dawn (April 9, 2016).

mb.com.ph (Philippine News) 

Springsteen cancels show because of North Carolina law

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Bruce Springsteen has canceled his concert in North Carolina, citing the state's new law blocking anti-discrimination rules covering the LGBT community.

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Экология в России и мире

EDI-провайдер для ритейла Docrobot вошел в группу компаний СКБ Контур

Путин в России и мире

Почему в Москве принимают Пашиняна после всех его скандальных заявлений о России: Политолог назвал пять причин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пригрозил мгновенным ответом на агрессию против Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В США прокомментировали подготовку покушения на Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Поклонники в печали! Анастасию Волочкову засняли на Мальдивах в трауре


В 6 округах Подмосковья в майские праздники ограничат движение авто по дорогам

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