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Новости за 05.04.2018



Goodmorning Liveleak, Here is your morning dose of nuts. Take 2 and call me in the morning.


Kids use umbrella to rescue kitten on canopy

Two primary school students used an umbrella to save a kitten trapped on a canopy in southern China. The video shows two schoolboys holding an umbrella upside down next to the canopy, waiting for the cat to jump. Later on, the kitten can be seen jumping from the canopy and falling inside the umbrella. The clip was filmed in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province on April 3.


First cinema in over 35 years to open in Saudi Arabia

The American company AMC is to open a cinema in Saudi Arabia later this month, the first in the deeply conservative Muslim kingdom in over 35 years. The plan is to open 40 cinemas across the country over the next five years. Unlike other public arenas, the cinemas will not be segregated according to gender. Just like the lifting of the driving ban on women this latest move is seen as another step in the economic and social reforms being implemented by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Saudi... Читать дальше...


Squirrel Hilariously Fails in Attempt to Raid Bird Feeder

A relentless squirrel was trying to raid a bird feeder when he got an unexpected slippery surprise.Jeff Shaw, who encounters the squirrel on a regular basis, realized that his bird feeder was being robbed of its contents and was not happy about it. He tried various ways to deter the squirrel from the feeder; however, it wasn&#8217;t until he had the idea of putting olive oil on the pole that a solution was found.&#8220;Before he destroyed the feeder, I came up with the idea of putting olive oil on the pole, and voila! Читать дальше...


78% of UK firms pay men more than women

Nearly eight out of 10 companies and public sector bodies in the UK pay men more than women, according to gender pay gap data released by thousands of organisations. Businesses with more than 250 employees were required to submit data on gender pay gaps to the Government Equalities Office by midnight on Wednesday, with those failing to do so risking legal action. In total, more than 10,000 companies submitted their data, of which 78% had a gender pay gap in favour of men. Some 8% of respondents had no median gender pay gap... Читать дальше...


Spanish language film to open Cannes Film Festival 2018

A Spanish language film has been chosen to open the Cannes Film Festival for the second time only in the event's 71 year history. Known locally as Todos Lo Saben, the psychological thriller Everybody Knows stars Hollywood couple Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem and was directed by two-time Oscar winner Asghar Farhadi . Cruz plays the role of Spanish woman, Carolina, whose life is turned upside down when she leaves Argentina with her husband ( Ricardo Darin ) and children to return to her home near Madrid for a family celebration.


Drone Video Shows Civil War-Era Shipwreck Off Cape Fear

Brent Garlington captured this drone footage of a shipwreck off Cape Fear, North Carolina, on April 1.WWAYTV3 cited experts as saying the ship was an iron-hulled steamer from the Civil War era. Credit: Brent Garlington via Storyful


Extreme Eater Consumes 38 Cadbury Creme Eggs

Extreme eater Nela Zisser took on the challenge of eating 50 Cadbury Creme eggs; however, after 30 minutes realized her camera had cut off.For technical reasons. Nela decided not to complete the challenge, but she still managed to eat an impressive 38 eggs without feeling sick! Credit: Nela Zisser via Storyful


Wolf Spider Snags an Easy Meal

Lisa Donovan captured the moment nature took its course when a wolf spider made a meal of a cricket. She had initially prepared the cricket for what she describes as a &#8216;gorgeous&#8217; Archimantis who was not interested in it.The uploader points out that the spider is actually carrying heaps of baby wolf spiders, or &#8216;wolfies&#8217;, on its back. Credit: wannabe_entomologist via Storyful


Man Demonstrates Clip-Ejecting Rubber Handgun

A rubber handgun that shoots clips is not something you see on a regular basis, which makes this video all the more interesting.Uploader Jordan is responsible for this device, describing it on his YouTube channel as a &#8220;weird mash-up between an M1 Garand and a Winchester 1895&#8221;. Jordan demonstrated the rubber gun in action, shooting a handful of objects. Credit: parabellum1262 via Storyful


Moment brazen thief steals phone straight out of child's hands

This is the shocking moment a thief steals a toddler's phone straight out of his hands in Vietnam. CCTV footage shows the boy playing on the mobile phone outside his home in Bien Hoa City on April 3. The boy's had given him the phone to play on, according to the child's family. The thief approaches the boy and remorselessly snatches the phone out of the boy's hands before running away. The distraught boy looks on and cries after realising what has happened. The shameless thief had been observing the boy beforehand... Читать дальше...


Migration dominates in run-up to Hungary's election

Immigration is a hot topic in the run-up to Hungary's election, and a point of contention with Brussels. In the streets, you can find a billboard photo that echoes the days of the Brexit campaign - depicting migrants "flooding in." Viktor Orban's Fidesz party has used the issue to occupy the far right ground while the traditional far-right Jobbik re-brands itself as more centrist. "What Jobbik represents today is much more like the old Fidesz and what Fidesz represents is much more like the old Jobbik. Читать дальше...


TK boy boys mini motorcyclists ticketed by police

TK boy boys mini motorcyclists ticketed by police. the police asked him why his friend did not use his helmet and his home address. he answered the police question. but suddenly the boy was crying, probably afraid of being scolded by his parents.


Star falls as Bollywood's Salman Khan gets five years for killing endangered species

One of the biggest stars in Bollywood has fallen with the conviction of Salman Khan by a court in Jodphur, India, of poaching. He was sentenced to five years in jail, and given a 125-euro fine. He was accused along with four other actors of killing an endangered species, a Blackbuck Antelope, in 1998. For nearly two decades Khan has been pursued by the Bishnoi community, which reveres the animal and considers killing it unholy. Last year another court in the same city cleared Khan of killing a gazelle due to lack of evidence... Читать дальше...


Paris hood ghetto

In the 18th arrondissemen of Paris


Winter weather devastates toddler

A little boy from New Jersey became incredibly emotional after discovering snowy weather during spring break. In the video, three-year-old Asher expects sunshine because it's spring time. ''You told me it was going to be warm outside,'' Asher yells at his in tears. The tries to comfort him: ''I'm sorry, I promise it will be warmer soon.'' Asher's later wrote online: "When our 3-year-old, Asher, woke up on his first day of Spring break and looked out the window, he felt betrayed by nature and his actual . Читать дальше...


Flying garland impossibly lands on politician's neck 50 feet away

A fan hit a bullseye after throwing a small garland at his favourite politician in India. The small garland made of flowers flew in the air for at least 50 feet and landed perfectly around the neck of the politician. The incident occurred on April 4 when Rahul Gandhi, president of the Indian National Congress party, was campaigning for an election in Tumkur, in the south of the country. Gandhi sat perched on top of a truck along with his bodyguards when the fan threw the well-aimed garland at him drawing a gasp from the crowd. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Греть и поливать. Во Дворце пионеров рассказали, как защитить растения от заморозков

Путин в России и мире

Лукашенко лично проводил Путина в аэропорт Минска

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин и Лукашенко во время визита главы РФ в Минск работали и общались 14 часов

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Панасыч, а местечковые то не знают...

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

В "Зарядье" пройдет премьера спектакля Хабенского и Бутмана


Конференция «Хирургическая инфекция и сепсис — 2024» прошла в Подмосковье

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