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Новости за 29.04.2018

«Just Jared» 

Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson Invited All the Stars to Their Anniversary Celebration!

Find out who was in attendance at Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson‘s 30th anniversary party – TMZ See what Pentatonix had to say to their biggest fans! – Just Jared Jr Big news for Star Trek fans – Lainey Gossip There’s some people who are sticking up for Tristan Thompson – TooFab See how Ryan [...]

«Just Jared» 

Kylie Jenner Rented Out Six Flags For Travis Scott's Birthday

Kylie Jenner just gained a ton of girlfriend points! The 20-year-old cosmetics mogul rented out Six Flags Magic Mountain for a night of fun and rides for her boyfriend Travis Scott‘s birthday on Saturday night (April 28). In an Instagram story video, Kylie said that Travis had never been there. Joining the fun was a [...]

«Just Jared» 

Here's How Donald Trump Responded to Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondents' Dinner Roast

Donald Trump sent out a tweet on Sunday (April 29), the day after the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, to share his reaction to the roast. Comedian Michelle Wolf hosted the event, and her jokes about Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders have caused some controversy. “While Washington, Michigan, was a big success, Washington, D.C., just [...]

«Just Jared» 

Zendaya, Holland Roden, & Georgie Flores Have Fun at City Year Spring Break

Zendaya lets out a big smile while attending the City Year Los Angeles Spring Break: Destination Education event at Sony Studios on Saturday (April 29) in Los Angeles. The Greatest Showman actress was joined by Holland Roden and Georgie Flores. The event was City Year’s largest fundraiser where A-list celebrities and industry insiders, along with [...]

«Just Jared» 

Which Superheroes Were Missing From 'Avengers: Infinity War?' Spoilers Ahead!

Avengers: Infinity War hit theaters this weekend, and there’s lots of buzz about the movie and what is to come in Avengers 4. We’ve already covered who dies in the film, as well as who was recast for the latest movie. Now, we’re taking a look at which two superheroes were completely missing from the [...]

«Just Jared» 

Elsa Pataky's Response to This Video Tribute to Chris Hemsworth's Body Is Perfect

Chris Hemsworth‘s body was put on display during his appearance on The Ellen Show earlier this week…and Elsa Pataky has something to say about it! Ellen DeGeneres posted a tribute to Chris‘ body on her Instagram page with the caption, “@ChrisHemsworth is more than just a beautiful body. He has talent and brains, kindness, is [...]

«Just Jared» 

Jennifer Lawrence Kicks Off Derby Week in Her Home State!

Jennifer Lawrence returned to her home state of Kentucky this weekend! The 27-year-old Academy Award winning actress stopped by the opening night of Derby Week at Churchill Downs on Saturday (April 28) to celebrate her partnership with Woodford Reserve & their $1,000 Mint Julep Program. Jennifer played bartender at the event, and was also seen [...]

«Just Jared» 

Shailene Woodley Celebrates Youth with All It Takes Organization

Shailene Woodley takes a photo with her mom Lori and brother Tanner at the Lasting Legacy Gala on Saturday (April 28) in Cypress, Calif. The 26-year-old actress served as host for the night alongside her mom at the event with their All It Takes organization. Shailene and her mom Lori founded All It Takes to [...]

«Just Jared» 

Anna Kendrick, Rami Malek, & Julianne Hough Support City Year at Spring Break Event!

Lots of celebrities were in attendance at the City Year Los Angeles’ Spring Break: Destination Education event! Anna Kendrick, Rami Malek, and Julianne Hough with husband Brooks Laich all arrived for the star-studded event, held at Sony Studios on Saturday (April 28) in Los Angeles. Also seen at the event were actresses Parisa Fitz-Henley, Emilie [...]

«Just Jared» 

Celebrities Defend Michelle Wolf Amid Controversy Over Sarah Huckabee Sanders Jokes

Michelle Wolf hosted the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner last night, and some people are calling for her to make an apology to Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her remarks. The comedian spoke about the Press Secretary’s eye makeup by saying, “she burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect [...]

«Just Jared» 

Octavia Spencer Brings Together Lots of Celebs For City Year's Star-Studded Event!

It was a star-studded evening at City Year Los Angeles’ Spring Break: Destination Education event! Jennifer Garner and Elizabeth Banks joined host Octavia Spencer at the fundraising event held at Sony Studios on Saturday (April 28) in Los Angeles. Some of the other celeb guests included Josh Brolin and his wife Kathryn Boyd, Terry Crews, [...]

«Just Jared» 

Douglas Booth Screens 'Mary Shelley' at Tribeca Film Festival 2018

Douglas Booth arrives for the premiere of his movie Mary Shelley during the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival at BMCC Tribeca PAC on Saturday (April 28) in New York City. The 25-year-old actor was joined on the red carpet by director/writer Haifaa al-Mansour as well as producer Amy Baer. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of [...]

«Just Jared» 

'Avengers: Infinity War' Has Second Highest Box Office Debut of All Time!

Avengers: Infinity War is breaking box office records already! The movie made $245 million in its first weekend at the box office, which is the second highest debut at the box office of all time. The biggest debut belongs to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which earned just 3 million dollars more at the box [...]

«Just Jared» 

Comedian Michelle Wolf Fires Back at Criticism for White House Correspondents' Dinner 2018 Jokes

Comedian Michelle Wolf, who hosted the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, is responding to criticism over her jokes made at the expense of Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “I have to say I’m a little star-struck. I love you as Aunt Lydia in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’” Michelle said about the Press Secretary at the roast. [...]

«Just Jared» 

Nicole Kidman Supports Keith Urban at His Stagecoach Set!

Nicole Kidman gives Keith Urban a hug ahead of his 2018 Stagecoach Country Music Festival set at the Empire Polo Field on Saturday (April 28) in Indio, Calif. Keith hit the stage later in the evening to a packed crowd! Check out all the photos in the gallery. Meanwhile, earlier in the week, Keith celebrated [...]

«Just Jared» 

Emma Gonzalez Seemingly Responds to Kanye West's 'Hero' Remark

Over the weekend, Kanye West tweeted about March For Our Lives activist Emma Gonzalez, who survived the February 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. The 40-year-old entertainer took to Twitter and posted a picture of Emma along with his caption, “my hero Emma Gonzalez.” PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Kanye [...]

«Just Jared» 

Chadwick Boseman Enjoys His Weekend After 'Avengers: Infinity War' Press Tour!

Chadwick Boseman is all smiles while out to lunch with a pal on Saturday (April 28) in Los Feliz, Calif. The 40-year-old Avengers: Infinity War actor just came off of a large press tour for the smash hit Marvel movie. He reprises his role as Black Panther in the movie. PHOTOS: Check out the latest [...]

«Just Jared» 

This 'Avengers: Infinity War' Character Was Recast & You May Not Have Even Noticed!

There was one actor in Avengers: Infinity War who was recast and you may not have even noticed the new actor behind all the prosthetics! This character first appeared in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, and has been missing from the Marvel universe ever since…until now. There are spoilers ahead, so be warned if [...]

«Just Jared» 

Kate Winslet Accepts Check on Behalf of Golden Hat Foundation at Longines Masters

Longines Ambassador of Elegance and co-founder of The Golden Hat Foundation Kate Winslet was in attendance at the second day of the Longines Masters for Military Appreciation Night and Autism Awareness Night on Friday (April 27) in New York. The actress met local New York children with Autism and accepted a check on behalf of [...]

«Just Jared» 

Sam Heughan Runs Stirling Marathon, Gets Support From Caitriona Balfe!

Sam Heughan successfully completed the Stirling Scottish Marathon on Sunday (April 29) in Scotland! The 37-year-old Outlander star ran the 26.2-mile race and shared a selfie before the start, posting, “Is it too late to go back to bed? Wish us luck!” “Thank you for all the support along the way, Peakers, Outlander fans, the [...]

«Just Jared» 

Beyonce & Jay-Z Have a Court Side Date Night at Warriors Game!

Jay-Z and Beyonce sit court side for a date night at the semifinals playoff game between the New Orleans Pelicans and the Golden State Warriors at Oracle Arena on Saturday night (April 28) in Oakland, Calif. The Warriors ended up winning the game 123-101. The Golden State Warriors Twitter account shared a special message about [...]

«Just Jared» 

Who Dies in 'Avengers: Infinity War'? Movie Spoilers Revealed

Avengers: Infinity War has now been seen by millions of people so it’s time to talk about some of the major moments in the movie. This post contains spoilers, so click away now if you don’t want to know what happens! There have been rumors for months that some major deaths would happen in the [...]

«Just Jared» 

Chris Martin Goes Surfing in Malibu with Anthony Kiedis

Chris Martin carries his surfboard while getting ready to hit some waves on Friday (April 27) in Malibu, Calif. The 41-year-old Coldplay singer was joined by his friends, Red Hot Chili Peppers rocker Anthony Kiedis and pro surfer Maya Gabeira, for the surf session. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics of Chris Martin Maya is [...]

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: 9 мая в Москве еще будет кружить снег

Путин в России и мире

Собянин поздравил Путина со вступлением в должность президента России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Симпл из NAVI выступил на концерте Моргенштерна* с фристайлом


В Подмосковье помогают паллиативным пациентам с бронхиальной астмой

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