«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com)


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Новости за 30.12.2022

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Three die after truck hits auto-rickshaw in Odisha's Kendrapada

Sources said the truck coming from Kendrapada side hit the auto-rickshaw coming from opposite side. Because of the head-on collision, the auto-rickshaw driver along with his two friends inside the vehicle died.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Major fire breaks out at Mochpura Bazaar in Ludhiana

A major fire incident was reported in Sandeep Textile situated in one of the most congested markets of city's Mochpura Bazaar on Friday morning. The incident occurred between 7am to 7.30am.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Two killed in oxygen cylinder blast in Uttar Pradesh's Chandauli district

​​According to reports, the incident occurred when the oxygen cylinders were being unloaded from a pickup van parked near a private hospital. The impact of the explosion was so strong that the bodies were torn to pieces. The glasses of vehicles parked nearby and the neighbouring houses were shattered. A chaotic situation prevailed in the locality after the blast.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Biz hangs by a thread, weavers dump looms

Amonth ago, after three generations of warp and weft, the 12 power looms at P Sampath Kumar’s weaving facility in Somanur fell silent. Today, they lie in pieces, stripped of their glory and history, outside a scrap dealer’s shop, waiting to be sold in weight to the highest bidder. “I joined my family weaving business 20 years ago,” says Sampath. “I didn’t think I would be the one to shut it down.” The 42-year-old weaver from Coimbatore says he was left with no choice but to sell his power loom units to pay off mounting debt.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Credit society chief booked for graft of Rs 1 crore

Chairman of a city-based credit cooperative society was booked for allegedly siphoning off Rs 1.09 crore of investors of a same family by disbursing loan against their fixed deposits (FD) to third parties using forgery. A complaint was lodged by hotelier Pradhyman Vaghela against Kartik Sagar, chairman of Shree Hari Prasad Sarafi Sahkari Mandali Limited.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Strange sagas, stranger origins

The year’s most talked about criminal case had the unlikeliest of origins. Exotic palm trees. At a housing society in Sec - tor 93B in Noida, an argument over palm trees that one family had decided to plant to adorn the approach to their ground floor apartment ignited a row simmering on the compound over encroachments in the common area.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

2nd Crime Branch team to investigate death of 2 Russians

Two days after the government ordered Crime Branch probe into the suspicious deaths of Russian lawmaker Antov Pavel (65) and his co-traveller Bydanov Vladimir (61) in a hotel at Rayagada on December 22 and 24 respectively, a team of four officers was sent to the crime scene, about 420 km from here, on Thursday.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

'Ostracised' family spends nights in farm

Twelve members of a family have taken shelter in the threshing yard of their farmland since Wednesday night after villagers allegedly ostracised them following political enmity, at Mirdhapali village under Sadar police station limits in Balangir district.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Woman & her lover held for stabbing husband to death

A 22-year-woman and her lover were arrested on Thursday for allegedly stabbing her husband to death earlier this month. The incident took place at Bomkai village under K Nuagaon police station limits in Ganjam district.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Migratory birds throng Kendrapada rivers

This winter a large number of migratory birds have arrived in the rivers and ponds in Kendrapada district. Among these are hundreds of lesser whistling teal, godwall, northern pintail, goose, common coot, common pochard and brahminy ducks, which have thronged rivers like the Mahanadi, Luna, Kharosotra, Chitrotola and Karandia.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Kashi to produce ‘green coal’ from municipal waste, generate power

The parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Varanasi, is going to produce torrefied charcoal from municipal solid waste in the new year. This charcoal, which is similar to natural coal, can be successfully blended with fuel in thermal power plants to produce electricity. The process is environment friendly, as the temperature is lower than other technologies, thus eliminating any toxic emissions.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Over Rs 10 crore property of Vijay Mishra’s son seized in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh

In Madhya Pradesh, the district magistrate attached a property worth 1029 crore belonging to mafia don and former MLA Vijay Mishra's son Vishnu Mishra. This property was allegedly purchased using the former MLA's influence and illegally earned money. Vishnu Mishra was arrested in July and police have lodged 83 criminal cases against him, including murder, loot, kidnapping, rape, fraud, extortion, and property grabbing. This is the third major blow to Vijay Mishra's gang in a fortnight.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

70-year-old man charred as fire engulfs huts in Uttar Pradesh

A 70-year-old man named Shriram was burnt alive in a fire in Khirijpur village in Ubhav police station area of Ballia district on Wednesday night. Five people were rescued including three children. Police reached the site after getting information and sent the body for a postmortem. According to reports, the old man identified as Shriram was setting up a bonfire to avoid the cold when his hut caught the fire due to a spark.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

‘PM Narendra Modi making India self-reliant through Livelihood Mission’

The Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Keshav Prasad Maurya, said that earlier, women did not want to join self-help groups, but now they are coming forward to join them in every village. Maurya said that presently, there are seven lakh groups in Uttar Pradesh, and they will create ten lakh more such groups. \

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

3 students held for sexual harassment of girl in MSU

MSU students were arrested for sexual harassment on campus Wednesday. According to the police, the girl had appeared for exams in the university on Wednesday and was walking with her friend near the Commerce Faculty building. The accused trio that was hanging out at the spot began harassing her. One of them winked at her while the other began stalking her. She got scared and left the spot in a hurry. Later she approached the police and filed a complaint against the three MSU students. The students have been identified as Riyan Pathan... Читать дальше...

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

‘Magical borewell’ in Chhota Udepur brims round the year

A village in Gujarat has a borewell that always keeps flowing with water, even in the summer. This is a blessing for the villagers, but it is a mystery to most of the people in the same district. Some of the villagers from other villages in the district have to walk long distances to get drinking water in the summer, which is now a luxury item. The borewell was dug a few decades ago by the district administration.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

This marathon, heritage background for the runners

A 10th edition of the Vadodara International Marathon will be held in January, and the new route will pass through the city's walled areas. The race will be a visual treat for runners of all levels, and participants will get a glimpse of the city's heritage monuments. Management said that the number of registrations for the race has already crossed one lakh, and this edition will offer a better experience with improved route and quality post-race facilities.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Ask Assam govt to stop eviction drives, Ajmal urges President

A letter was sent from the Guwahati President of the All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) to the President of India, Droupadi Murmu, urging that eviction drives during the cold winter months be stopped and that alternative arrangements be made for the affected people. The AIUDF specifically mentions that the eviction drive has been initiated in a selective and discriminatory manner, targeting members of a particular community. The Dhubri MP stated that he and his party are not in favor of encroachment of government land... Читать дальше...

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Tourist rush at snowy Mayudia

A heavy snowfall has created a winter wonderland in several parts of Arunachal Pradesh, delighting visitors but making life tough for residents of Tawang and Lower Dibang Valley districts. Arunachal Pradesh usually witnesses snowfall in January, but Sela Pass in Tawang and Mayudia Pass in Lower Dibang Valley are already covered with snow since the last three days. The lifeline of Defense Forces, the Dirangtawang Road at Sela Pass, has been mostly affected by the snowfall, with police and administration advising commuters to drive carefully. Читать дальше...

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

Ensure proper CCTV coverage, Guwahati cops tell NY party hosts

The Guwahati police have issued a warning for the residents of the city to be aware of potential dangers during New Year's celebrations, which will be held on December 31st. They have directed the owners of hotels, restaurants, and clubs where special events will be held to ensure proper CCTV coverage and adequate lighting in the parking lots in order to avoid any accidents. Hiranya Kumar Barman, the District Commissioner of Traffic, also addressed the media and urged the citizens to use public transportation instead of driving their own cars... Читать дальше...

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

‘Antov & Bydanov cremated according to Russian custom’

Two Russians, Vladimir Putincritic and Anton Pavel, died in Odisha while on vacation. Their bodies were cremated, which is a custom in Russia. The Rayagada Police allowed the cremation, with the help of the Russian Consulate General in Kolkata. The suspicion is that there may have been a hit job, as many of Putin's critics have been killed in similar fashion. The Crime Branch has hired a Russian interpreter to help with the investigation.

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

CM: Lawyers asset to society

The Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik spoke at the 51st Annual Conference of the All Odisha Lawyers’ Association and said that the lawyers’ community is an asset to society. He said that the lawyers have always been supportive of the state's initiatives for transformation at all levels. He said that the lawyers represent the bridge between the justice seeker and delivery of justice, and that it is clear how dependent our justice delivery system is on the efficiency of lawyer.

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Экология в России и мире

Как выехать с ВДНХ после бесплатной зарядки электромобиля: инструкция

Путин в России и мире

???? По горячим следам 24.09.2024. Блинкен: Путин использует зиму, использует погоду как оружие. Предстоящая зима будет сложной

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Цифры ⟩ Граждане Эстонии чаще других жителей ЕС ездят в Беларусь, сообщают в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский провалил презентацию "плана победы" в США: союзники Киева захотели поговорить с Путиным

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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