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Новости за 06.03.2023

France24.com (en) 

Notre Dame Cathedral to welcome back visitors in December 2024

The reconstruction of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is going fast enough to allow its reopening to visitors and faithful at the end of 2024, less than six years after a fire ravaged its roof, French officials said Monday.

France24.com (en) 

Cyclone Freddy kills four in 'rare' return to Madagascar

Authorities in the Indian Ocean island nation said on Monday a one-year-old died when a house collapsed as strong winds and heavy rains battered the south-west. Another child, aged two, was killed in unspecified circumstances. Two women in their 50s also died. In total at least 11 people have died in Madagascar since Freddy struck the first time in late February. Another seven were killed in Mozambique, where the tropical storm was also forecast to revisit later this week. "This 'loop' trajectory is very rare," Rivo Randrianarison... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

PSG's Neymar will 'come back stronger' from ankle surgery

The Brazilian, who injured his ankle on February 19 against Lille in Ligue 1, "has had several episodes of instability in his right ankle in recent years," said the club, adding that its medical staff "recommended a ligament repair operation to avoid a major risk of recurrence". Neymar tweeted he would not be discouraged by his latest injury. "I'll come back stronger," he wrote with a praying hands emoji. Qatar-owned PSG said Neymar would go under the knife in Doha "in the next few days" and said... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Al Qaeda interview: Turf war between jihadist groups in the Sahel

FRANCE 24's Wassim Nasr spoke to François Picard about the exclusive interview granted to FRANCE 24 by Algerian Islamist Abu Obeida Youssef al-Aanabi, the current leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), in which he officially confirmed that his group is holding Olivier Dubois, French journalist kidnapped in Mali in 2021, and discussed the role of jihadism in the Sahel.

France24.com (en) 

PSG's Neymar needs ankle surgery, out for up to four months

The Brazilian, who suffered the injury on February 19 against Lille in Ligue 1, "has had several episodes of instability in the right ankle in recent years," said the club, adding that its medical staff "recommended a ligament repair operation" be undertaken in Doha. PSG, still waiting for a maiden Champions League title, bid to overturn a 1-0 first-leg deficit in the last 16 against Bayern Munich in Germany on Wednesday. Neymar, who has scored 18 goals in all competitions this season, was in fine... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Potter backs blunt Chelsea to find firepower against Dortmund

Potter's side ended a miserable run with a 1-0 win over Leeds in the Premier League on Saturday, giving them a boost ahead of Tuesday's last 16 second leg against Dortmund at Stamford Bridge. But Chelsea -- who have only scored twice in their past seven matches -- will likely need two goals to progress against the Bundesliga title-chasers, who are 1-0 up after the first leg. Potter, under intense pressure amid a difficult first season in charge, is optimistic his expensively assembled team can find the goals necessary. Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Lebanon's Hezbollah backs pro-Syrian politician for president

"The candidate we support... is Sleiman Frangieh," Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said during a televised speech. The Iran-backed Shiite movement holds huge sway over political life in Lebanon, but opposition from the country's two main Christian parties means pro-Syrian Frangieh lacks a clear path to majority backing in the divided parliament. Lebanon has been mired for three years in a spiralling economic crisis dubbed by the World Bank as one of the worst in recent global history, and has... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Pedersen produces royal Paris-Nice finish at Fontainebleau

The 'Race to the Sun' dashes from Paris down the Rhone valley to the French Riviera and its stages pack in a variety of challenges and terrain and is seen as a mini Tour de France. Monday's second stage ended in Fontainebleau, a town where a chateau that belonged to French kings is located. A crash just ahead of the finale smashed what should have been a regular bunch sprint, as Denmark's Pedersen took advantage to sprint early and edge out Jumbo-Visma's Olav Kooij and fellow Dane Magnus Cort.... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Markram named as South African T20 captain

Although Walter had talks with Du Plessis, no agreement was reached for the one-day and Twenty20 international series against the West Indies this month. Cricket South Africa director Enoch Nkwe said this did not mean the door was closed on Du Plessis, 38, who has not played for South Africa since February 2021, or other non-contracted cricketers. "We’ve always been open to talks with our freelance players, we’re happy to engage and find the best way forward," said Nkwe. As widely anticipated... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Al Qaeda leader in North Africa grants exclusive interview to FRANCE 24

Algerian Islamist Abu Obeida Youssef al-Aanabi, the current leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), granted an exclusive interview to FRANCE 24 in which he officially confirmed his group is holding French journalist Olivier Dubois, who was kidnapped in Mali in 2021, and discussed the role of jihadism in the Sahel.

France24.com (en) 

Turkey: One month after quake, French paramedics help residents in remote areas

It's been a month since two devastating earthquakes hit Turkey and Syria, killing more than 50,000 people. Many hospitals and clinics in Turkey are full of injured patients, while other facilities are heavily damaged, making it difficult to provide much-needed routine medical treatment to other residents. Our reporters Thameen Al-Kheetan, Julien Chehida and Brice Agier-Grégoire followed a team of French volunteer paramedics who are visiting remote quake-hit villages in southern Turkey to offer medical treatment to those who need it.

France24.com (en) 

A moment of grace in war-torn Yemen: Tribal chief forgives man involved in son’s killing

On February 20, 2023, a man convicted of murder was pardoned moments before he was supposed to be executed in the Marib region of central Yemen. Many locals have been sharing the story on social media as a source of inspiration and to ease the burden in a country scarred by nine years of war. Our Observer told us that the pardon was granted after a woman intervened and that her gender played an important role.

France24.com (en) 

Belarus sentences exiled opposition leader Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in prison

A court in Belarus on Monday sentenced exiled opposition leader Sviatlana Tikhanovskaya to 15 years in prison after a trial in absentia on charges including conspiring to overthrow the government, the latest move in a months-long effort by the Belarusian government to suppress dissent.

France24.com (en) 

'Stand up and fight': Albanian women footballers break taboos

Rusta has been one of the leading figures pushing for more equality on Albania's football pitches, where entrenched sexism has kept women on the sidelines. "You have to fight hard to be accepted," the 29-year-old told AFP. "We have to shatter the glass ceiling." Football has long been a national obsession but women have started to make inroads only recently. The women's national team first competed in 2011, while the Albanian Football Federation (FSHF) remains overwhelmingly male-dominated with... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Row as UK's Boris Johnson touts father for 'knighthood'

The Times newspaper reported that the former Conservative leader, who left office last September, had nominated Stanley as part of his resignation honours list. The list reportedly includes the nominations of several allies for membership of the House of Lords, where Boris Johnson appointed his younger brother Jo in 2020. "The idea that Boris Johnson is nominating his dad for a knighthood -– you only need to say it to realise just how ridiculous it is," Labour leader Keir Starmer said on LBC Radio. Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

French island restaurant wins 3-star Michelin ranking

La Marine is headed by 47-year-old chef Alexandre Couillon, who has not been held back by the fact that his surname means "half-wit" in French. Tasting his exquisite seafood and vegetables means travelling to the small island of Noirmoutier in the Bay of Biscay and then out to its farthest point. "It is the perfect illustration of a meal that is worth the trip," the head of the guide, Gwendal Poullennec, told AFP. Along with his wife Celine, who handles front-of-house duties, Couillon has created... Читать дальше...

France24.com (en) 

Faced with summer restrictions, this is how France uses its water

France extracts approximately 31 billion cubic metres of fresh water from its natural sources each year. Faced with an ongoing winter drought that could lead to water restrictions this summer, FRANCE 24 looks at the different ways the country consumes water.

France24.com (en) 

Four jihadists escape in deadly Mauritania prison break

Four jihadist prisoners escaped the central prison in Mauritania’s capital Nouakchott on Sunday night after an exchange of gunfire there in which two national guards were killed, the interior ministry said.

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: москвичей 7 мая ждет аномально холодная погода

Путин в России и мире

В городах России выступят летом юные вокалистки из Приамурья

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Linkin Park

Звездные разборки: Филипп Киркоров выпустил новую песню, Linkin Park поедут в тур, а Ольга Бузова показала сына-подростка


Синоптик Позднякова предупредила о дожде 7 мая в некоторых районах Москвы

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