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Новости за 05.04.2024


Room for rules-based global trade remains, but WTO showing signs of geopolitical tension

Over the past five years, geopolitics has cast a shadow over how the world trade system functions, leading to a state of inertia within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and its dispute resolution mechanisms. However, while geopolitical tensions have led to many questioning the WTO system, many countries still see value in a rules-based global trade system, and there remains room for facilitating agreements on trade through the WTO as a platform.


Global alliance set to bridge ESG gaps between finance, real estate sectors

Global green building certification bodies the Building Research Establishment (BRE) in the UK, the US Green Building Council (USGBC) and the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) have formed a global green building alliance to create global cohesion in green building standards. This is aimed at bridging the gap between green building and the environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting requirements of the finance sector, thereby unlocking sustainable finance at a global scale.


Rainmaker Marketing releases Western Cape Property Market Report

The Western Cape enjoys the lion’s share of semigration activity in South Africa and, as a result, has to cater to the shift in the market’s needs, says global property and lifestyle marketing agency Rainmaker Marketing director Stefan Botha. He was commenting on the publication of the agency’s second ‘Property Market Report’, which delves into the fast-growing real estate landscape in Somerset West and Stellenbosch, in the Western Cape, and offering insights into semigration patterns, a regional economic outlook... Читать дальше...


DFFE commits to supporting SMMEs in waste tyre management endeavour

Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Minister Barbara Creecy has unpacked the Industry Waste Tyre Management Plan (IWTMP), which was recently approved by Cabinet and which is aimed at addressing several challenges faced by the waste tyre sector. Some of the sector’s most prominent challenges include limited local processing capacity, storage depot limitations and logistical constraints.


Africa GreenCo signs $27million guarantee facility with GuarantCo

Renewable energy buyer and trader Africa GreenCo has signed a $27-million guarantee facility with GuarantCo – part of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG) – to boost renewable energy in Southern Africa. GuarantCo will issue guarantees in favour of the independent power projects (IPPs) from whom GreenCo will buy power, backing GreenCo’s payment obligations to such IPPs.


Maasdorp to step down as NDB VP and CFO in July

New Development Bank (NDB) VP and CFO Leslie Maasdorp will step down from his role on July 7, after nine years of service at the bank. In July 2015, South Africa’s Cabinet appointed Maasdorp as VP to represent the country at the NDB in Shanghai, China. Maasdorp was then appointed by the bank to the role of CFO and was a member of the founding management team of the institution, under the leadership of the first NDB president KV Kamath.


Western Cape ideally positioned to capitalise on growing adventure tourism, report posits

The Western Cape is poised to emerge as a global hub for adventure tourism, a niche within the global tourism sector that is anticipated to be valued at $4.6-trillion by 2032, a recent report by Wesgro, the official tourism, trade and investment promotion agency for Cape Town and the province, shows. Adventure tourism, as defined by the Adventure Travel Trade Association, involves trips with at least two of the following elements: physical activity, natural environment and cultural immersion.


Sibanye’s post-mining agri initiative seeks commercial farming, agribusiness partners

Nonprofit initiative Bokamoso Ba Rona has published a request for expression of interest, in seeking to partner with established commercial farmers and/or agribusinesses to spearhead Bokamoso’s catalytic projects. Bokamoso Ba Rona, which is Sesotho for ‘Our Future’, was founded by multinational mining and metals processing group Sibanye-Stillwater together with the Gauteng Infrastructure Finance Agency, the Far West Rand Dolomitic Water Association and the West Rand district municipality.


Old govt buildings to be converted into homes for State employees

Human Settlements Minister Mmamaloko Kubayi wants to convert old and unused government buildings into residential properties for government employees. She said this was part of an effort to do away with apartheid spatial planning by bringing workers closer to their places of work or to existing economic opportunities.


Gauteng metros continue to exceed water allocations

Water utility Rand Water on Friday reiterated its commitment to be part of the Gauteng water provision solution, as high water consumption across Gauteng continues. The utility is collaborating with Gauteng’s metropolitans to ensure integrated water demand and conservation management, through a multifaceted approach which includes regular meetings with mayors and daily technical team meetings.


Globeleq says R5.7bn Red Sands will be largest standalone battery storage project in Africa

Leading African independent power producer Globeleq says the 153 MW/612 MWh Red Sands project, which was recently awarded preferred bidder status under South Africa’s inaugural battery storage public procurement round, will be the largest standalone battery energy storage system (BESS) in Africa and will carry an investment value of R5.7-billion. It is smaller than the 225 MW/1 140 MWh BESS deployed at Scatec’s Kenhardt project, also in the Northern Cape. However,  Kenhardt is a hybrid solar-battery... Читать дальше...


Nersa approves revised NRS electricity loadshedding code of practice

The National Rationalised Specifications (NRS) Association of South Africa has announced the approval of the NRS 048-9, Edition 3, Electricity Supply – Quality of Supply: Code of Practice (NRS CoP) by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa).


Sucher to step down as CFO of DRA Global

JSE- and ASX-listed multidisciplinary engineering, project delivery and operations management group DRA Global CFO Michael Sucher has decided to step down from his role to pursue other opportunities. Sucher joined DRA Global in December 2021 and was CFO and served as a member of the executive committee from May 2022.


RMB facilitates project financing for Seriti Green’s first wind farm in Mpumalanga

Mining and energy company Seriti Resources’ subsidiary Seriti Green has signed a long-term project financing agreement with Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) as co-mandated lead arranger to enable the delivery of a 155 MW wind farm, in Mpumalanga. The project has a total cost of R4-billion and represents the first phase of a portfolio that will amount to about 1 GW of renewable energy. The wind farm will be the first renewable energy project to be developed in Mpumalanga, which is traditionally prominent for coal mining and coal-fired power generation.


South Africa’s research funding agency celebrates a quarter century of success

The National Research Foundation (NRF) has highlighted that it celebrated its creation 25 years ago, this week. The NRF is the statutory body that supports and promotes research through the provision of research facilities, funding and human resource development. “The NRF stands proud as one of South Africa’s statutory bodies that have made significant impact to society,” pointed out NRF CEO Dr Fulufhelo Nelwamondo. “We continue to fulfil our mandate of ensuring that South Africa has the necessary human capital for careers in research... Читать дальше...


Newlyn launches R3.4bn multimodal rail terminal at Durban port

Port logistics company the Newlyn Group on April 4 unveiled the Newlyn PX Bayhead rail terminal, strategically located next to the Port of Durban, aimed at opening intra-Africa and local trade and investment opportunities. “This is a major milestone for South Africa and showcases what can be achieved when the private sector and government work together for the future of our country and her people,” Newlyn CEO Raj Balmakhun said.


Schneider launches entry-level circuit breakers for basic applications

Energy management and automation group Schneider Electric has launched two new entry-level market products – the GoPact Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) and the Manual Transfer Switch (MTS). The products have been designed with the basic entry level of the market in mind that require robustness and reliability, without the premium cost of circuit breaking and automatic transfer switch solutions.


Magazine round up | 05 April 2024

A video round up of this week’s magazine, highlighting our cover story, features and Business Leader.


Role of gas in SA’s future energy mix under intense scrutiny

Given South Africa’s ongoing energy crisis, there remains much debate around whether gas should be included in the future energy mix and, if so, how much. Advocates argue that the fossil fuel is a necessity and a step up from coal – since it produces fewer carbon emissions when burned – but many still oppose its large-scale incorporation into, owing to the global shift towards clean energy technologies such as renewables, battery storage, green hydrogen and even nuclear.


Tetra Pak reopens Pinetown plant following R500m upgrade

Food processing and packaging solutions company Tetra Pak has reopened its newly renovated factory in Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal, following an investment of about R500-million. The investment was directed towards upgrading and expanding the production capabilities of the Pinetown facility, which allows Tetra Pak to extend its services to more customers across the Southern African region.

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Экология в России и мире

В 2024 году исполняется 140 лет созданию в Москве первой общедоступной публичной бесплатной библиотеки

Путин в России и мире

«Ану-ка, девушки!»: какой была легендарная передача, которая вернется на ТВ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Анциферова заявила, что уехавшие из России артисты мозолили глаза на ТВ


Источник 360.ru: трое подростков пострадали при аварии в Москве

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