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UCLA cancels classes, condemnations roll in, after night of violence at pro-Palestinian encampment

Palestine Solidarity Encampment at UCLA was quiet Wednesday morning as a few bleary eyed students guarded the exits and most protesters bunked down in tents after a chaotic night. But police presence remained heavy.

UCLA canceled classes Wednesday, May 1, a day after violence roiled the campus at the site of a pro-Palestinian encampment occupied by protesters demanding a cease-fire in Gaza.

“Due to the distress caused by the violence that took place on Royce Quad late last night and early this morning, all classes are cancelled today. Please avoid the Royce Quad area,” the university posted on X shortly after 8 a.m. Wednesday.

  • Police push back as demonstrators a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA...

    Police push back as demonstrators a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA late Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in Los Angeles. Dueling groups of protesters have clashed at the University of California, Los Angeles, grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope)

  • Demonstrators clash at an encampment at UCLA early Wednesday, May...

    Demonstrators clash at an encampment at UCLA early Wednesday, May 1, 2024, in Los Angeles. Dueling groups of protesters have clashed at the University of California, Los Angeles, grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope)

  • Demonstrators clash at a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA early Wednesday,...

    Demonstrators clash at a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA early Wednesday, May 1, 2024, in Los Angeles. Dueling groups of protesters have clashed at the University of California, Los Angeles, grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope)

  • Demonstrators clash at a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA early Wednesday,...

    Demonstrators clash at a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA early Wednesday, May 1, 2024, in Los Angeles. Dueling groups of protesters have clashed at the University of California, Los Angeles, grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope)

  • Demonstrators clash at an encampment at UCLA late Tuesday, April...

    Demonstrators clash at an encampment at UCLA late Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in Los Angeles. Dueling groups of protesters have clashed at the University of California, Los Angeles, grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope)

  • A protester leans against a construction wall along the UCLA...

    A protester leans against a construction wall along the UCLA library connecting to the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA on Wednesday morning, May 1, 2024 in Westwood. (Photo by Sarah Reingewirtz, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

  • A person looks over the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA on...

    A person looks over the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA on Wednesday morning, May 1, 2024 in Westwood. (Photo by Sarah Reingewirtz, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

  • A California Highway Patrol officer walks between barriers while passing...

    A California Highway Patrol officer walks between barriers while passing the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA on Wednesday morning, May 1, 2024 in Westwood. (Photo by Sarah Reingewirtz, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

  • “We defended it and are still here,” says a student...

    “We defended it and are still here,” says a student who sits on the pro-Palestinian encampment barrier at UCLA on Wednesday morning, May 1, 2024 in Westwood after a melee broke out at night. (Photo by Sarah Reingewirtz, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

  • Police move in at a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA early...

    Police move in at a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA early Wednesday, May 1, 2024, in Los Angeles. Dueling groups of protesters have clashed at the University of California, Los Angeles, grappling in fistfights and shoving, kicking and using sticks to beat one another. (AP Photo/Ethan Swope)



The action was a major escalation of the administration’s response a week since pro-Palestinian protesters began occupying the campus.

For update, see: Violent clashes break out among opposing protest factions at UCLA

That occupation — fueled by demands that the university divest from companies that do business with Israel and the call for cease-fire in the region — had been declared by UCLA as unlawful just hours before the overnight violence erupted as counter-protesters descended on the campus.

Sporadic violence in the quad continued for about two hours. Projectiles were thrown and fireworks set off, with possible tear gas fired. Opposing protesters got into scuffles. Dozens of people were participating on each side. Some combatants were armed with large sticks.

By just after midnight, a group appeared to be trying to dismantle the Palestinian encampment, with some people trying to take down fences, plywood and other barricades. At one point, a group of protesters took a metal barricade and ran through the crowd with it.

  • A Palestinian supporter at UCLA on Monday, April 29, 2024....

    A Palestinian supporter at UCLA on Monday, April 29, 2024. Hundreds of Pro-Palestinian supporters joined in a march from their encampment in front of Royce Hall to areas around the campus. (Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

  • Pro-Palestinian protesters continued to occupy the grounds at UCLA in...

    Pro-Palestinian protesters continued to occupy the grounds at UCLA in front of Royce Hall on Monday, April 29, 2024. Security has surrounded the encampment after a skirmish broke out Sunday between the Pro-Palestianian protesters and Israel supporters. (Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

  • Pro-Palestinian protesters watch pro-Israel demonstrators on Sunday morning, April 28,...

    Pro-Palestinian protesters watch pro-Israel demonstrators on Sunday morning, April 28, 2024. at UCLA. (Photo by Gene Blevins/Contributing Photographer)

  • Some UCLA faculty joined with Pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA on...

    Some UCLA faculty joined with Pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA on Monday, April 29, 2024. Hundreds of Pro-Palestinian supporters joined in a march from their encampment in front of Royce Hall to areas around the campus. (Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)



One person was injured and taken away in an ambulance, according to broadcast reports. Until around 1 a.m., there was a minimal police presence and no indication anyone had been arrested. Eventually, the LAPD and the California Highway patrol arrived, in riot gear. More than two dozen officers set up a skirmish line.

By daybreak Wednesday morning, the “Palestine Solidarity Encampment” was still standing as students began the 7th day of their Royce Quad occupation.

The encampment was quiet as a few bleary eyed students guarded the exits and most protesters bunked down in tents trying to get some sleep after a chaotic night.

Metal barriers remained up, sealing the encampment zone from other students and members of the media.

There remained a heavy presence of UCLA campus police and hired private security officers stationed and the quad.

Black spray paint graffiti was splayed on the walls of Anderson Hall bearing the messages “Free Palestine” and “Anti-semitism ≠ Zionism”.

“The violence unfolding this evening at UCLA is absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable. LAPD has arrived on campus,” Mayor Karen Bass said in a statement released early Wednesday. Bass, who was in Washington, D.C., this week discussing homelessness and lobbying for housing dollars, cut short her trip to return to Los Angeles Wednesday morning in response to the violence. Bass had not been scheduled to return to Los Angeles until Friday.

Amid the violence, City Councilwoman Katy Yaroslavsky, who represents the Fifth District, posted on social media the situation on UCLA’s campus was “out of control.”

“Everyone has a right to free speech and protest, but the situation on UCLA’s campus is out of control and is no longer safe. I’m grateful to LAPD and Mayor Bass for stepping in to ensure the safety of everyone on campus,” she posted on social media.

Gov. Gavin Newsom posted on social media his office is closely monitoring the situation. “Law enforcement leaders are in contact this evening and resources are being mobilized,” Newsom posted.

In an editorial published Wednesday morning, a Daily Bruin editorial laid blame on UCLA  for being “complicit in violence inflicted upon protesters,” and failing to protect students.

The Jewish Federation Los Angeles said in a statement that it was appalled at the violence.

“The abhorrent actions of a few counter-protesters last night do not represent the Jewish community or our values. We believe in peaceful, civic discourse. Unfortunately, the violence at UCLA is a result of the lack of leadership from the chancellor and the UCLA administration,” the group’s statement continued. “The chancellor has allowed for an environment to be created over many months that has made students feel unsafe, allowed for illegal encampments in violation of its own laws, refused to censure faculty and staff who flouted UCLA’s Code of Conduct, and has been systemically slow to respond when law enforcement is desperately needed. His failed leadership has enabled the chaos we witnessed last night.”

The group called on Chancellor Gene Block to close the encampments at UCLA immediately.

University officials also announced that Royce Hall near the encampment will remain closed until Friday, and students were told to check with their instructors about new locations for classes that normally meet in that building. Powell Library, meanwhile, will remain closed until Monday.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

City News Service contributed to this article.

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