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Newsletter: Green slime unexpectedly pours into car seat

Green liquid pooling in a front car seat. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the top right corner.

The internet is chaotic—but we’ll break it down for you in one daily email. Sign up for the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter here to get the best (and worst) of the internet straight into your inbox.

Hello fellow web crawlers! Andrew here. (I'm back!) Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Our top stories today are about: A man sharing a car fail that includesgreen slime and steam pooling underneath the driver's seat, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki facing backlash after talking about Trump dying or going to jail, a DoorDash driver going viral for confronting a lying customer, and a look at a new trend where moms are showcasing how they danced in the '80s

After that, our Senior Reporter Tricia has a "Digital Democracy" column for you. 

— A.W. 

⚡ Today in internet culture

Man shares unexpected driver’s seat malfunction. Here’s how it could happen to you

It’s almost like a scene out of a sci-fi movie. Imagine you open the driver’s side of your car to discover steam billowing out of your steering wheel and a green—almost slime-like color—pooling beneath it.


‘Vile’: Jen Psaki gets backlash for talking about Trump dying on MSNBC

Jen Psaki, President Joe Biden’s former White House Press Secretary and MSNBC host, talked about former President Donald Trump going to jail or dying on an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.


DoorDash driver confronts customer who lied about not receiving her order

In a series of TikTok videos, a DoorDash driver confronts the customer she accuses of lying about not receiving her order.


The delightful new trend has all the right moves.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

???? Surf the 'net safely

Do you have questions about how to be safe online? If you do, you are in luck. Our "Your Password Sucks" column answers internet security questions from web crawlers like you.

If you ask a question by clicking here or the button below and our Tech Reporter Mikael picks it to be answered in a future column, we'll send you a pretty sweet web_crawlr desk mat

Do you have a question you want asked? Sign up for web_crawlr here.

????‍???? Digital Democracy

By Tricia Crimmins
Senior Reporter

Missouri child marriage ban

‘Hypocrisy’: Missouri Republicans criticized for supporting child marriage but not abortion

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Tuesdays our Senior Reporter Tricia Crimmins explains the legislation that is captivating the internet in her “Digital Democracy” column.  If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

????️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

⌚ An employer’s new late policy is getting ridiculed online, with many people stating that whoever posted the notice detailing the rule, probably didn’t think it through.

????️‍♀️ Having a background check, even if you’ve done nothing wrong, can be a nerve-wracking experience.

???? In a world where our smartphones are practically glued to our hands, one driver’s story is going viral on TikTok, serving as a warning that even a momentary glance at your phone to change the song at a red light can lead to a series of unfortunate and very costly events.

????️ Walmart is getting called out online for its alleged use of Artificial Intelligence in its artwork sold in stores.

???? If you’ve flown with American Airlines lately, you may have noticed more passengers opting for the often-dreaded middle seat on their flights. A travel advisor on TikTok explained why.

???? A tech worker reports being part of a mass layoff at the company she worked for—after they were all told in a call that things were going great and that they could expect raises and bonuses soon.

???? From the Daily Dot archive: Telegram is supercharging conspiracy theories across the planet.

???? Question of the Day

Everyone's got opinions, and we want to know yours. Just click a button below to answer the question, and tomorrow we will let you know how fellow web crawlers like you answered. 


To answer questions like this in the future, sign up for web_crawlr here.

???? Before you go

The Scholastic Book Fair is a staple of the public education experience, a hallmark of the literary experience for many young readers who may be choosing books to take home forever for the very first time on their own.

While the book fair, a traveling retail book sales experience brought to public schools by book publisher Scholastic, may be intended to serve a higher purpose for young readers, to a certain age bracket the books are not the main draw.

It is theknickknacks.

One mother says she sent her young daughter to her school’s book fair with $10, and she came back with no books. In the video posted to TikTok by Paris Maelii (@maemaeparis_), she says her daughter came home with a small heart-shaped notepad and a UV light pen instead of any new reading material.

She captioned her video with the statement that she does not want to give her money to purchase overpriced school supplies.

This is why i refuse to give her money for this blasphemy,” she captioned her video.

pen and notepad (l) kids at Scholastic Book Fair with logo (c) receipt (r)

???? Now Playing: "Love Is Blind" by Ravyn Lenae ???? 

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: Green slime unexpectedly pours into car seat appeared first on The Daily Dot.

Green liquid pooling in a front car seat. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the top right corner.

The internet is chaotic—but we’ll break it down for you in one daily email. Sign up for the Daily Dot’s web_crawlr newsletter here to get the best (and worst) of the internet straight into your inbox.

Hello fellow web crawlers! Andrew here. (I'm back!) Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Our top stories today are about: A man sharing a car fail that includesgreen slime and steam pooling underneath the driver's seat, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki facing backlash after talking about Trump dying or going to jail, a DoorDash driver going viral for confronting a lying customer, and a look at a new trend where moms are showcasing how they danced in the '80s

After that, our Senior Reporter Tricia has a "Digital Democracy" column for you. 

— A.W. 

⚡ Today in internet culture

Man shares unexpected driver’s seat malfunction. Here’s how it could happen to you

It’s almost like a scene out of a sci-fi movie. Imagine you open the driver’s side of your car to discover steam billowing out of your steering wheel and a green—almost slime-like color—pooling beneath it.


‘Vile’: Jen Psaki gets backlash for talking about Trump dying on MSNBC

Jen Psaki, President Joe Biden’s former White House Press Secretary and MSNBC host, talked about former President Donald Trump going to jail or dying on an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.


DoorDash driver confronts customer who lied about not receiving her order

In a series of TikTok videos, a DoorDash driver confronts the customer she accuses of lying about not receiving her order.


The delightful new trend has all the right moves.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

???? Surf the 'net safely

Do you have questions about how to be safe online? If you do, you are in luck. Our "Your Password Sucks" column answers internet security questions from web crawlers like you.

If you ask a question by clicking here or the button below and our Tech Reporter Mikael picks it to be answered in a future column, we'll send you a pretty sweet web_crawlr desk mat

Do you have a question you want asked? Sign up for web_crawlr here.

????‍???? Digital Democracy

By Tricia Crimmins
Senior Reporter

Missouri child marriage ban

‘Hypocrisy’: Missouri Republicans criticized for supporting child marriage but not abortion

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Tuesdays our Senior Reporter Tricia Crimmins explains the legislation that is captivating the internet in her “Digital Democracy” column.  If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

????️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

⌚ An employer’s new late policy is getting ridiculed online, with many people stating that whoever posted the notice detailing the rule, probably didn’t think it through.

????️‍♀️ Having a background check, even if you’ve done nothing wrong, can be a nerve-wracking experience.

???? In a world where our smartphones are practically glued to our hands, one driver’s story is going viral on TikTok, serving as a warning that even a momentary glance at your phone to change the song at a red light can lead to a series of unfortunate and very costly events.

????️ Walmart is getting called out online for its alleged use of Artificial Intelligence in its artwork sold in stores.

???? If you’ve flown with American Airlines lately, you may have noticed more passengers opting for the often-dreaded middle seat on their flights. A travel advisor on TikTok explained why.

???? A tech worker reports being part of a mass layoff at the company she worked for—after they were all told in a call that things were going great and that they could expect raises and bonuses soon.

???? From the Daily Dot archive: Telegram is supercharging conspiracy theories across the planet.

???? Question of the Day

Everyone's got opinions, and we want to know yours. Just click a button below to answer the question, and tomorrow we will let you know how fellow web crawlers like you answered. 


To answer questions like this in the future, sign up for web_crawlr here.

???? Before you go

The Scholastic Book Fair is a staple of the public education experience, a hallmark of the literary experience for many young readers who may be choosing books to take home forever for the very first time on their own.

While the book fair, a traveling retail book sales experience brought to public schools by book publisher Scholastic, may be intended to serve a higher purpose for young readers, to a certain age bracket the books are not the main draw.

It is theknickknacks.

One mother says she sent her young daughter to her school’s book fair with $10, and she came back with no books. In the video posted to TikTok by Paris Maelii (@maemaeparis_), she says her daughter came home with a small heart-shaped notepad and a UV light pen instead of any new reading material.

She captioned her video with the statement that she does not want to give her money to purchase overpriced school supplies.

This is why i refuse to give her money for this blasphemy,” she captioned her video.

pen and notepad (l) kids at Scholastic Book Fair with logo (c) receipt (r)

???? Now Playing: "Love Is Blind" by Ravyn Lenae ???? 

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: Green slime unexpectedly pours into car seat appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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