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LeBron James: The king of memes

LeBron James: The king of memes

LeBron James, an NBA legend often referred to as "King James," has left an indelible mark on basketball and the world of memes. His iconic status as one of the star players of the Los Angeles Lakers, and his expressive reactions have made him an easy target of the meme community. Here's a look at some of the best LeBron James memes that have captured the imagination of basketball fans and meme enthusiasts alike.

Mechanic LeBron

The "mechanic LeBron" meme features a photoshopped image of James with a mustache, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and another tucked behind his ear. This meme became massively popular after James himself shared a version of it on Instagram. It humorously imagines LeBron as a grizzled auto mechanic, a far cry from his polished athlete persona.

@nodunksinc LeBron should bring back the mustache! #lebron #lebronjames #lebronjames23 #basketball #mustache #clevelandcavaliers #losangeleslakers #miamiheat #kingjames #jamesgang #nba #meme #hoops ♬ original sound - No Dunks

Exhausted LeBron

Another popular meme is "exhausted LeBron," born from a photo of James collapsing on the basketball court. The versatility of this image led to numerous Photoshopped renditions that showed LeBron in different absurd situations, from historical events to fictional scenarios, highlighting the feeling of being tired and overwhelmed.

Crying LeBron

"Crying LeBron" is a counterpart to the famous "crying Michael Jordan" meme. It features a photo of James crying after the Cavaliers' NBA Finals win in 2016. This meme has been widely used to express moments of emotional victory or poignant defeat, making it a versatile tool for meme creators.

LeBron Lying

Some of the most interesting memes are the ones that pertain to James' penchant for lying. Also known as "LeBron James predicted X," this meme highlights instances in which the basketball player has purportedly told lies or exaggerated facts during interviews. The meme series imagines James making hyperbolic statements about historical events or personal achievements, often placing him in hilariously improbable situations.

The boy who cried 'LeBron James'

The "LeBron James kid" meme originates from a Vine clip of a young boy saying "LeBron" over and over again. Online users then remixed the audio with different kinds of footage for comedic effect, turning young Terrance Jackson's enthusiastic chant into a viral sensation.

@strictlybball What happened to the LeBron James kid… ???? #strictlybball ♬ original sound - StrictlyBBall

LeBron James's NBA Finals grief

This meme captures James's reaction to a critical mistake by player J.R. Smith during the 2018 NBA Finals. James's expression, along with his widely outstretched arms, perfectly encapsulated the exasperation at his teammate's mistake, making it a relatable meme about everyday frustrations.

Lance Stephenson blowing in LeBron James's ear

This meme stems from a moment during the 2014 NBA Eastern Conference finals when Lance Stephenson appeared to be blowing air into LeBron's ear. The absurdity of the action led to a series of Photoshop edits that placed Stephenson in various scenarios where his "blowing" had a comedic impact.

Through his expressions, actions, and sheer presence, LeBron James has become a staple in meme culture. LeBron memes range from funny and relatable to thought-provoking, reflecting his influence beyond the basketball court. As he continues to dominate the game, his meme legacy assures that his impact will also be felt in the digital world for years to come.

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post LeBron James: The king of memes appeared first on The Daily Dot.

LeBron James: The king of memes

LeBron James, an NBA legend often referred to as "King James," has left an indelible mark on basketball and the world of memes. His iconic status as one of the star players of the Los Angeles Lakers, and his expressive reactions have made him an easy target of the meme community. Here's a look at some of the best LeBron James memes that have captured the imagination of basketball fans and meme enthusiasts alike.

Mechanic LeBron

The "mechanic LeBron" meme features a photoshopped image of James with a mustache, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and another tucked behind his ear. This meme became massively popular after James himself shared a version of it on Instagram. It humorously imagines LeBron as a grizzled auto mechanic, a far cry from his polished athlete persona.

@nodunksinc LeBron should bring back the mustache! #lebron #lebronjames #lebronjames23 #basketball #mustache #clevelandcavaliers #losangeleslakers #miamiheat #kingjames #jamesgang #nba #meme #hoops ♬ original sound - No Dunks

Exhausted LeBron

Another popular meme is "exhausted LeBron," born from a photo of James collapsing on the basketball court. The versatility of this image led to numerous Photoshopped renditions that showed LeBron in different absurd situations, from historical events to fictional scenarios, highlighting the feeling of being tired and overwhelmed.

Crying LeBron

"Crying LeBron" is a counterpart to the famous "crying Michael Jordan" meme. It features a photo of James crying after the Cavaliers' NBA Finals win in 2016. This meme has been widely used to express moments of emotional victory or poignant defeat, making it a versatile tool for meme creators.

LeBron Lying

Some of the most interesting memes are the ones that pertain to James' penchant for lying. Also known as "LeBron James predicted X," this meme highlights instances in which the basketball player has purportedly told lies or exaggerated facts during interviews. The meme series imagines James making hyperbolic statements about historical events or personal achievements, often placing him in hilariously improbable situations.

The boy who cried 'LeBron James'

The "LeBron James kid" meme originates from a Vine clip of a young boy saying "LeBron" over and over again. Online users then remixed the audio with different kinds of footage for comedic effect, turning young Terrance Jackson's enthusiastic chant into a viral sensation.

@strictlybball What happened to the LeBron James kid… ???? #strictlybball ♬ original sound - StrictlyBBall

LeBron James's NBA Finals grief

This meme captures James's reaction to a critical mistake by player J.R. Smith during the 2018 NBA Finals. James's expression, along with his widely outstretched arms, perfectly encapsulated the exasperation at his teammate's mistake, making it a relatable meme about everyday frustrations.

Lance Stephenson blowing in LeBron James's ear

This meme stems from a moment during the 2014 NBA Eastern Conference finals when Lance Stephenson appeared to be blowing air into LeBron's ear. The absurdity of the action led to a series of Photoshop edits that placed Stephenson in various scenarios where his "blowing" had a comedic impact.

Through his expressions, actions, and sheer presence, LeBron James has become a staple in meme culture. LeBron memes range from funny and relatable to thought-provoking, reflecting his influence beyond the basketball court. As he continues to dominate the game, his meme legacy assures that his impact will also be felt in the digital world for years to come.

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post LeBron James: The king of memes appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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