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Newsletter: Is this Bigfoot video real?

A Bigfoot crossing sign. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the bottom left corner.

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Kira here. Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Today's top stories are about: A new Bigfoot video that has cryptid-lovers up in arms, an Uber Eats customer who got scammed by her driver, a Walmart customer who found out the hard way about the company's surveillance tactics, and Joe Biden's new Democratic challenger – who may not be able to run, after all. 

After that, dive into a swampy conspiracy theory with Mikael's "One Dumb Conspiracy" column. 

See you later, alligator.

— K.D.

⚡ Today's top stories

???? VIRAL
New Bigfoot video in remote Southwest Colorado area has people believing

The Sasquatch was sighted on a remote hillside stretch in Southwest Colorado. Cryptid experts debated the video's legitimacy. 


????️ WTF
‘I didn’t order a pot roast’: Uber Eats customer says driver bought himself a bunch of food and charged her for it

“Uber Eats has found a whole new way to scam us," says a customer who was charged for food she didn't order.


???? FAIL
Walmart shopper warns others that the store is ‘catching on to us’ after self-checkout fail

A Walmart shopper tried to add a few extra items to their bag, not realizing they were being recorded at the self-checkout.


Joe Biden finally gets a primary challenge from the left—who is ineligible to be president

Cenk Uygur announced that he is launching a primary challenge against President Joe Biden. The only problem? He's not a natural-born U.S. citizen.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

???? One Dumb Conspiracy

By Mikael Thalen
Staff Reporter

Hillary Clinton and a reptilian statue

Conspiracy theorists think ‘reptilian’ statue symbolizes the Clinton’s child trafficking empire

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Mondays our Tech Reporter Mikael Thalen debunks the most wild conspiracy theories swirling around the web in his “One Dumb Conspiracy” column. If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

????️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

???? A war veteran who lost an “arm and [a] leg” was denied pain medication from a Walgreens, his daughter claims, after a pharmacist looked him up and down and decided that he didn’t need that high of a dosage.

???? Want to hear a hack on how to hang your clothes more efficiently? This former Old Navy worker is going viral for sharing one

???? A woman recently shared her secret to making press-on nails last, claiming that hers have stayed on for an entire month

???? Proceed with caution when ordering the $1 margaritas at Applebee’s.

???? What you need to know about the little conception device that’s making it easier to get pregnant.

???? A woman revealed in a viral video that her Airbnb host said check-in is 8-10pm. She said he then demanded to see her ID when she arrived at 10:30pm.

???? Are the vibes ruined at Target now? 

???? An Ulta Beauty customer went viral on TikTok after revealing how she got duped by the chain.

⚰️ From the Daily Dot archive: Here are the real-life stakes of faking your death online.

*The Daily Dot may receive a commission in connection with purchases of products or services featured here.

???? Question of the Day

Everyone's got opinions, and we want to know yours. Just click a button below to answer the question, and tomorrow we will let you know how fellow web crawlers like you answered. 


To answer questions like this in the future, sign up for web_crawlr here.

???? Before you go

A woman who ordered groceries via Instacart went back to the store to find the numerous items that her male shopper claimed were “unavailable.” Her video adds to an ongoing trope about men being terrible Instacart shoppers.

TikToker Adrielle Sigler (@veganrizz) starts her video from the store parking lot. She explains that she spent $145 getting groceries through Instacart, but says her shopper “could not fid like 12 of the items.” The Instacart customer adds that she decided to prove that shopper wrong in a video that received more than 601,000 views.

After explaining her mission of trying to find all the “missing” items, she sets out with her shopping cart.

Woman tries to prove male Instacart shopper wrong by going to grocery store herself

???? Now Playing: "9mm" by Memphis Cult ???? 

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: Is this Bigfoot video real? appeared first on The Daily Dot.

A Bigfoot crossing sign. The Daily Dot newsletter web_crawlr logo is in the bottom left corner.

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Kira here. Welcome to today's edition of web_crawlr

Today's top stories are about: A new Bigfoot video that has cryptid-lovers up in arms, an Uber Eats customer who got scammed by her driver, a Walmart customer who found out the hard way about the company's surveillance tactics, and Joe Biden's new Democratic challenger – who may not be able to run, after all. 

After that, dive into a swampy conspiracy theory with Mikael's "One Dumb Conspiracy" column. 

See you later, alligator.

— K.D.

⚡ Today's top stories

???? VIRAL
New Bigfoot video in remote Southwest Colorado area has people believing

The Sasquatch was sighted on a remote hillside stretch in Southwest Colorado. Cryptid experts debated the video's legitimacy. 


????️ WTF
‘I didn’t order a pot roast’: Uber Eats customer says driver bought himself a bunch of food and charged her for it

“Uber Eats has found a whole new way to scam us," says a customer who was charged for food she didn't order.


???? FAIL
Walmart shopper warns others that the store is ‘catching on to us’ after self-checkout fail

A Walmart shopper tried to add a few extra items to their bag, not realizing they were being recorded at the self-checkout.


Joe Biden finally gets a primary challenge from the left—who is ineligible to be president

Cenk Uygur announced that he is launching a primary challenge against President Joe Biden. The only problem? He's not a natural-born U.S. citizen.


We crawl the web so you don’t have to. Sign up to receive web_crawlr, a daily newsletter from the Daily Dot, in your inbox each day.

???? One Dumb Conspiracy

By Mikael Thalen
Staff Reporter

Hillary Clinton and a reptilian statue

Conspiracy theorists think ‘reptilian’ statue symbolizes the Clinton’s child trafficking empire

In each edition of web_crawlr we have exclusive original content every day. On Mondays our Tech Reporter Mikael Thalen debunks the most wild conspiracy theories swirling around the web in his “One Dumb Conspiracy” column. If you want to read columns like this before everyone else, subscribe to web_crawlr to get your daily scoop of internet culture delivered straight to your inbox.

????️ Crawling the web

Here is what else is happening across the 'net.

???? A war veteran who lost an “arm and [a] leg” was denied pain medication from a Walgreens, his daughter claims, after a pharmacist looked him up and down and decided that he didn’t need that high of a dosage.

???? Want to hear a hack on how to hang your clothes more efficiently? This former Old Navy worker is going viral for sharing one

???? A woman recently shared her secret to making press-on nails last, claiming that hers have stayed on for an entire month

???? Proceed with caution when ordering the $1 margaritas at Applebee’s.

???? What you need to know about the little conception device that’s making it easier to get pregnant.

???? A woman revealed in a viral video that her Airbnb host said check-in is 8-10pm. She said he then demanded to see her ID when she arrived at 10:30pm.

???? Are the vibes ruined at Target now? 

???? An Ulta Beauty customer went viral on TikTok after revealing how she got duped by the chain.

⚰️ From the Daily Dot archive: Here are the real-life stakes of faking your death online.

*The Daily Dot may receive a commission in connection with purchases of products or services featured here.

???? Question of the Day

Everyone's got opinions, and we want to know yours. Just click a button below to answer the question, and tomorrow we will let you know how fellow web crawlers like you answered. 


To answer questions like this in the future, sign up for web_crawlr here.

???? Before you go

A woman who ordered groceries via Instacart went back to the store to find the numerous items that her male shopper claimed were “unavailable.” Her video adds to an ongoing trope about men being terrible Instacart shoppers.

TikToker Adrielle Sigler (@veganrizz) starts her video from the store parking lot. She explains that she spent $145 getting groceries through Instacart, but says her shopper “could not fid like 12 of the items.” The Instacart customer adds that she decided to prove that shopper wrong in a video that received more than 601,000 views.

After explaining her mission of trying to find all the “missing” items, she sets out with her shopping cart.

Woman tries to prove male Instacart shopper wrong by going to grocery store herself

???? Now Playing: "9mm" by Memphis Cult ???? 

Sign up to receive the Daily Dot’s Internet Insider newsletter for urgent news from the frontline of online.

The post Newsletter: Is this Bigfoot video real? appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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