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Новости за 25.04.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Egypt in renewed mediation push for Gaza truce, sources say

Egypt has asked for a follow-up meeting with Israel in renewed efforts to mediate a deal for a ceasefire and the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip, two Egyptian security sources said on Thursday. Egyptian, Israeli and U.S. officials held in-person and remote meetings on Wednesday that sought concessions...

Cyprus Mail 

Some US troops set to depart Chad, at least temporarily

The United States is planning to temporarily withdraw some of its troops from Chad, U.S. officials said on Thursday, a move that comes just days after Washington was forced to agree to remove its troops from neighboring Niger. Earlier this month Chad’s air force chief ordered the U.S. to halt...

Cyprus Mail 

National Betting Authority warns against illegal online betting

The National Betting Authority (NBA) on Thursday warned the public to be wary of illegal betting activity, especially online, which it said has proliferated. In a statement, the NBA cited as an example the webpage https://parimatchcyprus.com.cy/, which features false and misleading information. Once accessed, the website redirects to https://n1bet.com/en-CA?modal=signUp, which...

Cyprus Mail 

Arizona House lawmakers vote to repeal 1864 abortion ban

Lawmakers in Arizona’s House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to repeal an 1864 ban on abortion that could still go into effect within weeks if not also knocked down by the Senate. House lawmakers voted 32-28 to repeal the law, which provides no exceptions for abortions even in cases of...

Cyprus Mail 

Parliament passes law for prepaid mobile user identification

Parliament on Thursday evening enacted a law that allows the identification of users of prepaid mobile phone cards, with some MPs hailing the step while others called it a damp squib. The legislative proposal passed with 25 votes for, 14 against, and one abstention. The bill was sponsored by Dipa...

Cyprus Mail 

‘Uncommitted’ organizers will join campus protesters in Michigan over Gaza

Organizers behind the “uncommitted” political movement against President Joe Biden’s staunch support for Israel’s war against Hamas will travel to the University of Michigan’s campus on Thursday to join students protesting the war. Student protests in the U.S. over the war in Gaza have intensified and expanded over the past week after...

Cyprus Mail 

House extends funding for Okypy deficits

The House plenum on Thursday gave the nod to extending by one more year the provision of government grants to cover the deficits of the state health services organisation, or Okypy. As such, the government can now keep plugging Okypy’s deficits up until May 31 of 2025. The bill passed...

Cyprus Mail 

Kyrenia district elections ‘a symbol of struggle’

Candidacies are being submitted for local elections for the Kyrenia district on Thursday, with the elections set to take place on June 9. The Kyrenia district’s local government system has been exempted from the reforms which have swept the rest of the country, as all of its local government institutions...

Cyprus Mail 

MPs approve Tepak budget amid transparency concerns

The House of Representatives on Thursday greenlit the budget for the Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak) even as MPs hammered the institution over lack of transparency and its track record of financial scandals. The 2024 budget bill for Tepak passed by unanimous vote. It is the last public body to...

Cyprus Mail 

A diverse lineup of live music events this week

From jazz tributes to classical music with young talents on stage and from album presentations to funk-soul tunes, the live music scene has a lot to look forward to. Listeners all over the island will get to enjoy a wide array of performances, each one offering a different melodious experience....

Cyprus Mail 

Families of Cypriot earthquake dead fly to Turkey for trial

The families of the 24 Cypriot children who were killed when the Isias hotel collapsed travelled to Turkey on Thursday ahead of the resumption of the trial of those held responsible for the collapse on Friday. The 24 children, alongside 11 Cypriot adults and 47 others were all killed when...

Cyprus Mail 

Data Protection Commissioner clarifies CCTV use in kindergartens

The office of the Data Protection Commissioner on Thursday said it received several inquiries and complaints regarding the legality of installing and operating closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems in private kindergartens. “On the one hand, kindergarten administrations are obligated to ensure the protection of their property,” a statement released by the office...

Cyprus Mail 

Harvey Weinstein’s conviction overturned by top NY court

New York’s highest court on Thursday overturned the 2020 sex crimes conviction of former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, in the case that helped to create the #MeToo movement. In a 4-3 decision, the state Court of Appeals said the trial judge made a critical mistake by letting prosecutors introduce testimony from women who...

Cyprus Mail 

Innovative strategies: How London tech recruiters can attract Yii developers

As businesses increasingly rely on web applications and platforms to drive growth and innovation, the need for talented developers proficient in frameworks like Yii has become more pronounced than ever. In this article, we’ll explore some innovative strategies that London tech recruiters can employ to attract Yii developers and build...

Cyprus Mail 

Tepak students protest course relocation

Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak) students staged a protest on Thursday demanding the cancellation of a decision by the rectorate to relocate certain courses of the university’s school of tourism and hospitality from Limassol to Paphos. The issue was also raised at a House education committee meeting on Wednesday. Affected...

Cyprus Mail 

Tevez discharged from hospital after chest pain

Former Argentina international Carlos Tevez was discharged from hospital after undergoing tests due to chest pain, Club Atletico Independiente, the Argentine club he now coaches, said on Wednesday. Tevez, who made 76 appearances for Argentina and played as a striker for Boca Juniors, Manchester United, Manchester City, West Ham and...

Cyprus Mail 

Female refereeing team to take charge of Serie A game for first time

An all-woman refereeing team will officiate a Serie A match for the first time this weekend, the Italian Referees’ Association (AIA) said on Thursday. League champions Inter Milan host Torino on Sunday, and the game will be refereed by Maria Sole Ferrieri Caputi who will be joined by Francesca Di...

Cyprus Mail 

May 1 a public holiday, minister insists

May 1 is a public holiday, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou insisted on Thursday. He said the day remains a holiday for all workers, “regardless of whether the day falls within ten days of Easter.” He said that in accordance with the relevant laws, therefore, all shops should remain closed on...

Cyprus Mail 

Parisinou not kicked out of Disy despite Elam MEP nomination

Niovi Parisinou, who served as deputy government spokeswoman under President Nicos Anastasiades, has not yet been kicked out of Disy despite nominating Elam’s Geadis Geadi for the European Parliament elections on Wednesday. Parisinou was one of the four people who officially nominated Geadi at the Filoxenia conference centre on Wednesday,...

Cyprus Mail 

North’s casinos ‘to have their tax bills halved’

Casinos in the north will have their tax bills halved after the passing of a new law, Turkish Cypriot opposition party ‘MP’ Erkut Sahali said on Thursday. Sahali sits on the north’s ‘parliamentary’ finance committee and explained to the Cyprus Mail that ‘parliament’ had on Monday approved a twofold reform...

Cyprus Mail 

Bank of Cyprus enacts €25 million share buyback

The Bank of Cyprus on Thursday announced new stock acquisitions, having obtained a number of ordinary shares worth €0.10 each from its appointed trader, the Cyprus Investment and Securities Corporation (CISCO), earlier this week. Specifically, 26,132 shares were acquired on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) at an average purchase price...

Cyprus Mail 

Eight years for sports coach for sexual abuse of minors

A 50-year-old track and field coach was on Thursday sentenced to eight years in jail for sexually abusing underage athletes. The case involved four women who came forward in 2021, reporting the specific coach assaulted them years ago when they were minors. These crimes occurred between 2003 and 2016 in...

Cyprus Mail 

Why TikTok relationship ‘tests’ are useless

By Edith Jennifer Hill and Lydia Woodyatt Have you ever wondered if your partner really loves you? Well apparently so have thousands of TikTok users, who are testing their theories for the world to see. In the past year we’ve seen a rise in TikTok trends that purport to “test”...

Cyprus Mail 

CSE to introduce new government bonds worth €25 million

The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) this week announced its acceptance of the introduction of government bonds to the market, in accordance with Article 58(1) of the Cyprus Securities and Stock Exchange Law. According to the announcement, these bonds, totalling €25 million, have emerged from an auction held on April 22,...

Cyprus Mail 

Israel intensifies strikes on Rafah ahead of threatened invasion

Israel stepped up airstrikes on Rafah overnight, killing at least six Palestinians, medics said on Thursday, after saying it would evacuate civilians from the Gaza border city and storm it despite allies’ warnings this could cause mass casualties. In the seventh month of a devastating air and ground war against the Gaza Strip’s ruling Islamist...

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Экология в России и мире

Клиенты Инго Экосистемы стали больше путешествовать за ингорубли

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об изменениях в налоговом и бюджетном законодательстве России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Телеведущего Урганта исключили из концерта памяти Окуджавы "Заезжий музыкант"


МВД: полиция Камбоджи выдала гражданина РФ, обвиняемого в хищении на Соловках

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