Face of Neanderthal woman revealed 75,000 years after she died
Shanidar Z's skull — thought to be the best preserved Neanderthal find this century — "was as flat as a pizza," experts said.
Shanidar Z's skull — thought to be the best preserved Neanderthal find this century — "was as flat as a pizza," experts said.
An attorney who represented two women seeking payments in 2016 for their silence about alleged sexual encounters with Donald Trump will continue his testimony Thursday.
Several New York Democrats acknowledged that Republicans are more aggressively counterpunching on the issue of abortion in the 2024 election cycle.
Police removed barricades and began dismantling a pro-Palestinian demonstrators' fortified encampment early Thursday at the UCLA campus after hundreds of protesters defied police orders to leave
Several college protests turn violent; police called in to clear encampments; Bee colony delays Arizona Diamondbacks game
Florida’s six-week abortion ban takes effect; former first lady Michelle Obama surprises students for college signing day.
The shooting occurred at an apartment complex in west Fort Worth, authorities said.
The USDA tested 30 samples from states with herds infected by H5N1.
John Dickerson reports on the status of pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, a strict abortion ban becoming law in Florida, and the impact of another round of student debt relief from the Biden administration.
A colony of bees discovered behind home plate delayed a Major League Baseball game for nearly two hours Tuesday night between the Arizona Diamondbacks and Los Angeles Dodgers in Phoenix. Matt Hilton, a professional beekeeper, came to the rescue.
Boeing is set to launch its first-ever spaceflight with humans next week. The Starliner spacecraft will lift off from Florida on Monday night for a multi-day mission to the International Space Station. Commander Barry "Butch" Wilmore and pilot Sunny Williams, two seasoned NASA astronauts who are a part of the mission, join CBS News to go over the flight.
The Biden administration announced its latest round of student debt relief Wednesday. More than $6 billion will be canceled for 317,000 borrowers who enrolled at any Art Institutes campus between 2004 and 2017. CBS News reporter Haley Ott has more.
The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday it is keeping interest rates steady. The move comes as the central bank continues to deal with inflation. Jeanna Smialek, Federal Reserve and economy reporter for The New York Times, joins CBS News to discuss.
Inflation's impact has been felt in nearly every facet of U.S. consumer spending, including summer activities, with many parents saying they are unable to afford the spiking costs of summer camps. Nancy Chen has some tips on what parents can do to offset those higher costs.
UnitedHealth CEO Andrew Witty issued an apology while testifying before a House committee Wednesday about the cyberattack against subsidiary Change Healthcare that paralyzed insurance payments to hospitals, pharmacies and medical practices nationwide. Nicole Sganga has details.
Thousands of Floridians lost access to abortion care Wednesday as the state's ban took effect after months of failed legal challenges to block it. CBS News political correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns has the details.
The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday it is leaving interest rates unchanged. Rates are the highest they've been in more than twenty years. CBS News senior business and technology correspondent Jo Ling Kent joins to discuss.
Columbia University asked police Tuesday night to enter campus and clear out a building that protesters had overtaken and barricaded. CBS News correspondent Michael George has the latest on the fallout from the raid.
In a visit to Israel on Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken indicated the U.S. does not support Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan for a ground invasion of the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Ramy Inocencio reports from Tel Aviv.
A ban on nearly all abortions after six weeks of pregnancy took effect in Florida on Wednesday, while on the same day in Arizona, state lawmakers overturned a highly-restrictive 1864 abortion law was thatslated to take effect this summer after the state supreme court gave it the green light. Caitlin Huey-Burns reports.
There were no reported injuries after an active shooter near a middle school outside of Madison, Wisconsin, was "neutralized," officials said. Charlie De Mar has the latest.
Violence erupted between protesters and counter-protesters at UCLA late Tuesday night, just hours after the NYPD moved in and arrested dozens of protesters who had occupied a building on the Columbia University campus. Lilia Luciano has the latest on the pro-Palestinian campus protests that have overwhelmed universities nationwide.
Here's a look at the top stories making headlines on the "CBS Evening News" with James Brown.
While the debate over handling the influx of migrants rages on in Washington, D.C., CBS News immigration reporter Camilo Montoya-Galvez traveled to Juarez, Mexico, to look at the humanitarian impact south of the border.
Advisers for former President Donald Trump say a name consistently coming up as his potential running mate is Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. However, if Rubio ultimately isn't Trump's pick for vice president, it might not be because of what he represents, but the state he represents. Marc Caputo, national political reporter for The Bulwark, joins "America Decides" to explain.
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