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Новости за 14.11.2017


From koi fish to awkward handshakes — here are the 20 best photos from Trump's 12-day trip to Asia

White House via Flickr

President Donald Trump's whirlwind 12-day, five-country trip to Asia has finally come to a close. He lands back at the White House Tuesday night.

Although he faced many diplomatic challenges, there were also numerous memorable, quirky, awkward, and heart-warming moments during his time in South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

Here are 19 more of the best photos to emerge from the president's Asia trip:

Soon after arriving in Japan from Hawaii on Sunday... Читать дальше...


Reddit is reportedly considering an IPO


  • Reddit is considering an initial public offering at some point in the future, its CEO said Thursday.
  • The timeline for a public offering is still uncertain.

Reddit, the "front page of the internet" that has been ravaged by scandals in its 12-year history, is considering an initial public offering, CEO Steve Huffman reportedly said at an Internet Association summit in San Francisco on Monday. 

"The time frame is pretty far out,” he said, according to Variety... Читать дальше...


Bad conditions in New York City are exposing thousands of children to lead poisoning

  • While poisoning has nearly been eliminated in many neighborhoods, at least 10 percent of small children, from 2005 to 2015, in 69 New York City census tracts had elevated lead levels.
  • A city spokeswoman said the comparison between New York and Flint, Michigan, is "alarmist and inaccurate," but New York City children in the 69 observed census tracts have twice the rate of lead poisoning. 
  • Coney Island, Queens, and Brooklyn are particularly affected. 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - In public health circles... Читать дальше...


RBC: There are 3 things that will drive Apple's double-digit earnings growth (AAPL)

  • Apple's stellar earnings for the fourth quarter has investors happy with the performance of the company.
  • After reviewing Apple's 10K, an RBC Capital Markets analyst sees multiple upsides in the numbers for the company.
  • To view Apple's stock price in real time, click here.

Apple's standout fourth quarter earnings report has boosted investor sentiment about stronger earnings growth in the next quarter.

Читать дальше...


Report finds 3,810 US areas with lead poisoning at double Flint's rate

Brett Carlsen/Getty

  • Many communities across the US remain exposed to lead, a toxic heavy metal. 
  • An investigation found 3,810 neighborhoods with recently recorded childhood lead poisoning rates at least double those found across Flint, Michigan, during the peak of that city's water contamination crisis in 2014 and 2015. 
  • Newly identified affected areas include Savannah, Georgia, Rutland, Vermont, and a largely Hasidic Jewish area in Brooklyn. 

(Reuters) - Since last year... Читать дальше...


THE RETAILER MOBILE WALLETS REPORT: How stores can benefit from developing their own digital payments apps

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Retailers like Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts are winning over consumers with their mobile wallets — apps developed by stores to make it easier for their customers to pay, and to deliver valuable perks. 

And these retailer wallets are leading the overall mobile wallets industry, thanks to their ability to rapidly... Читать дальше...


Jeff Sessions, grilled by Congress, says he has 'no clear recollection' of Papadopoulos pitch


  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.
  • The former Alabama senator said he "never lied" when he said in previous hearings that he wasn't aware of any contact between members of the Trump campaign and Russia.
  • Sessions' testimony were his first public remarks since court documents showed he was aware of a young adviser's desire to set up a meeting between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Читать дальше...


This $40,000 super-skinny home can fit inside a parking space

Casagrande Laboratory

  • Helsinki-based design firm Casagrande Laboratory has created a super-skinny home that costs $40,000.
  • The architects hope to build the homes, called Tikkus, on former parking spaces.
  • The home are part of a larger trend of cities adding more space for pedestrians and housing rather than cars.

As more people move to cities, the housing supply in many urban places is shrinking. In recent years, urban centers like Manhattan, Austin... Читать дальше...


Iran helped stifle the Kurds' independence in Iraq — now it's getting their oil


  • Iran helped stifle the Kurdish push for independence in the Kirkuk region of Iraq, and now wants to build a pipeline that can take as much as 650,000 bpd of Kurdish oil.
  • Iraq has recently agreed for the first time to divert crude from Kirkuk to Iran. 
  • Internal disputes among the Kurds may have doomed their independence push. 
  • Iran's Revolutionary Guards will oversee the oil exports.  

After helping Iraq stifle a Kurdish push for independence... Читать дальше...


Amazon aims to diminish the role of smartphones with Alexa (AMZN)

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Apps and Platforms Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Amazon is seeking ways to expand the scope of its AI-infused voice assistant that will reduce user reliance on smartphones. Amazon’s consumer tech success hinges on this strategy:

The company missed out on the smartphone market, and outside the home, users tend to rely on their phone's native voice assistant — a market controlled by Google and Apple ... Читать дальше...


The fitness guru behind the ‘Insanity’ workout told us the main reason you're not motivated to exercise — and how to dive back in

Shaun T.

  • Shaun T. is the mind behind the viral "Insanity" workout.
  • In his new book, "T is for Transformation," Shaun talks about what motivates him to exercise.
  • Shaun told Business Insider that you shouldn't be afraid to change things up when your fitness routine is getting dull.
  • Trying something new can have benefits for your body and brain.

Working out is hard work. To avoid giving up, a lot of people stick to a specific schedule. Some... Читать дальше...


Alibaba's Singles' Day was bigger than Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined (BABA)

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Alibaba reeled in record-breaking sales during this year’s Singles' Day event, generating $25.3 billion in revenue, Business Insider  reports. This marks a 39% year-over-year (YoY) increase in sales. Alibaba pulled in $1 billion in two minutes and one second after the start of the event, and $12 billion within two hours.

This massive... Читать дальше...


Audi is a repeat winner for Business Insider's 2017 Infotainment System of the Year

BI Graphics

  • Audi's MMI-Virtual Cockpit is a repeat winner BI's Infotainment System of the Year. 
  • Audi narrowly beat back increased competition from four other finalists.
  • Volvo's risk-taking Sensus system was the runner-up

How good is Audi's MMI-Virtual Cockpit infotainment system? So good that it's our first repeat winner for Infotainment System of the Year in 2017.

Audi took the prize in 2016, and, if anything, the competition has stiffened since then. Читать дальше...


The Army is offering waivers for some mental-health conditions, but it may boost the force

Photo by Sgt. Justin Geiger

The morning after Veterans Day, USA Today published an investigation that rippled through the Army community: This August, for the first time since soldier suicides spiked in 2009, the service began offering waivers to recruits with histories of drug and alcohol abuse, depression, bipolar disorder, and “self-mutilating” behaviors like cutting — conditions that previously disqualified would-be enlistees.

The reason for the apparent watering down of standards... Читать дальше...


Zimbabwe is on edge after military personnel carriers are seen outside the capital

AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi

  • Zimbabwe is on edge after armored personnel carriers were seen outside the capital.
  • The Associated Press saw three armored personnel carriers with several soldiers in a convoy on a road heading toward Harare.
  • Zimbabwe for the first time is seeing an open rift between the military and 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe.

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe was on edge Tuesday as armored personnel carriers were seen outside... Читать дальше...


Zimbabwe is on edge after army tanks are seen outside the capital

AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Zimbabwe is on edge as army tanks are seen outside the capital a day after the army commander threatened to "step in" to calm political tensions over the president's firing of his deputy.

The Associated Press saw three tanks with several soldiers in a convoy on a road heading toward an army barracks just outside the capital, Harare.

While it is routine for tanks to move along that route, Tuesday's timing heightens unease... Читать дальше...


Nasdaq's under attack over a product that could expose big traders — but one rival says it has been doing this for years

John Lamparski/Getty Images

  • Nasdaq is launching a new data product called Intellicator, that aims to read sentiment toward different segments of the options market.
  • That's prompted criticism from rivals. Startup exchange IEX published a blog Monday calling out Nasdaq for "selling out investors" in order to make money.
  • Nasdaq, which is best known as a US equities exchange operator, has made data a focal point of its business.

"Enough is enough."

IEX... Читать дальше...


Nasdaq's under attack over a product that could expose big traders — but one rival says its been doing this for years

John Lamparski/Getty Images

  • Nasdaq is launching a new data product called Intellicator, that aims to read sentiment toward different segments of the options market.
  • That's prompted criticism from rivals. Startup exchange IEX published a blog Monday calling out Nasdaq for "selling out investors" in order to make money.
  • Nasdaq, which is best known as a US equities exchange operator, has made data a focal point of its business.

"Enough is enough."

IEX... Читать дальше...


RBC: GE's turnaround won't happen fast enough (GE)

Reuters/Alwyn Scott

  • GE's turnaround plan was announced on Monday.
  • For Deane Dray, an analyst at RBC Capital Markets, the plan isn't enough, and won't happen fast enough.
  • Dray downgraded the stock from a buy to a neutral on the news and lowered the price target by 20%.
  • Watch GE stock trade in real time here.

GE's new CEO John Flannery announced a rash of changes on Monday with the hopes of turning around the struggling company. After cutting... Читать дальше...


General Electric is getting hit for a 2nd straight day after announcing its turnaround plan (GE)

Markets Insider

  • Shares of General Electric are down 4.26% at $18.21 as selling continues following Monday's release of the company's turnaround plan. 
  • GE shares have fallen more than 10% since the plan was released.

Shares of General Electric are seeing follow-through selling on Tuesday, trading down 4.26% at $18.21 a piece. The losses come after shares tumbled more than 7% on Monday in response to the company's turnaround plan.

GE announced it was... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура начала проверку из-за загрязнения реки Сетуни в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о суверенной финансовой системе в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Польше заявили о зловещем плане Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Раз нет протестов, будут санкции: как навальнисты и команда Ходорковского меняют стратегию борьбы с Россией

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




«Сурганова и Оркестр» приглашают на Летник на Флагшток


«Главный Советник» на выставке ГОСЗАКАЗ

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