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Racially the right New Year

Alexander Zubchenko

Yes, just "pick up and cancel the" New Year. Change the calendar. What Wise 
and names of the months in the new calendar - "yatsenuary", "Parashar," "groysmart", "badenary", "banderary" - not to be confused with "badenariem" etc.

Alexander Yablokov, "Anti-Fascist Forum of Ukraine» - antifashist.com 14.12.2015

tree and New Year

The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, headed by Vyacheslav Kyrylenko (nicknamed "Penguin"), hit the alarm [1]: an urgent need to do something with Father Frost, Snow Maiden and "Irony of Fate." Too strong in the country, "cotton mood", which are expressed in the mass use of salad "Olivier" watching "Blue lights" and the imposition of the younger generation of patriots of the myth of the so-called "Grandfather Frost".

To remedy the critical situation in all cultural institutions, kindergartens and schools sent recommendations as racially properly celebrate the New Year. The document emphasizes that NG is a way to restore the Kremlin's propaganda of the so-called "savetskie values." In fact, as noted by the Ministry of Culture, is a blatant act of aggression. In fact, the main holiday of true Ukrainians is "rizdvo" (Christmas Day) and New Year's Eve - just a change of date and correct Patriots New Year's Eve standing listening to the Poroshenko and possibly the prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, if he has the time to be held swelling in some parts of the body injured during a brawl in the parliament.

Moreover, strongly recommended to learn from a strategic partner of Ukraine in the celebration of the NG. Santa Claus needs to replace the Soviet Santa Claus, and to give the existing national flavor in every way necessary to promote, implement, so to speak, in the broad masses of cattle-images "Zimonki" and "St. Mykola" (Nicholas).

With "Zimonkoy" all is not easy. First, do not understand the floor of the New Year's character. It seems to be a female, but the Ministry of Culture strongly recommends that the image of a bearded man in blue (!) Costume. In fact, the same Santa Claus, but considerably transformed by enduring European values. In principle, given the experience of Conchita Vyurst "Zimonka" may be Baba. Secondly, it is no guidelines about what this "Zimonka" does, what is its role in the New Year holidays. Whether it reduces the dependence on Russian gas, the nation, or in conjunction with the "Saint Nicholas" handing out gifts on 19 December.

Especially difficult for employees of kindergartens, because in the minds of children is not clear what is happening. Some people believe in Santa Claus, because their parents do not follow the latest instructions of the Ministry of Culture, and continue to educate children in the spirit of Soviet traditions prohibited. More confused Santa Claus with the Finnish Joulupukki, but can not pronounce the name of the latter. Third, watching TV, you must explain in what ways is the Snow Maiden with St. Nicholas (trueinform.ru - "Ivano-Frankivsk Santa Claus came under de-communization" (01.12.2015 15:25)) and where is SpongeBob [2 ]? However, severe kindergarten solved the problem simply: all one must come to the Christmas party in embroidered shirts, and keep in the hands of a snowflake. Dot.

The media are saturated with debates about what is the correct racial Santa Claus is different from the Kremlin Santa Claus. I will not retell the intriguing details, go directly to the terminals. Home - glasses and a wide belt officer. Santa Claus without glasses and belt. Unlike Santa Claus, who also looks like the father of Ukrainian democracy Joe Biden (aged US Vice President).

Of particular concern is the content of the Patriots New Year TV programs. Everyone is afraid, that zombie-box will show the Russian "Blue Light". This is a terrible crime against the nation, since almost all the "spark" has Kobzon and other artists, the Ministry of Culture listed in the black list of the separatists and "Vatnikov." Patriots suspect that the "Inter" can again, like last year, shows a fragment of the "Blue lights". Therefore, the Ukrainian social media actively discussed topic of the pogrom unpatriotic channel.

It is extremely difficult to create a racially correct transmission of the New Year. By Ivo Bobul [3] (Ukrainian performer, the favorite of the Ukrainian audience 70+), no questions asked. He was always dressed in black embroidery, and the repertoire is so right that even the fanatical patriots can not reveal shortcomings, because listening to all of this is basically impossible. There are "kosher" Vakarchuk [4], and that the list ends. Ani Lorak, admittedly, is a separatist. Same story with Sofia Rotaru and Verka Serduchka. It remains only to somehow combine Ivo Bobul with the choir name Ropes same "Ocean Elzy". The problem, you see, is not simple.

The best minds of the Presidential Administration are fighting over how to eradicate "the Russian tradition of celebrating the New Year." All TV channels warned: for improper maintenance may deprive the New Year's broadcast license for broadcasting. So now in great demand "heroes ATO" to be congratulated Ukrainians on the New Year the past two weeks. The list of "heroes" constantly improving, since not all of them, as it turned out, are truly heroes. A lot of criminals, pedophiles and looters. Therefore, a special demand with disabilities. This is no joke, but true. Wheelchair decorated with garlands, hand hero give a glass of champagne, which was then immediately withdrawn, because it props.

The most important event of the New Year's Eve is Valtsmana appeal to the nation. There are pathetic patriotic action with the same disability, Crimean Tatars and BTR-s. And no "Santa Clauses". Only sexless "Zimushka" Santa Claus looks like a Biden same Valtsman with the same glass.

Fedor Yakovlev, December 14, 2015 at 14:48

On the history issue, as the New Year's celebration in the Soviet Union was invited to Ukraine:))

Since the late 1920s, Russia's Christmas tree was under a de facto ban as "bourgeois", "clerical" and anti-Soviet tradition. 
In 1935, the second secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine Pavel Postyshev appealed to Stalin: "Comrade Stalin, that would be a good tradition like people, and children in particular would have brought joy - a Christmas tree. We condemn it now. And do not return any children the tree? 
"Stalin supported the suggestion:" Take the initiative appeared in print with a proposal to return the children to the tree, and we will support. 
"December 28, 1935 in the newspaper" Pravda "published an article Postysheva" Let's organize the New Year children a good Christmas tree 
"The next, 1936, New Year has spread all over the country, there were Christmas markets have become artels made Christmas decorations, gifts were given. On the Christmas tree in 1937 at the House of Soviets in Moscow first appeared Maiden - granddaughter of Santa Claus.


[1] -

In Ukraine may ban Santa Claus "Country IN.UA - Latest news Ukraine
(10-12-2015, 16:56)


[2] -

Sponge Bob New Year


[3] -

Іvo Bobul. Ukraїnskіy spіvak, composer, People's Artist of Ukraine.


[4] -

Download songs of Sviatoslav Vakarchuk to MP3 for free - music compilation albums and artist Svyatoslav Vakarchuk - listen music online on Zaytsev.net


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