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Alexander Kots: Now half the world is at war


Original «News Front» - news-front.info 18.11.2015 14:03

Rumor has it that the head of the Russian Journalists give 500 thousand dollars ... Inflation - in Ukraine, we were worth 100 thousand

Donbass seriously tempered Russian journalists has created a team of experienced professionals - so says the special correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Aleksandr Kots. Now Russian voenkory, including Kotz and his colleague Dmitry Steshin successfully used their experience in Syria, where there is a Russian operation against "Islamic state", which has become a threat to the whole world and our country. In an exclusive interview with the "Russian world" Alexander Kots presented the work in conjunction with the Defense Ministry, about how much the IG provides for a head of Russian journalists, and how Christianity and Islam peacefully coexist in the Syrian Arab Republic. The journalist also explained why Syria need to change, and warned about already started to "export" the war of Syria and Iraq to other countries.

Alexander Kots

- According to your feelings, how much more will be war in Syria and on the other hand, how long it will be a priority topic in the Russian and international media?

- "You know that it is not just us, the Syrians are helping. You first of all protect themselves, "- explains to us the Syrian military, when it came to air operation videoconferencing Russia.

In these words, intonation, facial expressions there was something touching ingratiating, like a first-grader tries to justify himself before his elder brother, who defended the boy by bullies. He would and he could not fight back, but the unequal weight categories. We took it as a mandatory attribute of communication, such as hour tea party, without which there can not do any one thing great. Although aware that the soldiers, exhausted by five-year confrontation, not far from the truth.

The unprecedented bloody attacks of the Islamists last week in the Sinai, in Beirut and Paris demonstrated that the war is not only in Syria or Iraq. It "exported" by hitting the "remote" enemies. And make forecasts about the end of the war falls on the basis of new realities, which in the short term - I think, years - no one is immune from the impacts on the sly. Under war "takeaway" laid solid foundation on which to terrorist attacks in Europe, the Old World shyly covered his eyes. Uncontrolled flows of refugees from the Middle East in favor of tolerance and multiculturalism jeopardized residents enlightened West.

In Russia, the barriers to new infection - and higher, and poshipastee. But as it turned out, our citizens can not feel safe outside the home state. In 47 countries, according to the latest guidelines for airlines.

I do not know how it is titled in the history books 20 years from now - the Third World, the first extra-territorial, new hybrid - but de facto is now half the world is at war. And not only and not so much in a state of armed confrontation, as in the mode of conflict of civilization. We are faced with the ideology of terror and intimidation, which, unfortunately, shared by a great number of people. I will say a seditious thing, but it is an axiom: no terrorist entity is not able to hold their positions for a long time (and fighting, and socio-political) without the support of local people. This is another component of this war - the battle for the minds, if you will. Not only defeat the enemy on the battlefield. It has to be overcome in the minds of ordinary people, who are now just fascinated by the idea of a religious state. Syria - a country-bureaucratic scared, packed with huge quantity of various special services, the Mukhabarat, watching everyone and everything. IG also provides a simple alternative where any disputes resolved quickly Sharia court. It is captivating. Therefore, the complete victory of Damascus enough to defeat Islamic militants. Syria should be changed.



- In Syria, involving our military, how it affects your work - in terms of greater responsibility, security and possible limitations?

- Political Department of the Syrian army, of course, is now in a light shock. It is accustomed to monitor the work of foreign journalists in their own land, and suddenly, as the FAB-500 from the sky, they dumped a huge crowd of reporters outside the control. Yes, and with press officers let the friendly, but still another country. But after some confusion with the work of journalists by the Russian military still it was regulated. It was built on a simple principle. If you are arriving from the Russian military to cover the operation of air and space forces, the Russian military for you and respond. It's quite an impressive pool of running the program, spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry. Our base in Latakia - modal object, therefore, of course, there are certain limitations. But this process is adjusted quite simple: you're told that you can shoot and what is not. And this is normal. I have been at the US base Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, where there are orders authoritarian. If journalists are taken from the base "in the field", through the Political Department of the army ensured a certain level of security. Nothing, however, is not guaranteed. War is war.

For example, we arrived in the town of Achan in northern province of Hama. Just before he was released by the government army. For press pool works exclusively in the territory of the base, an incredible success - finally escaped to the "operating room". On the left, about five kilometers away, aviation someone "irons", a pillar of smoke. To the right, behind the orchard, discarded terrorists hiding. In the village - and underground tunnels, and the flag of the "Islamic state" to tread, and pick "Toyota" burned and store home-made weapons ... Beauty! But at some point the Islamists decided to abort the "tour" and rushed to Achan in a counterattack. The firing from all sides, the soldiers running around with guns, BMP pounding of 73-millimeter "Thunder" ... Also, in general, good luck, too beautiful. But the representative of the Russian Defense Ministry Igor Klimov was painful to watch. The people we are, then really there is not the most disciplined, and the responsibility - on it.

- In general, how dangerous the work voenkorov in Syria in comparison with the Donbas and other conflicts, there is a risk of kidnapping, injury and, God forbid, the murder of journalists?

- Risk - immeasurable thing. It is difficult to assess at any scale, can only try to minimize. It seemed to me that the Donbass seriously tempered Russian journalists, burned them thoroughly, created a team of professional, experienced reporters who understand that none of the frame is not worth living.

We discussed this question, sitting at a table in Damascus. And we agreed on the fact that in the Donets Basin yet happened is more dangerous. On the one hand, there are fewer restrictions bureaucratic. However, the intensity of the fire is much higher, especially if you take the summer campaign of last year or this winter.

Fatalism Syrian fighters adjacent to the recklessness, sometimes just annoying. Occupying a position they are not even trying to dig in, as a consequence - the loss of which could have been avoided. Well-industrial complex - just tears. Body armor, I have not seen them.



As for the abduction - the same rule as in the Donbass not ride on the navigator. Patchwork terrible, and not knowing the right road, you can easily call in the company, making the orange robes. Rumor has it that the head of the Russian Journalists give 500 thousand dollars ... Inflation - in Ukraine, we were worth 100 thousand.

- There is no war without heroes. New Russia has given us a galaxy of heroes. In Syria, this is not how you think, why? What kind of a heroic and interesting characters you met there?

- It's all very simple. The New Russia we are these characters speak the same language. In every sense of the well-established expression. I have no doubt that the Syrians have their heroes, but it seemed to me, because of the mental characteristics of the local war propaganda tries not to allocate someone relying on the collective achievements. However, the colorful characters, of course. For example, a tank battalion commander Yasser Ali, a huge bearded guy and a real fan of his case. "My tanks", - he said affectionately about his outdated T-55. Despite the menacing look and military arrogance, amateur pobalagurit. Conducts page to Facebook, the main content of which, as you might imagine - tanks.

- How many have seen and talked with the volunteers, from what countries they are, whether there is in Russia, what makes them tick? Does volunteerism in the course of the war?

- Volunteers are not met, but have heard that even the militia from the Donbas offer to go to Syria. There's fighting units from Iran, very closed guys. There are groups of Lebanese "Hezbollah" - is not the most talkative contingent. By all accounts, these men without fear and reproach. Of course, in the course of the war, they are unlikely to affect, but in certain strategic areas such as Zabadani and Aleppo - completely.

- In your opinion, what are the ideological aspects of the war in Syria, the main rationale for why Russia is helping?

- I do not want to speculate on the geopolitical benefits of the return of influence in the Middle East, about the reputational success. Let's leave it to political scientists. The main justification - a geographical map. From our border to the Syrian - less than from Moscow to St. Petersburg. This tumor - IG - progresses, blowing metastases and in Afghanistan, and Central Asia. Thousands of our fellow citizens are fighting under the black banner of the "Islamic state." And openly threatened us. Do you think there would be a terrorist attack on Sinai, if we had not got in? Hell no! Sooner or later we would have to face this threat. So why not play on pre-emption.

- Let's talk about the role of Christianity in Syria: what are the features as Orthodox manages to survive next to the IG?

- Perhaps no other country in the Middle East, I have not seen that Islam and Christianity are so closely side by side with each other. And peaceful. On the same street can stand four mosques, three churches, two shops with alcohol and one night club in which a girl with a tattoo of an angel on the shoulder smartly prepare you "Tequila Boom". Many told us that prior to the conflict did not even know who is a Sunni friends who Alava, who were friends and who Yezidi Syrian ... A unique "melting pot", based on a system of checks and balances worked flawlessly. The war itself-it began, as elsewhere, is not a religious differences, and with a completely sane social demands. Assad's regime initially respond to tough and awkward. As a result, when Damascus has decided to make concessions, time was lost, intercepted Islamists protest.



It was one of the worst of our reportages - "Christian ghetto" Islamic state "." Firsthand we were able to learn how to live our fellow believers in the lands controlled by the IG.Learn from people who have escaped from there. Their situation in the occupied territories is not much different from the fate of the Jews in some Warsaw ghetto. Only instead of the Star of David on his chest - an obligatory shaving heads. Such a distinctive sign to the street it was immediately clear: there is a "subhuman." The whole life of Christians, if they are not executed immediately, subject to a set of rules described in a special document - macromolecule. Translated - indulgence. Here are some excerpts from it: "Do not stand in front of a Muslim and a look in his eyes. We must bow our heads. If the believer is sitting on a chair, a Christian should sit next to him on his heels. Christian has no right to engage in trade, and to pay tribute - dzhizyi: four and a quarter grams of gold for every man - a family member. It is forbidden to leave the village, to pray, to carry the cross or holy books ... ". Under threat of death, even trifling action, which can be regarded as a threat to the IG. Also, death awaits those who are secretly working for the state. At odds with the Christian Muslim is always wrong because it nepravoverny. And in order to sentence him to death, only two witnesses.

- The actions of Russian Air Force led to mass desertions in the IG and destroyed the myth of its invincibility. Is the IG so "great and terrible", as it is described by Western media as seen from a distance closer?

- Still, what we know about the IG, for the most part - the fruits of propaganda. As with that, and from this side. I watched reports Todenhofera Jurgen, a German journalist, who spent ten days in the "Islamic state." It looks more amazing. The same high traffic on the roads, the same open shops with armor, people walk the streets, the traffic police at intersections is ... I suspect that Todenhoferu showed the front shop window, but it was not like Intense Middle Ages, as we used to see the IG . At the same time a German reporter clearly see that they are people who do not care much for the sake of killing his goals: a hundred people, a thousand or a million. They will stop at nothing.

Big mistake to think that igilovets - is a barefoot, bearded peasant with an old "Kalashnikov". IG - is clearly structured terrorist organization with its headquarters in which labor, including former officers of Bashar al-Assad, the former officers of Saddam Hussein. They know how to plan and conduct major offensive operations. And they are not afraid to die. The "Islamic State" completely self-sufficient in financial terms - at the expense of the oil trade, smuggling of historical artifacts, values and export trade hostages. Without IG's own economy would long ago have blown away.

- The same question that your colleague Dmitry Steshin war in Syria - is only part of World War II. Where else can start a fire that tells your journalistic intuition?

- As I said, the war will be gradually exported. We are unlikely to live to the positional battles in European cities, but I am sure that the attacks in Paris - not the last. This is not a one-time actions that IG suits to intimidate the infidels. This is the only possible form of war for them in enemy territory.

Prepared Daria Andreeva

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