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Новости за 04.09.2017


Ministry of Defense: Armenia did not initially plan to participate in  NATO exercises Agile Spirit 2017

ArmInfo.Speculations about Armenia's refusal to participate at the last moment in NATO's Agile Spirit 2017 exercise are inappropriate. This is stated in the  statement of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, received in ArmInfo.  "Taking into account that in a number of mass media the information  that Armenia at the last moment refused to participate in the  exercises that started in Georgia on September 3, the Ministry of  Defense of Armenia states that representatives of the Defense  Ministry... Читать дальше...


Converse Bank has completed the initial placement of its 1 billion dram bonds

ArmInfo. Converse Bank on September 4 completed the initial placement of its AMD 1 billion drams, which started on August 3. As the press service of the Bank  told ArmInfo, Underwriter of Converse Bank bonds was the company  "Capital Investments", which in the secondary market will act as a  market-maker of this issue. With the completion of the initial  placement, Converse Bank's dram bonds will be listed on the Nasdaq  OMX Armenia exchange for circulation on the secondary market.  According to the source... Читать дальше...


Ardshinbank was the first in Armenia to issue payment cards  ArCa-WORLD

ArmInfo.Ardshinbank was the first in Armenia to start issuing chip payment cards ArCa-MIR, which are serviced both in Armenia and throughout Russia. The press service of Ardshinbank informed ArmInfo about this. As previously noted by the project participants, the main purpose of  issuing and servicing these joint cards is to provide citizens of  both countries with even more high-quality services, the development  of non-cash payments and the expansion of the geography of card  transactions of national payment systems. Читать дальше...


Լիդիան Արմենիայի 3բուլդոզերավարները ՀՀ նախագահից ստացաներախտագիտության մեդալներ 

Արմինֆո.ՀՀ նախագահ Սերժ  Սարգսյանն այսօր փրկարարի օրվա առթիվ կազմակերպված տոնական շքերթի ժամանակ, ի թիվս այլ պարգևների, երախտագիտության մեդալներ և շնորհակալագրեր հանձնեց նաև Ամուլսարի ծրագիրն իրականացնող Լիդիան Արմենիա ընկերության երեք աշխատակիցներին, ովքեր Արտավանում բռնկված հրդեհի ժամանակ ԱԻՆ փրկարարների հետ համատեղ մասնակցել են հրդեհաշիջման աշխատանքներին և աչքի են ընկել իրենց արհեստավարժ ու անձնուրաց աշխատանքով։ Լիդիանի աշխատակիցներ Մանուկ Մովսիսյանը, Արսեն Ստեփանյանը և Աշոտ Ստեփանյանը ծանր տեխնիկայի օպերատորներ են՝ բուլդոզերավաներ... Читать дальше...


A forest is burning near Byurakan

ArmInfo.At 15:26 clock local time on September 3, the Ministry of Emergencies of Armenia received a report on a fire in the forest on the mountain adjacent to  the village of Byurakan, Aragatsotn region of Armenia.As the press  service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of  Armenia told ArmInfo, two combat crews and a crisis response team  moved to the site of the fire. At the same time, the department notes  that the head of the regional department of the  Ministry of Emergency Situations, Lieutenant-Colonel A. Читать дальше...


Кардиологу Араратской территориальной комиссии по призыву предъявлено обвинение в связи со смертью военнослужащего Сурена Мовсисяна

АрмИнфо.Следственным комитетом Армении окончено предварительноe расследование по уголовному делу о смерти обязательного военнослужащего Сурена Мовсисяна. Обвинение по данному делу предъявлено врачу- кардиологу Араратской территориальной комиссии по призыву. Как сообщает пресс-служба СК Армении, сигнал о смерти Мовсисяна поступил 29 мая 2016 года, его состояние резко ухудшилось в центре управления артилерийского подразделения N-ой военной части. Мовсисян скончался на пути в военный госпиталь.  Согласно заключению судмедэкспертизы... Читать дальше...


The fire in the territory of the national park "Dilijan" is  extinguished

ArmInfo. On September 4, a fire broke out in the area around 09:00 on the territory near the "Gosh plot" branch of the "Dilijan" National Park SNCO in Armenia. As the press service of the Ministry of Nature Protection of Armenia  reports, the fire was localized and extinguished by the forces of the  national park staff. There is no significant damage to the forest.   According to the information, another foci of fire is completely  isolated - in the territory of Arevik national park in Syunik region  of Armenia. Читать дальше...


Rostelecom Armenia improved introduction of internet-tariff within  Rinternet tariff packages 

ArmInfo. Rostelecom Armenia introduced new "Megabyte complex" offer. The company noted that all subscribers of Rinternet 7000, Rinternet 7500 and Rinternet  10000 packages will be provided with Internet service of higher speeds. According to the press service of the company, the subscribers will  be able to access the following speeds:  Rinternet 7000-18MB/s  (instead of previous 12MB/s) Rinternet 7500-24MB/s (instead of  previous 17 MB/s) Rinternet 10000-40MB/s (instead of previous 35MB/s) According to the source... Читать дальше...


NKR DM: Azerbaijan`s increase in defense spending testifies Baku`s  intention to settle Karabakh issue by force

ArmInfo.From year to year, Azerbaijan increases its defense spending, which indicates  Baku's intention to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh issue by force.  Colonel Viktor Arustamyan, chief of the operational department of Defense Army of Nagorno Karabakh Republic stated at the conference "Military-Political Tactics of the Enemy and Our Actions" organized by ARF "Dashnaktsutyun" on September 4 in Yerevan. According to him, Azerbaijan's reduction of financing its own defense  needs over the past two years is due to a drop in world oil prices. Читать дальше...


Arustamyan: NKR Defense Army does not yet have systems for  reconnaissance in the enemy`s rear area

ArmInfo.The NKR Defense Army still does not have systems for reconnaissance in the enemy's rear. The Head of the operational department of the Defense Army of  the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Colonel Viktor Arustamyan announced  this at the conference "Military-Political Tactics of the Enemy and  Our Actions" organized by the ARF "Dashnaktsutyun" on September 4 in  Yerevan. According to him, prior to last April's war in the NKR Defense Army,  there was not enough number of night and day vision systems... Читать дальше...


Deputy Minister: Military Industry Complex already shows successful  results

ArmInfo. The development of the national military-industrial complex is in the number of military and political priorities of Armenia. The Deputy Minister of Defense  of Armenia Artak Zakaryan at the conference organized by the ARF  stated this on September 4.   Zakaryan also noted that some products of the national  military-industrial complex are already actively used in the armed  forces of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. To note, during the last April's fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh... Читать дальше...


Zakaryan: Until there is a political solution to the Karabakh issue,  the Armenian armed forces must have the potential to influence the  enemy`s aggression

ArmInfo.Due to the absence of a breakthrough in the negotiation process on the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement, the Armenian side should be ready for periodic  exacerbations on the front line. The ARF Dashnaktsutyun announced this at the conference organized on September 4, Deputy Defense Minister Artak Zakaryan stated. According to him, after signing the trilateral ceasefire agreement in  1994, Azerbaijan periodically violates the ceasefire regime, with the  aim of regaining control over Nagorno-Karabakh. Читать дальше...


Dashnaktsakan: Armenia is an independent state, and can independently  decide in which exercises to take part, and in which there is no

ArmInfo.Armenia is an independent state, and can independently decide in which exercises to participate, and in which there is not. A spokesman for the ARF  Dashnaktsutyun party bureau Hrant Margaryan commented on the refusal  of Armenia to participate in the NATO exercises in Georgia. At the same time, he did not agree with the statement that this might  somehow affect the image of Armenia.  "I do not think so. Armenia is  in a certain military-political camp, all states are in that kind,  and... Читать дальше...


Deputy Minister of Defense: There is no political implication in the  non-participation of the Armenian Armed Forces in the NATO exercise  Agile Spirit 2017

ArmInfo.There is no political implication in the non- participation of the Armenian armed forces in the multinational military exercises of NATO Agile Spirit  2017. Armenian Deputy Defense Minister Artak Zakaryan stated this in  a conversation with journalists. "The Armenian Defense Ministry did not officially announce that it  will take part in the multinational military exercises of NATO Agile  Spirit 2017," the Armenian Deputy Defense Minister said. According to him, there is nothing supernatural... Читать дальше...


Armenian Defense Ministry is interested in defensive products of  China

ArmInfo. Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan on August 4 during his official visit to Beijing visited the company "Poly Group", leading research and  development in the fields of defense products, mining, real estate  and culture. According to the press service of the Defense Ministry of Armenia,  during the meeting of the head of the Armenian Defense Ministry with  the leadership of the company "Poly Group" which in recent years has  recorded great progress in the sphere of the military industry... Читать дальше...


Armenia to participate in the training "Combat Commonwealth 2017"  within the framework of the CIS against the backdrop of refusal to  participate in NATO exercises

ArmInfo. The Armenian delegation headed by the Chief of the Air Defense Forces of Armed Forces, Colonel Armen Vardanyan will take part in the meeting of the  Air Defense Coordination Committee under the Council of CIS Defense  Ministers and in the joint trainings "Combat Commonwealth 2017" in  Moscow and Astrakhan from September 4 to 6. The delegation headed by Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia,  Lieutenant-General Movses Hakobyan will also take part in the final  of the training "Combat Commonwealth 2017" in Astrakhan... Читать дальше...


С 4-8 сентября на территории Армении ожидается высокий риск возникновения пожара

АрмИнфо. Синоптики предупреждают: с 4-8 сентября на территории республики ожидается высокий риск возникновения пожара ! Не стоит также ждать дождей.  Согласно информации МЧС Армении, с 4-8 сентября ожидается погода без осадков. Ветер юго-западный с порывами до 3-8 м/с. Температура воздуха 7-8-го сентября понизится на 2-4 градуса. В Ереване с 4-8 сентября ожидается погода без осадков. С 4-го августа по 6-е температура воздуха будет держаться на уровне 35-38 градусов тепла, а 7-8 августа температура понизится до 33-35 градусов.


Minister of Culture and Affairs of the Church of Denmark laid flowers  to the memorial of the victims of the Armenian Genocide

ArmInfo. A delegation of the Ministry of Culture and Affairs of the Church of Denmark headed by Minister Mete Bock is in Yerevan. On the eve of the Danish delegation visited the memorial of the  victims of the Armenian Genocide, laid flowers to the eternal flame.  Within the framework of the visit, meetings with representatives of  the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of  Armenia, visits to the cultural and historical sites of the republic  are planned. The Danish delegation... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Московскую компанию заподозрили в хищении 103 млн рублей при реализации нацпроекта в Орле

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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