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Теория Рекламы :: RE: Общая Теория Рекламы: Реклама Агрессии (комментарии) 10

Автор: Dimitriy
Добавлено: 27.02.2021 1:50 (GMT 3)

"Могу сказать, что жена г-на Зеленского до сих пор является владельцем имущества на территории республики Крым, задолженности по коммунальным платежам нет, значит оккупантам в кавычках он все платит активно, спокойно. Ничего не смущает, ну держит (недвижимость) на тот случай, если придется просить политического убежища у нас", – сказал (https://t.me/navideovidno/18154) Аксенов в эфире канала "Россия 24".


25 февр. 2021 г
Источник видео.


26 февр. 2021 г
Источник видео.


Ильхам Алиев: Мы создадим в Азербайджане малую модель турецкой армии
«Есть документы, в которых фиксируются вопросы взаимной военной помощи. Когда возникнет угроза Азербайджану, за нами будет стоять братская Турция», - сказал глава государства.
Президент отметил, что с первого дня войны Турция поддерживала Азербайджан.
«Слова моего уважаемого брата Р.Т. Эрдогана оказали большую политическую поддержку. Это стало сигналом миру: «Стойте в стороне!». Министр обороны Турции Акар, министр иностранных дел Чавушоглу и другие высокопоставленные лица выразили однозначную поддержку. Турция и Азербайджан - это две братские страны, самые близкие друг к другу. Поэтому современная модель турецкой армии является для нас наиболее приемлемой», - сказал президент.

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Заговорил и сам разработчик «Искандера» Владимир Ковалев: «Пашинян – невежественный дилетант»
«Премьер-министр срочно нуждается в ликвидации своей безграмотности, нужен ликбез. Он, видимо, либо двоечником был в школе, либо краем уха слышал, что мощность боезаряда экспортного «Искандера» на 10% ниже, чем российского. Москва от Еревана никогда этого не скрывала. Но Пашинян всё перепутал и ляпнул, что, мол, армянский боезаряд ракеты взрывается лишь на 10%. То есть он всё перепутал. Такой нелепости даже в знаменитых армянских анекдотах не бывает».

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Ильхам Алиев призвал Россию забрать «Искандеры» из Армении
«Еще в то время, когда эти ракеты были поставлены в Армению, я говорил, что это неправильный шаг, что этот шаг не служит укреплению мира и стабильности в регионе, что он не сдержит нас. И во время войны мы предлагали российской стороне забрать «Искандеры» обратно, и я до сих пор придерживаюсь такого мнения, что единственный путь, который мог бы предотвратить вот такое трагическое развитие ситуации в регионе, это забрать эти ракеты и перестать бесплатно передавать Еревану вооружение», - заявил Алиев в пятницу на пресс-конференции для иностранных и местных СМИ.

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Kremlin takes swipe at Navalny's reputation as he is sent to prison colony
Amnesty has denied it was pressured into the decision, saying “propaganda by the Russian authorities is recognisable as such”. But figures such as Margarita Simonyan, the head of the state-funded RT news network, have taken a victory lap, writing that “our columnist used concrete examples that reminded everyone he [Navalny] is a Nazi”.
The decision came days before Navalny’s transfer began from a Moscow jail to a prison colony somewhere in Russia, a journey during which he will disappear for days or even weeks before his location is revealed. Russia has ignored a ruling from the European court of human rights to free him because his safety could not be ensured in a prison.
Amnesty has said it will continue to push for Navalny’s release, but supporters say its move has already done real damage. Some, like the Navalny ally Leonid Volkov, said the organisation’s leadership was “unfit”. Others said they would demand the organisation return the status to Navalny.
“What they’re trying to do is to cut out international support for him … to create doubt whether we should be supporting this guy. Is this a good guy?” said Jamison Firestone, a lawyer who had previously worked with Sergei Magnitsky, a tax lawyer who died in a Russian jail in 2009, and has pushed for sanctions against Russian officials.
At issue is whether a series of videos from the early 2000s produced by Navalny opposing migrant workers – as well as his refusal to apologise for them – should downplay the public campaign for his release from prison, which has been driven by his investigations into corruption and for leading protests against Vladimir Putin.
Amnesty has said its decision was internal and the focus on it is distracting from securing Navalny’s release. But in a phone call with a Russian prankster pretending to be Volkov, senior Amnesty officials admitted the decision had “done a lot of damage” and that “we may have done more harm than good at this time”.

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U.S. diplomat openly calls for Christian nation-states, rails against Jews
A State Department official for several years has been publicly calling for the establishment of Christian nation-states, warning that white people face “elimination” and railing against Jews as well as Black Lives Matter and other social movements.

President Joe Biden has made diversity a priority for his administration and has sharply criticized anything that smacks of white supremacy and anti-Semitism. The Pentagon already has launched a campaign to root out white nationalists and other extremists in the military. While there’s no similar effort underway in Foggy Bottom, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced he is creating a new position, chief diversity and inclusion officer, to promote that ideal.
According to a directory viewed by POLITICO, Berggren is currently assigned to a State Department unit that handles special immigrant visas for Afghans. His previous positions have included serving as a financial management officer at the U.S. Embassy in Bahrain, according to an older directory.
Asked about Berggren, a spokesperson for the State Department declined to say whether his remarks had led to internal disciplinary measures of any kind. “We will not comment on internal personnel matters beyond saying that these are personal views and do not represent those of the State Department,” the spokesperson said. “As a department, we embrace and champion diversity, equity and inclusion as a source of strength.”

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Twitter must allow Donald Trump back – the ban makes no sense at all

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Brexit: DUP orders halt to construction of permanent food import inspection posts in Northern Ireland

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Ted Cruz just made his first public speech since Cancun and oh boy, was it a journey

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‘Look What You Did to Us’: The Big Chill of Texas Politics
Her electric power had remained on as the deepest freeze in recorded history struck the nation’s seventh largest city, plunging millions into below-freezing conditions, darkness and disillusion. But the water had been out for three days. She drank what bottled water she had and worried that food would run out in her neighborhood on the largely poor and Latino west side before the city’s basic services came back.

“I really didn’t know if it was going to stop,” she said through her tears. “I was depressed.” She had lost her 56-year-old son, Robert, an Army veteran, to Covid-19 in December and now this. She desperately wanted to go to church, but at 72, with inches of freak snow and sheer black ice coating the streets, venturing out was too dangerous. A full week would pass before she left her home and only then it wasn’t for the store; it was for Guadalupe Church on El Paso Street to light a votive candle.

As President Joe Biden landed in Houston Friday, temperatures had returned to a balmier 76 degrees or so, but the merciless arctic freeze that crippled the state, knocking out power to as many as 4 million people for several days, has left a trail of damage that will take weeks, if not months, to repair. Economists estimate the total damage of winter storm Uri will exceed $100 billion, placing it on the scale of Hurricanes Harvey and Ike, the second and third most costly in recent U.S. history. The death toll, now hovering around 30 in Texas (80 across all the states hit), seems likely to more than triple to Harvey and Ike levels, too. About 1 million people in South Texas are hungry.

The hardest breach to repair, however, might be between Texans and their elected officials. Over the course of the cascading humanitarian crisis high-ranking Texas politicians didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory.
First, Austin falsely blamed renewable energy, even assailing a policy proposal that hadn’t even become law yet. One GOP member of Congress sent a letter to constituents with a link to warming centers before closing with a warning that “radical ideologies have politicized energy policy at the state and federal level in recent years.” Then they went after the utility industry that was once the state’s pride.
“The Electric Reliability Council of Texas has been anything but reliable over the past 48 hours,” said Gov. Greg Abbott, rebuking the independent entity that controls power generation across almost the entire state. Officials managed to skip past their pledge from a decade ago, after the
last catastrophic freeze, to winterize their power plants. Then, instead of chipping in, as former Congressman Beto O’Rourke did, several of the state’s most prominent Republican elected officials headed out for warmer locales, or at least ones where the power was still on.
And the public, trapped in their flooded, frozen, barren-fridge misery, noticed.

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Potato Head doesn’t belong in the ‘culture wars’ – just stop all the right-wing wailing

“It’s just a potato” will be the response of many – whichever way you feel – about the news that Hasbro is dropping the “Mr” and “Mrs” from the branding of the potato head toys.
For people like Piers Morgan and Ben Shapiro, it is a step too far. Morgan oddly roped the move in with the Covid-19 crisis, as if that has anything to do with it, saying: “Imagine doing this in the middle of a global pandemic because you’re terrified of offending a few wokies… So spineless and depressing.” As for Shapiro, his acid take was: “Barbie must be renamed something more gender-neutral. This is imperative.” There have been plenty of others suggesting – completely appropriately – that this is merely the latest step towards destroying all that is good and decent.
Beyond the needless vitriol, they are right in one sense. Mr and Mrs Potato Head are just potatoes – why the need to remove the honorific on something that has been that way for decades? Well, the reverse is true also. What are you losing by taking the honorifics out of the branding? Nothing. Hasbro has been at pains to point out that the characters will retain the names – but the branding on the toy will not. So, in actual fact, they are arguing over two or three letters on a box.
Hasbro, not unlike many companies before it, has gone for the Schrödinger approach – a move that is both significant and insignificant (with the change only really happening when you open the box). For those households who want to keep the honorifics, there is nothing stopping you once the two are out of the box – Hasbro has said the individual names are not changing.
But for those who would prefer not to use them, this change offers a choice. In the grand scheme of things it isn’t a big one – but it will matter to some. It is the type of change that will be insignificant until it isn’t – until you have that one person it is very significant to. Less so for the actual dropping of the honorifics, but more for the general move towards less clearly defined boundaries.
Some may not like it, but in reality it affects the vast majority of people very little – and isn’t that worth it for the few that it does affect? After a couple of days of wailing from right-wing Twitter and statements like this one from GLAAD, an LGBTQ+ advocacy group – “Hasbro is helping kids to simply see toys as toys” – the hype will die down and the toy (perhaps with another convulsion of Twitter vitriol) will launch later in the year.
So no, Potato Head shouldn’t be part of the “culture wars”, as it is all about choice. You have a choice to buy the toy or not. You have a choice to use the honorifics or not. While I think that Hasbro is trying to have its cake and eat it, and anyone is well within their rights to dismiss the move as faintly ridiculous (without the Morgan-level vitriol), this decision means there is more choice out in the world. Isn’t that a good thing?

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Реклама Агрессии.

С сожалением и понятными пожеланиями, Dimitriy.

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