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How to find and assassinate all the fearsome Zealots of Valhalla

 How to find and assassinate all the fearsome Zealots of Valhalla

Ready to take on the AC Valhalla Zealots? Find them here.

Looking for all AC Valhalla Zealots locations? You may have stumbled across some Zealots early on in the game, or noticed the white helmet markers on your map of these enforcers of the AC Valhalla Order of the Ancients. These markers pinpoint the location of any Zealot you have passed within close range of, even if you didn't notice them at the time. If you've accidentally run into one of them, you'll know about it as they can be pretty tough opponents. 

If you're after the legendary weapon, AC Valhalla Excalibur, you'll need to kill at least three Zealots to acquire it. One of the earlier quests involves burning a scroll with your name on it, to prevent the Zealots from adding you to their hit list and actively hunting you. If you don't want to track them yourself, leaving the scroll intact is a good way to bring them to you. Just be prepared.

There are 15 AC Valhalla Zealot locations scattered across 9th century England. Read on to find out where to find them all.

How to find Zealots in AC Valhalla

You can check the status of Zealots by opening the 'Order' page in your menu. They are listed down the left and right sides of the page, bordering the central Order of the Ancients members. Undiscovered Zealots will have their icons blacked out, while Zealots you've stumbled across will be revealed. This guide will work clockwise around the menu, from the top, starting down the right side.

Many Zealots patrol entire regions, so patience is required if you don't want to be wandering aimlessly. The good news is that once you've triggered their white shield on the map, the game will track their location. This makes them much easier to find when you're ready to fight them.  

Speaking of which, remember that each Zealot's difficulty is not necessarily tied to the zone they patrol. So keep this in mind if you plan to attack one in a low-level area.

All AC Valhalla Zealots locations


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Glowecestrescire
  • Suggested Power: 280

You'll find Beorhtsige riding around the roads of Glowecestrescire. I found him north-west of Thieves Warren, riding along the road heading east. If you have the patience, you can wait here. You'll be alerted when he rides into range.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Sciropescire
  • Suggested Power: 160

Wealdmaer rides along the main roads of Sciropescire. I came across him south-west of Quatford and west of Wenlocan Abbey travelling south. If you have the patience, you can wait here and be alerted when he rides into range.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Eurviscire and Lincolnscire
  • Suggested Power: 90

Cola can be found in most supermarkets, usually on the drinks aisle. Just kidding. He's in the far south of Eurviscire, patrolling along the road into Lincolnscire. I found him in the south-eastern corner of Eurviscire, just south of Fiscartun.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Eurvicscire
  • Suggested Power: 280

Callin can be found riding along the roads of Eurvicscire. I found him in the south-eastern corner of the region, on the road north-east of Rodestan Monolith.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Grantebridgescire
  • Suggested Power: 90

You can find Eorforwine patrolling the main roads of Grantebridgescire. She rides around in the forested area north-west of Utbech. As the area is relatively small, hanging out near the main road should reveal her fairly quickly.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Ledecestrescire
  • Suggested Power: 90

You can find Redwalda patrolling the roads in Ledecestrescire. I regularly spotted her close to Venonis, a large Roman ruin located just north of Alcestre Monastery. Whether her patrol path is quite short or I was just lucky, I don't know. But you shouldn't have to wait long to find her.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: East Anglia
  • Suggested Power: 160

Wuffa rides along the main roads of East Anglia. I found her on the road west of Theotford and east of Grantebridge.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Grantebridgescire
  • Suggested Power: 90

Kendall patrols the main roads of Grantebridgescire in the area around Walden and Wandrie. I located him right next to the synchronisation point at Black Peak. The main road ends here, so he rode past me before turning around and heading back the way he came.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Lincolnscire
  • Suggested Power: 220

Osgar can be found riding the roads of Lincolnscire. I found him travelling on the road just north-west of Cruwland.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Oxenefordscire
  • Suggested Power: 130

You'll find Horsa roaming the main roads of Oxenefordscire to the north of the river. He travels on foot, so may be a little harder to spot. I located him at the very north-east corner of the region, just south of where Oxenefordscire meets Ledecestrescire and Grantebridgescire.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Oxenefordscire
  • Suggested Power: 160

Cudberct can be found wandering the main roads of Oxenefordscire. I found him on the road to the far south, close to the border with Hamtunscire and just east of Readingum Abbey.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Suthsexe
  • Suggested Power: 280

Hrothgar was especially tricky to find. He's supposed to roam all over Suthsexe, but I eventually found him horseless and stood in one spot. Specifically, he was on the road right next to the Hamtunscire border and directly east of Fearnhamme.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Hamtunscire
  • Suggested Power: 340

Bercthun patrols the main roads of Hamtunscire. I found him on foot, walking along the road north-west of Wincestre and south of Wocig. 


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Essexe
  • Suggested Power: 250

You can find Heike patrolling the main roads of Essexe. I located him riding south on the road just a little north of Belesduna Bandit Camp.


(Image credit: Ubisoft)
  • Location: Cent
  • Suggested Power: 220

Woden patrols the main roads of Cent. I found him on the road between the synchronisation points of Canterbury and the one south-east of Tonbridge Monastery. He was travelling down the road just south of the group of ponds. 

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