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Hamas launch attack on Tel Aviv for first time in months as pics show Iron Dome intercepting rockets fired from Gaza

HAMAS has launched a chilling barrage of rocket attacks on Israel for the first time in months forcing civilians to flee their homes.

Rocket sirens were loudly blasted across Tel Aviv after eight missiles were said to have been launched from Gaza with pictures showing Israel’s famous Iron Dome intercepting several of them in mid-air.

Hamas claim they fired multiple rockets at Israel for the first time in nearly four months as they were seen flying over the Rafah crossing[/caption]
Rocket sirens were set off across Tel Aviv as the missiles flew overhead[/caption]
The moment some of the rockets were dramatically intercepted by the Iron Dome[/caption]
A huge crater was found in the town of Kfar Saba thought to be due to a rocket impact[/caption]

The Israeli military say no injuries have been reported yet despite Hamas’ military wing, Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, labelling it a “big missile” attack.

Hamas announced they were aiming for Israel’s largest city, saying: “We fired a large salvo at Tel Aviv in response to the Zionist massacres of civilians.”

It is thought the barrage of missiles came from the city of Rafah where Israel has been constantly bombarding with strikes as they look to end the bloody war.

Rocket sirens rang out around Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Petah Tikva today as petrified locals were forced to take cover as the rockets flew overhead.

Israel’s impressive Iron Dome technology was seen in action for the first time since December as they thwarted the missiles out of the air.

The mobile, all-weather air defence system managed to bring down a number of the rockets.

The dome is made up of missile batteries which are shaped like giant match boxes and are tilted in the direction of Gaza.

The impressive Iron Dome is only set up to detect rockets heading towards highly populated regions in Israel such as Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.

Pictures from Israeli media show a huge crater in the town of Kfar Saba that is thought to have come from one of the blasts.

Missile fragments were also found in civilian’s gardens in Herzliya – a more rural part of the country.

Israel’s ambulance service, Magen David Adom, announced that several people had suffered acute anxiety due to the warnings.

The latest attack comes after Israel was told to immediately cease its operation in Rafah, a southern part of the Gaza Strip where countless Palestinians have been sheltering.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) said the humanitarian crisis in Rafah had “deteriorated further”, with the situation now “disastrous”.

ICJ President Nawaf Salam said: “Israel must immediately halt its military offensive.”

What is the Iron Dome?

The Iron Dome is a mobile, all-weather air defence system in Israel designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and 155mm artillery shells fired from a distance of 4km to 70km.

It intercepts rockets that are travelling in the direction of a urban areas and brings them down – it is the first system of its kind in the world.

Developed by Rafael Advanced Defence Systems, if can be operated in all weather conditions including fog, dust storm, low clouds and rain.

The system was ready for use in March 2011 and in April it had successfully intercepted a BM-21 Grad launched from Gaza for the first time.

The Jerusalem Post reported that the Iron Dome had shot down 90 per cent of rockets launched from Gaza that would have landed in populated areas.

It is part of a future multi-tiered missile defence system being developed by Israel, but each interception rocket launch costs $50,000.

The dome is made up of missile batteries which are shaped like giant match boxes and are tilted in the direction of Gaza.

It can detect a target using radar and monitors its trajectory.

A control centre then calculates an interception point and then commands a rocket to launch if the foreign missile is heading towards an urban area.

Once in contact with the missile, the rocket explodes and brings it down.

Each launcher contains 20 Tamir Missiles with proximity war heads and there are several batteries positioned around the country.

Since being implemented in 2011 the computer systems have been updated, improved and upgrades to improve the accuracy of the rockets.

The global court accused Israel of limiting aid to Gaza, which they deny.

Chief ICC prosecutor Karim Khan had requested arrest warrants for  Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu for alleged war crimes in the Strip.

Hamas leaders were also included in the requests for international warrants.

The assault on Rafah in recent weeks comes as the IDF looks to seek and destroy any last remnants of Hamas so the war can be over.

Israel says the city is Hamas’ last major stronghold in the Gaza Strip.

They have been “eliminating terrorists” and “terrorist infrastructure” with hundreds of “terror targets” already being hit.

Repeated airstrikes have also been ongoing since the start on May with three “significant” tunnel shafts also being found.

Military tanks encircled the entire eastern half of the refugee-filled city as the planned assault started.

It is believed the remaining hostages are still being held underground inside the web of Hamas hideouts.

Israel has claimed around 120 hostages are still trapped in Rafah with pressure increasing for them to be finally saved after more than 230 days.

Many of these include young girls and the elderly.

Netanyahu says his country will continue to “fight with our fingernails” despite international authorities calling for a ceasefire.

The death toll of Israel’s military operation in Gaza has now passed at least 35,000 Palestinian civilians, according to Gaza’s health ministry.


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Israel’s Iron Dome reportedly stopped several of the rockets[/caption]
Shrapnel was also found across parts of Israel[/caption]
Israel has continuously attacked the last remaining Hamas stronghold city of Rafah since the start of May[/caption]

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